
Chapter Seven Six: Dog’s


The body of a running girl collided with the body of a walking boy, the girl was running away from the louds sounds of a dog.

"Ow, ow, ow…i'm sorry for hit-…eh?"

Oshizu looked around while rubbing her head, no student or teacher entered the vision of her blue eyes, the school hallway was dead and deprived of life due to class being in session.

"Did I hit a ghost?"

Question marks formed above the head of the ghost girl possessing a artficial body.

"No, you hit me."

Rian said from below her, the hazel eyed boy could see everything her school skirt hide.


The girl's looked down with a normal face, she had yet to process anything.

"Yes, people call me that."


Oshizu finally processed what was happening. The girls face turned bright red before her spirit flew out of her artficial body. Her unpossessed body leaned over slightly before relaxing…it looked as if she was sitting on the boy's face with a calm expression.

"My body!!"

The girl quickly repossesed her body before quickly leaving it again.

"I made it worse!"

Red Oshizu yelled out while staring at her relaxed body through the wide gaps in her hands, she gave Rian a better view of everything in her school skirt after trying to move away.

"Rian, can you please move my body?"

Red Oshizu asked while staring at the boy under her artifical body.


Rian grabbed her skirt.

"The skirt grab!"

Red Oshizu loudly called out.


Rian removed the skirt blocking his vision before removing her body from above him.

"…Thank you."

Red Oshizu said silently before repossessing her laid out body…

"Thank you also."

Rian got up from the ground and helped Oshizu up.


Red Oshizu turned redder, she knew what the boy mean't.

"Why were running Oshizu?"

Rian asked while patting his clothimg.

"…I heard a dog, it sounded mean."

"…Are you really that fearful of dogs?"

Rian knew Oshizu had a dislike for dogs, he didn't realize that the mere sounds of one could make her dash through the halls at a fast speed.

"Yes, alot of people were once scared of dogs…I just still am!!"

Red Oshizu moved her balled fists up and down while staring at the high school boy with puffy cheeks.

"You're right…"

Rian admitted, he was once scared of dogs when he was around three. He was once chased to a old junkyard by fifty dogs with white foam mouths and chains around their necks. Each dog had muscles and stood taller or equal to him. Luckily, a passing helicopter picked him up before anything bad happened. The pilot of the helicopter later gave him free flying lessons later in life while the passenger gave him free V.I.P tickets to his every concert, the passenger was a famous singer that enjoyed traveling around the world…Rian still keeps in contact with them.


Red Oshizu closed her eyes and nodded her head like a looped video, she was glad he agreed with her.

" So let's go conquer you're fear of dogs."

Rian grabbed Oshizu's hand.

"Hm? Pardon?"

Oshizu didn't seem to mind her hand being grabbed by the boy.

"Let's go conquer you're fear of dogs."

Rian said once again before walking hand and hand with Oshizu, he decided to lead the girl to the stairs of the school building.

"Eh, eh, eh! Rian, I don't think there is a gold level achievement for doing this."

Red Oshizu's quickly said while mstching the boy's pace and holding his hand.

"There is…overcoming you're fear is a gold level trophy due to it's rarity. It's one of the trophies people often miss on the road to platinum."

Rian explained in gamer terms.

"…What about my classes? My grades aren't as high as your's."

"I will educate you on everything you need."

Rian took out his phone and sent a text.

"…I'm going to work with Mikado-Sensei later."

Oshizu used her one and only trump card.


"She just gave you a off day."

Rian showed the girl the text Mikado just sent him before putting his phone away, the hazel eyed boy knew what excuse the girl was going to use next.


Oshizu had no more excuses

"Don't worry, I won't let my duo take any damage."


The red faced girl muttered under her breathe…she gave in.

"Good, let's start by watching a dog video."

Rian decided to start off by watching a video about dog's rather than going to a dog park, if she ran after hearing the sounds of a dog…she might throw a car or a light pole after seeing one in person.


Oshizu nodded, her heart beat at a unsteady and unatural pace.

"Let's see what the internet has."

Rian took out his phone and began to search for dog videos before finding a clean area of stairs to sit on. Shortly after sitting on the stairs in the school building, Rian found a good video to show, he didn't play it…he gave it to Oshizu first.

"Dog's giving each other low and high fives?"

Oshizu read the title of the video in a mutter…

"Watching this will help me with dogs?"

Even though Oshizu made excuses before sitting down, she decided that she didn't want to be forever fearful of dogs for as long as she liv-…existed.

"Maybe…it's just something I think will help to erase a few bad idea's about dogs."

Rian got over his fear of the dogs after seeing the fifty dogs that chased him at a vet, Rian had asked the passenger to help the dogs before going back home.


Oshizu clicked the video and watched the two dogs give each other low and high fives.

"Is there sound?"

Oshizu couldn't hear their palms hitting.

"There is, I just turned it down…It's better to let you watch without sound first."


Oshizu nodded while watching the dogs, the dogs started to move faster before the video ended out of no were.

"Eh, it ended that quickly?"

Oshizu said to herself before dragging her finger across the screen to rewatch the video. She watched it once more before clicking on another video. She watched a dog protect it's owner's child from a dangerous dust sucking vaccum by standing in front of the toddler.


The girl went to another video, she watched a dog dress up and bark.

"…Rian, did you turn up the volume?"

"No, you did…you wanted to hear the vaccum."

"Oh, right."

Oshizu didn't realize the feat she just achived, she didn't run after hearing the barks of a dog.

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