
Chapter 4: Developing Abilities

'Finally, I have some time to develop new skills and abilities. Milim has gotten mature enough to where I don't have to watch over her 24 hours a day,' Gin.

*CRASH* "OW, I hit my head"

'Well, maybe not yet.'


Its been about 5 years since Veldanava left, and everyone's gotten used to their daily life routine. Get up whenever Milim wants to play. Keep playing until she gets hungry. Eat until she's full and then continue playing. Wait, why is everything about Milim?

Well, at this moment, Milim seems to want to go to bed since she hit her head, so Gin tucked the sleeping princess away next to her favorite purplish brown baby dragon. That baby dragon, despite being a clone of the eldest true dragon, has not grown much these past years. Since the trio live in a fairly isolated community, their isn't that many magicules in the air, so none of the dragons were able to absorb any.

'Finally, I have some time to develop new abilities. And this time, I mean it.'

Fortunately or unfortunately, there aren't any magicians nearby. But that also means that there is no one to teach Gin magic. After testing to see if she can learn magic on her own, she hears something.

{Received. It is recommended that instead of trying to learn magic, you should practice using your skills and create more skills so that your EP Value increases. It would take too many magicules right now to try to create magic spells from trial and error.}

'Ah! That makes sense. Lets do that then. I remember Rimuru was able to get Extra Skill [Control Water] very quickly. That's my goal. I want to have elemental control of all basic elements! I'll try to get Control Water first.'

Gin quickly ran and jumped into the only lake nearby, which has a decently small surface area but is much deeper than most lakes, and is also pear shaped. This lake is only about a 5 minute walk away, so by running, it took less than a minute for her to get there. Although this originally was a natural formed pond, but it grew in size and depth to be a lake because Lucia summoned a Greater Water Spirit to maintain the pond. This made the pond very deep, much deeper than a normal pond until it became a lake.

A lot of aquatic creatures lived in this lake, but the largest one was still very small. Regular animals can't survive when there's too many magicules in the surrounding area, so the Water Spirit regulates the amount of magicules so that there is more than whats in the air, but still a small enough amount where most fish can survive. However, the lake was too small, so only fish and plants can live in there, not predators.

After jumping into the lake, Gin immediately transformed back into a dagon. Her dragon form is small enough to fit in this lake since she is still very young, although no longer a baby. She then uses her small tail to mimic the movements of a fishes tail to propel her forward.

{Confirmed. Skill [Water Movement] successfully acquired.}

After hearing this, Gin stops swimming and rises to the surface of the lake so that her head is above the water. After looking at the surface of the water, she notices the reflection of the water is very clear, and that the water is very pure. Looking at the reflection of the sky, she notices that there are a few birds flying high in the sky.

'Those birds are my next goal. I'm going to try to get water blade and hit moving targets, thought Gin as she scooped up large amounts of water into her mouth, closed her mouth to make a very small circular valve for the water to exit, and then spit out all the water very quickly like a hose.

{Confirmed. Skill [Water Pressure Release] successfully acquired.}

'Well, this wasn't what I had in mind, but I'll take it. But I think I'll try to get [Water Blade] since that looks a little more deadly.' Thought the excited dragon as she goes for take number 2. She doesn't get it right away, but after a few tries (single digit number), she hears a pleasant notification.

{Confirmed. Skill [Water Blade] successfully acquired.

Combining Skills [Water Movement], [Water Pressure Release], and [Water Blade] … successful.

Extra Skill [Control Water] successfully acquired.}

Not even one hour after starting, Gin already achieved her goal of getting [Control Water]. Feeling very confident, she proceeded to get that skill for Air, Fire, Lightning, and Earth when she thought, I probably don't need to get all of them. If I get a few of them and then combine them, it should get me the same result.

Thinking this, Gin very quickly proceeded to get Extra Skill [Control Earth] and Extra Skill [Control Air] by digging tunnels and crawling though them, throwing balls of dirt like cannonballs, blowing air out of her nostrils like air cannons, and diving through the sky to practice moving. After getting the 2 Extra Skills, she realized she wasn't able to combine them. But then, [Great Sage] said something.

{Received. If you want to combine them all, try getting [Control Magicule]}.

Hearing [Great Sage]'s advice, Gin used [Magicule Sense] as a base and started trying to move the Magicules until she heard the satisfying notification.

{Confirmed. Skill [Magicule Manipulation] successfully acquired.

Combining Skills [Magicule Sense] and [Magicule Manipulation] … successful.

Extra Skill [Control Magicule] successfully acquired.

Combining Extra Skills [Control Water], [Control Earth], [Control Air], and [Control Magicule]... succesful.

