
Five Years and now I'm screwed

I was reborn in 2002 11th January the same year as last time. I opened my eyes to a system it would present me with quests which awarded me gacha tokens. I feared that there would be some kind of fictional characters in this world like Tony Stark, Bruce Wayne, Luke Skywalker, etc. My fears appeared to be unfounded with the only reference to fictional characters being that they were fictional.

Five years after I was born I had gained quite a few fun gacha items.



AGE - 5

HP - 100

MP - 140


STRENGTH - 5 [1point = 10lbs] (may change)


CONSTITUTION - 10 [1point = 10hp] (may change)


WISDOM - 14 [1point = 10mp] (may change)


SKILLS - [Cobra Spit - Shoots venom from venom sacks located in your mouth] [Darkvision - See up to 60ft in non-magical darkness] [Common - Speak all common human languages] []

ITEMS - [Gauntlets of Ogre power - When equipped STRENGTH = 19] [Lego Brick] [Shaggy's Shirt - will repair itself once everyday] [Almond Water - functions similarly to purified water with a sweet taste. Removes anomalous properties] []

Unfortunately it appeared I was in a fictional world when playing in the park I noclipped through the floor and appeared in a world of yellow walls along with an endless ceiling of panels, almost instantly I remembered a fun community writing project I had read the wiki of a couple times and watched Sagan Hawkes' video on it. The Backrooms... Fuck, I took a deep breath


I jumped at the now familiar noise I had completed a quest



[QUEST DETAILS - Enter the backrooms]

[QUEST REWARDS - [PHYSICAL AND MENTAL RESISTANCE - Gain a minor resistance to physical and mental ailments (don't want him being mind controlled or diseased{too easily}) +10 to Wisdom +10 to Constitution]

Well that's not foreboding, time to start exploring... two hours (or two weeks hard to tell) later the constant buzzing of the lights had started to piss me off after ten minutes, one hour and fifty minutes did not help. Especially as it felt like I was making no progress as well as the buzzing the wet carpet was distressing to say the least. Finally I reached a new area a room where I saw a table and chairs walking into the room I noticed a paper on the table.

Notable Levels of The Backrooms

Document 3/7

Level 0-

This is the level you are currently within. A unique property of this level is its isolating effect that prevents any two wanderers from seeing or interacting with each other, even when standing in what should be the same location as well as its shifting, non-Euclidean nature. Noclipping, as described earlier, is the only safe, documented way to exit this level.

Level 1-

Reaching this level should be your next goal. Our primary base, which is one of the safest locations for you, is located here. Level 1 takes the appearance of an infinite warehouse stocked with crates full of supplies.

Level 2-

Level 2 is more dangerous than the previous two levels and has much tighter spaces to traverse. It takes the form of a labyrinth of maintenance tunnels and piping, often maintaining an uncomfortably hot temperature. The safest place on Level 2 is a settlement known as Office Space EL3A.

Level 3-

This level is exceptionally dangerous, often the most perilous level one encounters before settling down in a community somewhere safer. Level 3 takes the form of an electrical station with many machines and barred-off areas. Its halls often have no working lights, and many entities lurk within them. It is heavily contested for its valuable resources and location close to safer levels such as Level 4. Many of the factions contesting it are hostile to the M.E.G. and to you.

Level 4-

Level 4 is one of the safest and most inhabited levels of The Backrooms, having the form of an endless, abandoned office. It has a plentiful supply of Almond Water and relatively few hostile entities. It is a popular place for people to rest and take refuge or settle down and live permanently in.

Level Fun-

Level Fun, despite its name, is one of the most dangerous levels encountered by the M.E.G. It is the home level of The Partygoers and takes the form of an endless complex of rooms full of party decorations. The entities inhabiting the level, discussed previously, are incredibly dangerous and are known to vandalize the database to fool wanderers into approaching them. Entrances to this level are often surrounded by confetti and party favors and can thus be identified and avoided.=)

The End-

This level is often described as a trap. It initially appears as an empty library with computer terminals and a sign in large letters that states, "The end is near." This level creates fake realities intended to trick you into believing you have left The Backrooms, which only keeps you still and makes it easier for the entities that wander the level, namely Partygoers, to find you. The exits to this level are undocumented. If you choose to leave the main area, keep moving and search for an exit.

Okay... so apparently I have to noclip to the next floor wish there was some kind of guide onto it.

*flips over paper*


Noclipping- Noclipping similar to a term used by "Gamers" is an action which allows you to "glitch" between layers of reality while it is undetermined M.E.G has found that by running and jumping into a wall up to ten times can cause noclipping (note if after ten consecutive attempts you have not noclipped attempt to noclip at a different location).

Attempt 162

After running and jumping into 16 different walls 2 attempts into my 17th wall the yellow walls fell past me into a world of concrete. I held my breath and slammed face first into the floor, fortunately or unfortunately not noclipping. I again begin to wander down endless halls. -~_ BEee-eEeep_~-



[Reward - Gacha ticket x2 NukaColax10 Lembas Bread x5 (One bite is said to fully satiate a grown man)]

​"HUuuuuhh... time to get to searching again"

Walking through literally endless halls I frustratingly slowly wandered around the first floor of the backrooms. After about two hours (I think) I found my first crate (hopefully of many) it contained three tins of beans, two bottles of almond water (bringing my total up to three),a single bandage as well as a knife and three flintlock shots.

Two hours later

The lights started flickering it scared me and I don't know why, probably because of how often darkness = monsters. That was when I saw it skulking in the dark on the edges of my darkvision (60ft in nonmagical darkness {darkness becomes shades of grey}) it had to be at least 6ft it towered over my childlike frame... Fuck... I equipped my Gauntlets of Ogre power and felt a small increase in my bodies strength. I stepped forward and began leaning away looking for any light source nearby, THERE and like a flash I was gone I ran like a wolf on all fours.

Gasping for breath I reached the light and the creature disappeared into the darkness I still barely knew what it looked like. Then I saw a giant doorway towering over me...



[Reward - Gacha ticket x2 NukaColax10 Lembas Bread x5 (One bite is said to fully satiate a grown man)]

I know very little about the backrooms im literally reading the wiki as I write so please comment any useful ideas about this world. I might add in some SCP elements as I am slightly more familiar with those (feel free to comment any gacha items cause i only know so much). Also i hope you enjoy this idea and feel free to use it yourself.

ToYourKnightcreators' thoughts
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