
Building a Home II

"I guess this is it. I suppose you'll want to go inform Kasia of our arrangement. Again, thank you for saving Jonestead. We were so fortunate to have such a fearless mercenary come across out town. With Marcus gone, I'll be in charge. If you need anything, feel free to stop by and hear… Some gold for all the trouble. Take care of yourself, Commander. It's been an honor." Walsh says, handing me a pouch of 2,000 septims.

"No, it's not only been an honor, but a true pleasure helping you and this town. While I disagree with you on a fundamental level, I respect your adherence to your beliefs and our ability to discuss and debate our differences amicably. I'll get Lokir after I speak with Kasia." I say giving Walsh a bow as the presence of so much gold makes my professionalism act up again.

"Ai, Commander. See you soon." Walsh says, waving me off as I return to Kasia's house.

Where I'm treated by quite a strange, but not unwelcome sight of Kasia sweeping away the damage from my battle with the large Khajiit… While in a French maid's outfit… How?

Kasia speaks up interrupting my stalling train of thought, "Just in time. Ms. M'rissi and I finished cleaning up. Everything is as close to normal as it can be…" Kasia says with a brave face, before continuing, "She went to go bury my father's body… If only I had more time to say goodbye, but he's gone… There was nothing more I could do." Kasia says setting aside her broom and turning her full attention to me.

"Ms. M'rissi mentioned that Walsh asked you something important. I take it you're about to tell me what that is?" Kasia asks with concern.

"He… He asked me to become your caretaker… Your protector." I say, carefully monitoring her reaction which also served as a pleasant surprise.

"Oh, was that all? I was afraid it was going to be something like going off and hunting Bosska down or gathering an army to defend Jonestead. What a relief!" Kasia sighs in relief.

"Ha! The latter might actually happen, but that's more of a personal goal and less of a Jonestead exclusive task." I joke making her roll her eyes before I continue, "But I'm a little surprised that you accepted that so quickly. Are you really happy being under my care?"

"Of course, Silvantus! Why wouldn't I be? We may not have known each other for long, but after all we've been through, I trust you one hundred percent with my life." Kasia replies earnestly, making my heart flutter for a second as I blush at her honesty.

"Well… About staying in Jonestead…" I say after gaining my composure, but am cut off before I can finish.

"No need to explain. I understand where Walsh is coming from. It is risky staying here and it would be best if I were to leave…" Kasia says with a sorrowful smile before some joy seeps back in, "I know you don't own a home yet, but all you need to do is say the word and I'll pack my stuff and move out. I'm sure it will be mutually beneficial for the both of us!" She exclaims happily.

"What do you mean by 'mutually beneficial'?" I ask slightly confused.

"You know, you provide me food and shelter and I'll clean up your place while you're off being a hero." Kasia says with a smile.

"That sounds nice, but I don't know if I can handle the fee. How much would I owe you?" I ask hesitantly.

"Oh no! Don't worry about that, I'll provide my services for free. You're already going out of your way to give me a place to stay. But… It would be nice if you can stop by every now and then to make sure I'm fine." Kasia mumbles the last bit with a heavy blush on her face.

"And, it will be thrilling to finally see some more of Skyrim, so if it's okay with you, I'll be exploring the towns when I'm not working." Kasia asks hopefully with sparkling eyes.

"Aren't you worried about Purity or Bosska coming after you?" I ask with concern.

"I'm no fool, I'll be carful. Only go out during the day, look the doors, carry a dagger, check under the beds before I go to sleep. Like I said, don't worry. If the Sirens are around, maybe they'll be my guardian angels." Kasia argues vehemently.

"All right, but I'd rather be your guardian angel than rely on some unknowns whose motivations and connections are still uncertain." I say in response, causing Kasia to blush fiercely.

"O-okay… And I think we should still go and meet them, but… It can wait until things settle down first… If you don't mind?" Kasia asks.

"Sure, just tell me when. We'll go when you're ready." I say reassuring her.

"You'll accompany me? I was a little nervous to ask and I really didn't want to see my mother alone." Kasia asks pensively.

"Of course… I guess that covers everything?" I ask Kasia before heading outside.

"Actually… There's one more thing…" Kasia says with a twirl of her outfit, before asking with a bright smile, "How do you like my uniform?"

"It looks… Breathtaking on you, but I'm curious where you got such a… Unique uniform?" I ask slightly at a loss for words at her beauty and the form-fitting nature of the outfit leaves me at a loss.

"Thank you!" Kasia beams, "It's good to finally hear an opinion. I always felt out of place with it on, but I'm glad you like it… Um… If you want… You could organize my wardrobe and change what I wear on a daily basis." Kasia says twiddling with the hem of her skirt as she looks down at her feet.

"Just… Don't give me anything humiliating to wear…" Kasia says mumbling silently.

"Well, then you shouldn't have given me such a tantalizing idea then." I say with a smirk.

Because I had a nice day of work.

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