
Li eryou joins the Army (1)

Li ermao walked out of the room and saw many people in the same uniform.

The uniform was blue-gray in color, with white stripes on the trousers, similar to the style of sportswear.

He didn't know what material the cloth was made of, but it felt very thick and especially resistant to wear and tear.

Many of the escapees liked the uniforms when they received them. Compared to their tattered clothes, the quality of the uniforms was much better.

At the chest area of the uniform, there was a personal identity card that could be drawn out when the mission was handed over.

When it was not needed, it would be stuck in the chest, and the recorded information could be seen at a glance.

These candidates were all the same. They would only quickly get out of bed and go out when they heard the wake-up call.

Before they arrived at loucheng, the refugees had different identities and did not have much discipline.

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