
77. The reinforcements: [2] <Magnificent Lara>

77. The reinforcements: [2] <Magnificent Lara>

The fight between Lisa and Sara was on the verge of its end. On one hand, Lisa was exhausted and could not move her body the way she wanted to.

This battle was unexpectedly tiresome.

"Aaaaaa" A painful cry resounded in the forest, it was a man's cry.

All of Lisa's buffs had the backslashes of exhausting mana and stamina to the point that she could no longer lift a finger. She was fighting against a monstrous talent like Sara.

"I better end this here," Sara said and raised her spear.

She wanted to go and help her team since it had been a long time. She'd been held back by Lisa.

Although she didn't admit it her body was also a little worn out. Lisa was like a cockroach.

No matter how hard Lisa was beaten, she did not die. Sara raised her spear and was about to swing it and behead Lisa when Lisa's survival instincts screamed danger.


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