
Love is such an elusive game


I'm not sure if anyone will respond but I wanna wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year ahead for those who celebrate.

And I'm sorry for slow updates. I'm distracted with so much txt content and votings that needs to be supported.


Taehyun pov

Around three weeks later and last day of September, I mysteriously received a square white envelope under the main door of the apartment I was sharing with my partner.

I just arrived late after stalking Cass's brother and since that day I stuck a compact tracking device under their black suv, I have been following their deals closely till I finally got a pattern and mapped them all in a hidden board underneath our cream, thick, rectangular dining table cloth.

"Oh you're finally back." Yeonjun peeked from the edge of the blurred glass bathroom door, droplets of water falling all over.

I just frowned at him and he quickly went back in to wipe his hair thoroughly.

"You know what, I get that you're working hard to get us back our jobs but have you eaten at least?" Yeonjun asked as he wrapped a white towel over his lower body.

"Yes. I bought a box of pizza earlier."

"Good." Yeonjun opened the two door fridge and handed me a tall box of caramel popcorn. "I thought you'd need one while on the road. It's a popular pick at the store near the company I work for."

"Thanks." I took the box and put it over the table. He walked to the kitchen to serve us both a hot cup of black coffee.

Meanwhile, I opened the fancy scented envelope and saw my name on the card, written in a formal script. I flipped it open and god I've never regretted doing something in my whole life.

Hey Officer,

I'm inviting you to be the best man on my wedding this upcoming weekend. And I won't take no for an answer.


This brat. I sighed so hard Yeonjun noticed me and made it worse.

"Oh, wow. I thought you got a love letter from a neighbor or something." He shook his head and handed me a cup.

"Thanks." I unconsciously brought it into my mouth and forgot it would be at the peak of it's high temperature. "Fuck."

"So the wedding is finally going to happen huh."

"I guess so."

"I can't believe he had the audacity to pick you as his best man after all that has happened. Does he have no friends at all?" Yeonjun sat on my left and checked the map I've been working on.

"He probably doesn't want his friends to know."

"Oh." His eyes widened. "You might be on to something."

"I don't know what changed but it looked to me like he doesn't even have feelings for her." Every inch of my muscle want to crumple the envelope, however, Yeonjun would definitely tease me to no end.

"I see. Fixed marriage is a thing. So… are you going?"

I paused for a minute to think it through. The benefits of making a close connection to him again, along the disadvantages because that guy had proven to be a pain in the neck.

"Perhaps." I threw the envelope on the other side of the table and took another sip of my coffee before putting it back on the table.

"I think the decision would've been easier if he provided you with clothes to wear don't you think?"

"You have a point. Since I'm at your mercy for having no real job at the moment, I can't just run around buying stuff that's out of your budget."

Yeonjun slapped my back to my surprise I almost splashed the hot coffee into the map.

"Don't mention it. You're working hard to bring our jobs back so I want to contribute by working to pay our bills."

"Yeah you're indeed a natural. You probably should stick into modeling than waste your life in a profession that doesn't even pay us right."

I sighed deeply and put the coffee cup away in the kitchen sink.

"True but I love working with you. And our people needs cops that actually care or else no one would keep the citizens safe."

Yeonjun smiled widely, then went to his bedroom near the main door so I thought he was about to sleep, yet he returned soon after and placed a large fancy black box over the table.

"You don't have to worry about your pair of formal suits for the wedding because that guy already prepared one for you."

Next chapter