

There was nowhere to take shelter in that ruined village. After much searching, they found a thatched building which was near ruin. But it was better than nothing, so they went inside.

Some were In rags and some were bare. Carlos had some cloaks that were taken from Esparer and he donned them with it, but it was still not enough. He took off his cloak along with the others and gave them also. "Sorry, we couldn't reach earlier," he whispered as he covered them.

The room was a dark and damp place. Faeces, rotten food and piss riddled it, making it a gut-churning experience. "We should clean this place," Carlos thought as he looked around.

Leonardo saw Carlos' face and went to him. "I know what you are thinking," he rested his hand on Carlos' shoulder. "But there is another place that needs tending to."

"The temple," he whispered.

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