
Three women

Everonn's mother, Evylynn was a believer that a child is only as strong as how much the mother works during labor. Vanda had suffered because of that. She had to walk and order the servants around the house, she was made to wash her clothes and she had to wash herself in the baths. She wished to sit idly while everything came to her feet.

She was sitting now.

She wished that she was not.

Vanda didn't where she was or how she got there. One moment, she was in her house sleeping and in the next, she was here. She was tied to a chair. "A birthing chair," she knew. The last few days were practice for the actual event.

She heard something slither behind, there were crickets all around, and there was dripping of water from above.

But more than that, she was cold. She was stripped down to her skin and her belly lay bare. She was scared – so damn scared, more for her child than her.

"Please," she prayed. "Somebody help me."

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