
Chapter 15 Falling Bright Sword Technique

Upon seeing Lu Qingshan nod, Old Qin signaled to a young servant in green who was standing by, and the servant quickly retreated.

Shortly after,

The young servant in green appeared again in front of Lu Qingshan, holding a tray.

On the tray, neatly placed, were forty-five First Grade Spirit Stones and a teal Jade Slip.

"These are forty-five First Grade Spirit Stones, you may count them, sir. Additionally, I heard that you are interested in purchasing one or two Sword Techniques. This Jade Slip contains a list and detailed descriptions of the Sword Techniques available on this floor of our firm; please feel free to take a look," Old Qin said.

Whether it's Cultivation Technique, Techniques, or Skills like Sword Techniques, when it comes to selling, it's not possible to directly present the original scripts for the cultivators to examine; only brief introductions are provided.

After the cultivators have selected a suitable Cultivation Technique or Sword Technique, the transaction follows—a handover of money for the chosen items.

This is the long-standing trade practice in the Cultivation World.

Lu Qingshan collected the Spirit Stones into his storage bag.

His total assets finally achieved a qualitative leap from double to triple digits.

He then picked up the teal Jade Slip from the tray and released his Divine Sense to sense the information within.

Green Spirit Sword Technique, a Wood Attribute Sword Technique, renowned for its continuously linking Sword Techniques. When deploying the technique, a flickering green light can be seen on the Sword Artifact, capable of affecting the enemy's judgment; priced at fifty First Grade Spirit Stones!

Extreme Cold Sword Technique, a powerful close-range attack Sword Technique. Each strike conceals a trace of cold, not to be underestimated, costing sixty First Grade Spirit Stones!

Thousand Cranes Sword Technique, created by Master Thousand Cranes, famed for its elegant swordplay. During execution, a crane shape is faintly visible, stunning the opponent; priced at sixty-five First Grade Spirit Stones!

Pale Flame Sword Technique, a Fire Attribute Sword Technique, fierce as flames, and includes burning damage. Ordinary Qi Refining Cultivators find it difficult to withstand its power; priced at seventy First Grade Spirit Stones!

Falling Bright Sword Technique, a functional type of Sword Technique. While its lethality is not obvious, it possesses the ability to slow and bind enemies; priced at one hundred First Grade Spirit Stones!

Nine Fury Sword Technique…

An eye-catching multitude!

For a Qi Refining Sword Cultivator, any of the Sword Techniques introduced in the Jade Slip are good choices.

The products that the Great Xia Commercial Firm can produce are indeed not subpar.

However, with Lu Qingshan's finances and experience points, he currently plans to choose only one Sword Technique to learn.

After briefly pondering, Lu Qingshan set down the Jade Slip and said, "Manager Qin, I would like to purchase the Falling Bright Sword Technique."

Falling Bright Sword Technique, among the few control abilities that low-level Sword Cultivators can learn, maintains its usefulness even at higher cultivator levels.

The powerful damage inflicted by Sword Cultivators means often just a basic attack is more than regular cultivators can endure, thus for Sword Cultivators, the problem is more often about reaching their target, not inadequate damage.

A control skill, therefore, often provides more benefits to Sword Cultivators compared to many damage-oriented Sword Techniques.

Thus, in his previous life, the Falling Bright Sword Technique was also recognized by swordplayer cultivators as an early "Divine Technique."

Old Qin smiled and said, "Sir, please wait a moment."

He then turned around and once again gestured to the young servant in green.

The young servant in green turned and walked towards a side room within.

That was the Inner Vault.

It didn't take long before the young servant in green came back holding the Jade Slip for the Falling Bright Sword Technique that Lu Qingshan wanted.

Lu Qingshan paid a hundred First Grade Spirit Stones, and the Falling Bright Sword Technique became his possession, although his newly reached triple-digit assets quickly diminished back to double digits.

But Lu Qingshan was very satisfied.

"Sword Technique 'Falling Bright Sword Technique' detected. Would you like to spend 20 experience points to learn it?"


[Falling Bright Sword Technique]

Learning requirements: None

Description: A functional Sword Technique, maximum level 10.

