
New Me, New Family II

"Well, it appears I live to serve, Mistress." I say with a smirk and a mocking bow.

"Heh." Astrid lightly laughs, "Here's the key to the shack. But why stop here? I say let's take our relationship to the next level. I would like to officially extend to you an invitation to join my family." She says tossing me a key.

"Thanks, I'll be happy to accept." I say catching the key in my empty hand while I sheathe my sword in a fluid twirl.

"Excellent. In the southwest reaches of Skyrim, in the Pine Forest, you'll find the entrance to our Sanctuary. It's just beneath the road, hidden from view. When questioned by the Black Door, answer with the correct passphrase: 'Silence, my brother.' Then, you're in. And your new life begins." Astrid says as I begin to head towards the door.

"Then I'll see you there." I say grabbing the door handle.

"Just one question before you go, to satisfy my curiosity." Astrid asks causing me to pause and turn around.

"Sure, I've got nothing to hide." I say grabbing a chair and plopping down on it.

"If I hadn't discovered your little friend… What would you have done? Would you have bound and gagged me, trading me for your debt? Or just kill me? Or perhaps… You had something much more carnal in mind?" Astrid says with a seductive look as she plays with her dagger.

"Oh, that. I just wanted to prove I was a capable asset and what better way than capturing the member sent to either kill or recruit me?" I say with a noncommittal shrug.

"I see… Quite an interesting new addition to the family we have indeed. You're free to go now. Shoo, shoo." Astrid says waving me away as I shrug and head outside the door to see Janessa bound and gagged outside the door. Trying and failing to break her restraints.

I cut the rope and gag off, "Thank the Divines that you're alright Sera. I was worried you were being tortured in the cabin while I was powerless to stop it. What happened?" Jenassa asks in shock at my uninjured appearance.

"It was a simple initiation, nothing to worry about." I say waving off her concerns before asking, "What happened to you though?"

"I'm sorry, Sera, I was waiting in the brush as you instructed and all I felt was a thump to the back of my head, and the next thing I knew I was waking up to the sounds of your screaming." She explains.

"I see, well. Everything worked out for the best, so don't worry about it. You well enough to travel?" I ask.

"Yes, Sera. Where are we going?" She asks.

"We need to head south to Morthal, and from there head south back to the Tower." I say beginning down the long, dark dirt and coble road as Jenassa follows silently behind.

We walk for several hours before cresting a hill and seeing the small town as the sun begins to rise over the horizon as a middle-aged Nord in iron armor is walking around the entrance to the town.

"Halt! Who goes there?" The man shouts.

"It is Commander Malborne of the Dragon's Maw Mercenary Company! Who are you?" I shout back as the man lowers his sword.

"I'm Benor, the best fighter in Morthal and that's no boast! I can prove it too if you're looking to lose some coin?" Benor says with a smile after sheathing his sword.

"Sure, if you think you can handle me?" I say, throwing down a pouch of 100 septims.

Benor smiles and throws down his own pouch before lifting his hands and saying, "Just your own two hands. Weapons and magic are out. Now let's see what you got!"

Benor throws a quick jab to my face which I weave to the left to avoid before reaching under his arm and throwing him forward.

Though much to my shock, even in his heavy iron armor he's able to roll with the throw and pop back up, throwing a heavy left to my stomach which I decide to try and take...

And boy was he not kidding, that punch hit like a pile of bricks and I had to back up to catch my breath instead of wailing on his head as I had planned.

Taking this more seriously I wait for his next big swing, this time it's a hard right jab, which I dive under to tackle him and bring him to the ground where I deliver a strong double-fisted overhead blow down on his chest.

Where Benor finally taps out in a mild daze and lies panting on the ground before I stick my arm out and help him to his feet.

"Damn, now that was a punch! I think you broke a rib." He laughs with a pained wince.

"You too, you're not half bad either." I say, bending down and picking up the two pouches of septims before handing him one.

"What's this for? You earned the gold fair and square." Benor says trying to hand it back.

"Consider it payment for joining my mercenary company. You'll be able to put your skills to better use there instead of wandering around town." I say.

"You're a real fighter. I like that. I'd be honored for you to have my steel by your side. What do you need from me, Commander?" Benor asks taking the bag and turning to me.

"I've got a handful of errands to run while in town. Just… Keep an eye on that Alva. I'll gather you when the time is right." I say heading to a secluded section of town as an idea comes to me.

Once I confirmed we are alone, I turn to Jenassa, "Alright, we're going to sneak into Alva's house to get proof of her being a vampire. Be warned, her thrall is loyal and I don't want him to die."

"Of course, Sera, let's head out." Jenassa agrees as we begin to start slinking in the shadows as we approach Alva's house.


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