
Chapter Fourty Nine: Celine! Mao!

The plant that was given to Rian by Lala was named Celine…

Celine was taken care of everyday by Rian, Mikan, and Lala. She could move, but she couldn't speak full words. She could at least understand what the residents of the Yuki household were talking about with her. Celine who was once apart as their family as a plant, was now apart of their family as a human.

Yes, the plant named Celine that Rian had been taking care of for so long had become human. When she had cracked before, it had caught the attention of both Momo, Rian, and a angry Nana later. The crack was the sound of her plant form cracking, the plant was like a egg and she was the bird inside. The plant had shone and glowed brightly for a brief moment. Celine had grew taller, her plant form could be compared to the house of Rian. More cracks sounded out, the loud cracks caused Lala and Mikan to come outside to the yard. As sudden as the cracks started, they suddenly just stopped. Seconds had passed before the head of the plant made the loudest crack ever before, it sounded like shattering glass.

From the head of the plant appeared a little girl, she was about the size of a toddler. She had light green hair and clear blue eyes. She also had a flower on the top of her head.

"Celine became a human."

Mikan said while looking at the green haired girl standing on the shoulder of her brother. Rian didn't move, he didn't want her to fall.

"Mao! Mao! Mao!"

Celine smiled as she pulled on the face of Rian like rubber that wouldn't stretch.


Rian didn't say anything, his face was being yanked on by a small girl on his shoulder.

The small girl wore small clothing that Mikan once had, Mikan still had her old clothing in the attic.


Lala jumped over the couch and hugged Celine.



"Mao! Mao!"


The two had just had a conversation…

"Mao! Mao! Mao!"

Celine pointed to Rian's leg while saying…


Lala saluted and hopped on the leg of her fiance, she started to pull on his face like Celine.


Celine pulled his face.


Lala pulled his face…

Hands touched his neck…


Momo suddenly came from behind him, unlike the two pure minded girls with no lewd intentions, Momo whispered into his ears like a phone that only picked up super close noise.

"What are you doing Momo!"

Nana jumped up from the floor, and towards her little sister.


Momo smiled whilst saying.





Momo looked towards Nana's flat chest and shook her head.

"…Did you just look at my chest and shake your head?"


Momo smiled lightly

"Did you!?"

Red Nana pointed and sent glares at her sister.


Momo didn't get to finish her word Mao, Nana suddenly bolted towards her.

"Fufu…Mao! Mao!"

Momo laughed while running away from her sister.

"Stop running!"


Momo said before jumping over the couch and running out of the open side door.

"Rian, is Celine still…where did Momo and Nana go."

Mikan had just came back from the attic, she was looking for more clothing for Celine.


Rian said with a stretched out face, Mao was one of the words he heard a lot of today.

"…What happened."

Mikan's bro-con senses tingled…


Rian only said Mao


Celine only said Mao


Lala only said Mao


Mikan went to help her brother…

Time had tickled by….

Rian was now free, he was about to the ramen Mikan had put on before going to the attic. Celine sat on his head and leaned off to look down at the full bowl of ramen.


"It's ramen, you want some Celine."

She looked human enough to Rian, she could eat ramen.



Rian grabbed Celine from the top of his head and placed her on the table. He got up and walked towards a shelf of books in the living room.

"Here, Celine"

Nana handed Celine the chopsticks she had yet to use. She had chased Momo around until she couldn't anymore. Momo threatened to yank her tail in front of Rian, she stopped after hearing that.


Celine grabbed the chopsticks Nana gave her and placed it in the ramen.

"Here, Celine."

Rian picked up Celine and placed her on a bunch of books before he slide the ramen to her. Rian left the table to get more ramen from the kitchen.


Celine smiled, she drove her chopsticks into the ramen and twirled it around in the bowl. She didn't stop until the chopstiks could no longer hold ramen. She raised the ramen on a sticks like a trophy before eating it whole. She ate everything quickly before she chugged down the broth in the bowl.


Celine said with broth around her mouth.

"I got it."

Mikan took a towel and leaned in closer, she wiped the mouth of Celine before sitting back down.


Celine wanted a little more, it was gone to quickly

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