Skill effects: Damage equals Strength x 1.1 (1 + 0.1*Skill Level), and each swordplay comes with a layer of Power of Dark Erosion, each layer slowing the speed by 1. The Power of Dark Erosion can stack up to three layers, reached at three layers, can actively detonate the Dark Erosion to briefly bind the enemy.

Every sword technique consumes 2 Spiritual Power, and detonating the Power of Dark Erosion consumes 5 Spiritual Power.


The expenditure of executing the Falling Bright Sword Technique was immense. With Lu Qingshan's current cultivation, he could only perform a few moves of the Falling Bright Sword Technique, and even one detonation of the Power of Dark Erosion would consume one-quarter of his Spiritual Power!

For him at this moment, he would only use the Falling Bright Sword Technique at critical moments.


The remaining 30 experience points of Lu Qingshan rapidly decreased by 12 ([Innate Swordseed]-30% experience cost, [Primary Level Sword Technique Affinity]-10% experience cost).

Mysterious and profound information inexplicably emerged in Lu Qingshan's mind.

It was just a moment later.

Lu Qingshan couldn't help but glance at his hands.

For in that brief moment, the Falling Bright Sword Technique had become second nature in his heart. He was certain that as long as he drew his Peach Wood Sword now, he would be able to execute skillfully the Falling Bright Sword Technique.

A moment's time and the sword technique slightly mastered.

This is a player's advantage. As long as they have enough experience points, players can instantly learn a profound sword technique.

Lu Qingshan gathered his belongings and prepared to leave.

Old Qin slightly squinted his eyes and suddenly spoke while watching the Western Rat King, who had been sitting very well-behaved on Lu Qingshan's shoulder ever since entering the firm, "I wonder if you would consider selling this spirit pet of yours? I can offer twenty second-grade Spirit Stones."

Upon hearing Old Qin's abrupt question, Lu Qingshan couldn't help but feel astonished.

Having the role of the manager at Great Xia Commercial Firm, his insight was indeed not simple.

The Illusion Rat Bloodline is a Sixth Grade Demon Beast Bloodline.

Although the Illusion Rat Bloodline in Western Rat King was quite thin, that was still very extraordinary.

It was clear that Old Qin had noticed the mystique of the Western Rat King, but to say that Old Qin could discern the Sixth Grade Demon Beast Bloodline in Western Rat King was definitely impossible.

The Western Rat King hadn't expected to inadvertently become the target.

Upon hearing the manager's words, the rat became anxious, tightly clutching Lu Qingshan's collar with its small claws.

Seeing the Western Rat King acting as if it feared being sold, Lu Qingshan chose not to scare it further and bowed his hands towards Old Qin, refusing, "Manager, I'm sorry, but this spirit rat is not for sale."

Seeing this, Old Qin seemed slightly disappointed but did not persist, "A gentleman does not seize what others love. Since you have no intention of selling your spirit pet, our Great Xia Commercial Firm naturally won't coerce a sale."


Lu Qingshan was about to leave the Great Xia Commercial Firm.

Just then, two cultivators, a man and a woman, walked down the stairs, acting very intimate.

The woman was quite young, with a graceful figure and a certain charm that was astonishing. Surprisingly, the male cultivator appeared rather old, presenting the likeness of a middle-aged man in his forties or fifties.

It appeared to be a May-December couple.

However, such combinations are quite common in the Cultivation World.

Because, irrespective of their cultivation level, female cultivators have more or less mastered the skills of maintaining their youth.

But male cultivators often focus solely on enhancing their cultivation and do not spend time and resources researching things that do not aid in their power enhancement.

Moreover, for many male cultivators, an overly young appearance can often invite disdain.

Thus, this leads to the situation where female cultivators in the Cultivation World look young while male cultivators generally appear mature.

But beware, in the Cultivation World, a female cultivator who looks like a young maiden could very well be old enough to be your great-grandmother.

Becoming noticeable from ascending the stairs, they must be at least at the Foundation Establishment level. Lu Qingshan spared them a glance but did not continue to look, preparing to leave the Great Xia Commercial Firm.

Some hot-tempered cultivators, if you look at them twice, might consider it a provocation and gratuitously bring trouble.


Lu Qingshan suddenly halted in his steps.

The woman's figure seemed somewhat familiar?

As if he had seen her somewhere before.

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