Extra Skill [Control Particles] successfully acquired.}

"Hey [Great Sage], does [Control Particle] include Fire and Lightning?" asked Gin, since she didn't want to mess with those more dangerous elements yet. But the answer she got relieved her worries.

{Received. Extra Skill [Control Particles] includes [Control Water], [Control Earth], [Control Air], [Control Fire], [Control Lightning], and [Control Magicules].}

'Sweet! But I can't slack off. I need to get more skills or else Milim will easily surpass me.'

Speaking of Milim however, at this moment Gin heard a loud yell. "I WANT TO PLAY!!!"

"Ugh, I guess I will just have to practice the next change I get."


'Okay, this time I will practice my Unique Skills.'

That's right. Up until this moment, Gin, for some unknown reason, hasn't used her first Unique skill [Entertainment] yet. This time however, she felt extra determined to use it.

'[Great Sage], give me a run down of [Entertainment]'s abilities.'

{Received. The Extra Skill [Entertainment] is composed of five main effects.

[Inventory]: Takes target into isolated space. It only works on non living things but any dead creature can be stored. Plants can be stored if they were previously fully analyzed. Objects in [Inventory] are unaffected by the passage of time. (A/N: Similar to Rimuru's [Predator]. It is like a downgraded version of [Predate], [Stomach], and [Isolate] all in one)

[Analysis]: Analyzes all targets, but is more effective for those taken into inventory. Living things can also be analyzed, but its more effective if given consent. When used on living things, Basic information, status condition, strengths, weaknesses, and Existence Point Value (EP Value) of the person being analyzed will be given. For objects, if the required materials are in the [Inventory], copies of analyzed objects can be created. Successful analysis of the casting of magic or skills has a chance of allowing the user to learn the targets skill or magic used. Beings who agree to be the user's subordinate are automatically analyzed.

[Missions]: User sets a goal and a mission can either be automatically or manually created to guide user to achieve the goal. When a mission is completed, user gains a small increase in their stats or an increase in magicules. There is no limit to how difficult or easy a mission can be, but difficulty effects how large the reward is. Missions can also be assigned to subordinates, but must be manually given. There are no penalties for missions, but if a mission is canceled, than no matter how much of the mission is complete, no rewards are given. Multiple goals can be set at the same time, but each goal only gives one mission. The current limit for number of goals is 3.

[Limited Plot Armor]: The more pressured the user is, the faster the user can grow. If users are cornered and need a skill to get out of the situation, a skill can be created (limited to regular skills and weak extra skills).

[Entertained one]: The more entertained the user is, the faster their rate of growth. When subordinates entertain the user, the subordinate can also have an increased growth rate if the user allows them. When entertained, all of the user's stats are temporarily boosted by how entertained they are. When someone bores the user, the target receives a debuff on all stats depending on how boring they are.}

'Dang, that sounds way more powerful than I thought it would be. For some reason, it feels similar to a videogame system but just less overpowered.' It occurred to Gin that this would be her signature Unique skill, and that it is her ticket to becoming one of the world's major powerhouses.

'Maybe I should do what Rimuru did at the beginning. [Great Sage], can you link with [Entertainment] so that you can use its [Analysis] and [Missions]. Also, whenever possible, can you analyze everything unless you think you will get caught, and assign missions that will help me get stronger?' Gin thought that it might be a hassle to assign a mission every time he needed to do something, so letting [Great Sage] assign missions will lighten his load. Also, since Rimuru linked [Preadator] with [Great Sage], it might be a good move.

{Received. Linking with [Entertainment]… successful.

Mission 0: (Permanent Daily Mission)

Goal: Do daily exercises to get stronger

Task: Do 100 pushups, 100 situps, 100 squats, and 10 km run.

Difficulty: Can be made more difficult so that reward increases, but cannot change yet.

Mission 1:

Goal: Develop New Skills

Task: Develop 3 skills (0/3)

Difficulty: 3/5

Mission 2:

Goal: Analyze Hipokute Herbs and make potions

Task: Collect Hipokute Herbs, analyze them, make healing potions, and use the potions to heal someone.

Difficulty: 1/5 ([Great Sage] is doing almost all the work)

Mission 3: Empty }

'Great, these missions look easy enough. But since the difficulties are lower, they rewards must be lower. Oh well, it should be fine. If I do the daily mission every day for a few years until Milim and I awaken, I'll be in great shape.

Hmm, since I already did the daily mission when I was training and already created more than 3 skills, I wonder if the missions count as completed.

{Received. Missions will be counted as completed. Rewards for Mission 0 and Mission 1 will be given.

Daily Mission reward: EP Value + 5.

