
Going to the King

Jeremiah was sitting by the table, peeling an apple when Thraos entered the room. He tried to maintain calm on his face, but his eyes told otherwise. Thraos had to crouch down to enter the room, and when he looked around, his twin tongue flicked the air. He pulled his hood back, and his scales shone to the sunlight in morning green, and his pupils shrunk to the sudden change in light.

Karna and Zenesha came after. "Where are the others?" Karna asked Jeremiah.

Diego's jaw nearly fell to the floor. "A talking wolf that walks in walks on two legs," he wondered. "And I thought the other three were weird," he looked at where Nibur slept.

"It seems that sir dwarf still likes his sleep," Thraos smiled at Nibur sleeping in his bed.

Jeremiah sighed. "Seems like we need to wake him the usual way," he said and grabbed the flagon by his side.

"Don't you dare pour that over me," Nibur shouted. "I will scratch your eyes out."

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