Mission 1 reward: EP Value + 25.

Current EP Value: 2535 (C rank)}

'What!? I'm only a rank C monster? But Rimuru started as a rank A monster when he first reicarnated and I have already been here for 6 years. Great sage. By the time the Ultra-Sorcery Kingdom finds and attacks us, even if I only did my daily mission every day, what rank would I be?' In about 3 years, according to the web novels, the Ultra-Sorcery Kingdom should attack us, and I want to be prepared so that I can awaken along side Milim and join the first generation Demon Lords.

{Received. If user only does daily Missions, than user will be somewhere between a B and B+ ranked monster. However, if user includes the fact that you also have other missions, your natural growth as an unawakened true dragon, as well as the fact that as Milim ages, her magicule amount rises at an increasing rate and is spreading to the surrounding area, then with no unforeseeable changes, it is predicted that the user should be well within the A- rank.}

'Hmm. Milim's magicule count is rising? I haven't even noticed it. Well, I hope I will be able to reach at least a solid A rank. B+ is definitely too weak, and although A- is okay, a solid A rank would have been preferable. Well, I guess its time to finish my last mission. Milim should be waking up soon, and if she sees me training, she might still become a muscle head despite all I've been trying to do to prevent her from being one. '

Then at this moment, Gin heard a terrible sound. "GINNY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING THERE?"

Looking behind her, Gin saw a young girl who looked about 5 years only quickly sprinting towards her position.

"ACK, UHHH, I"M NOT DOING ANYTHING! YEAH, I'm just practicing swimming." Gin jumped and said in a hurry. 'Hmm, maybe if Milim swims in this lake often enough, the lake's magicule levels will rise even faster and then I'll become even stronger.'

At this point in time, even though Milim looked half Gin's age and was a whole year younger and didn't train her skills, Milim's magicule count was already much higher reaching almost 10,000 (B to B+ rank) and was quickly rising.

"Swimming sounds fun. Lets play tag in the lake!" Milim agreed cutely before jumping into the lake.

"Phew, looks like I dodged the question. If she knew what I was really doing..." Gin said, whiping some sweat that was falling off her forehead. Memories of the anime where Milim only knew how to fight and was basically the definition of a muscle head appeared. In this reality, Gin wanted to make sure that even if Milim enjoyed fighting, she at least had some common sense.


Mission 3:

Goal: Make sure Milim isn't only a musclehead and has some common sense

Task: Teach Milim some common sense

Difficulty: Impossible}

'GAH, CANCEL THE MISSION!!! If [Great Sage] says its not possible, then it might actually be impossible. Well, I guess that I don't need it to be a mission. I'll just accomplish this along the way'


Side story 2

"HEY GINNY, I HIT MY HEAD!!!" screamed Milim when we got back from swimming.

Hearing this, Gin felt lucky as she completed almost all of Mission 2 yesterday, except for using the potion. "Don't you worry, I have a specially made healing potion that can be used to heal any injury."

After applying the potion to heal Milim, comforting Milim before she ran off, and heard [Great Sage] tell her she got 10 Bonus EP points, she felt relieved.

At least until the next morning when she woke up to Milim screaming, "HEY GINNY, I HIT MY HEAD! I NEED A POTION!"

And the following morning when she heard, "HEY GINNY, I STUBBED MY TOE!!! GIMMIE A POTION!"

And the evening after that when she heard, "I HIT MY FUNNY BONE. CAN I GET A POTION!!!"

'uh oh, at this rate, I'll there wont be any more Hipokute herbs and Milim will become a muscle brain since she knows she has me to heal her!'



Extra Authors Notes

Hi everyone. I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Some things of note to bring up about the chapter:

First, I'm going to try to finish up this first arc/volume, which means that this will be one of the last chapters of Gin's life before the attack by the Ultra-Sorcery Kingdom and Milim awakening into the second true demon lord.

Second, although Gin will become OP in the future, I'm trying to make that happen as gradually as possible, so for now, Gin is weaker than Milim.

Third, I changed how EP Values and Ranks correlate to better fit my story and will post that in its own chapter.

Fourth, I'm going to try and add some fighting, or atleast not just add to the backstory since I think I have a decent amount of backstory now. If I don't add fighting, then I will at least try to add some skill development. Some time within the next few chapters will be when the true plot begins.

Lastly, although I know that [Entertainment] sounds like a videogame system, its not going to be overpowered. There are limits to how strong it will be, Gin won't be getting too overpowered too quickly.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Hi. I hope you all enjoyed the chapter. If you did, give me a comment to encourage me :)

TowerOfFlowerscreators' thoughts
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