
Time to fight

Jis's team and Marine's team were ready for a fight.Suddenly the ground started shaking.Marine noticed a crack un the groind nearby.

Marine : Guys beaware .

Suddenly the ground cracked and large snake like creature with red glowing eyes cae out of the ground .

It was looking really dangerous .

It had a diamond like object on its head .

With the impact all the people there were thrown out but Marine threw invisible net towards them and saved them from getting a big damage.They were all surprised to see that creature .

Saqoa : It is horrifying .

With a trembling voice he said , "its do or die."

The snake like creature opened its mouth and released a green smoke like gas towards

them. Marine countered it with his swirling air which he created .

Jis: Marine, you are awesome . You learned so many amazing tricks.

Tuk: I agree .

Marine: Thanks guys but now its not the time .

The snake liked creature tried to attack Marine with its teeth but Marine jumped out of its


Saqoa who was down stood up and fired a beam towards the snake . It hit the snake but it

did not do it much damage .The snake now focused towards Saqoa.

Saqoa thought : What a strong curse presence this is ! This is not good.

The snake tried to attack Saqoa with its teeth buth Saqoa managed to escape by jumping.

Suddenly Bret attacked the snake's back with its sword . It looked as if the snake cried . The

snake now focused on Bret but as soon the snake focused towards Bret Marine stroked at

the snake's back once again.

Jis and Tuk were still recovering from the first attack .

Jis told Tuk : Tuk we should also help them .

Tuk: Yes Jis.

They looked at Mith.

Mith was sitting by crossing his legs in meditation position .

Jis : Mith what happened.

Mith didn't respond.

Tuk pushed Mith but he didn't move and didn't respond .

Jis : What happened to him ?

Tuk : I don't know but I think he is doing something important.

Jis:Tuk we two have to go and help them Tuk: Yes you are right .

Jis and Tuk got up and moved towards the snake.

Bret ,Marine and Saqoa were attacking The snake,s back head with repeated attacks .

Bret attacked the Snake's backhead strongly this time .

The snake roared and fell on the ground .

Jis and Tuk: Looks like we are late.

Marine: The snake's weakness was its backhead . Thanks to Bret we found out . But Bret

how did you know that . Well as theory says in a battle our pace and speed increase many

times compared to our fastest speed in training. I felt incredibly fast tonight. I got to

experience it finally .

Tuk: Yes I couldn't see you guys

Bret : I just thought it would be . Though in case of curses you can't br certain about things

like that as in case of human I tried. It was merely a hit and trial one .

Tuk: Bret your awareness really helped .

Bret: As I said it was just a hit and trial .

Jis: Come on now Bret . Ok guys let's celebrate .

Saqoa : It was not so weak as we expected .

The snake like creature started moving .

Marine : Guys beware .

Suddenly the creature rose up , opened its mouth and released the gas smoke.

They all escaped from it . But the gas didn't disappear this time .It remained in that location


Marine : Damn it . We should have continued our attack. It looks like its attacks have

become so much powerful within a short time . How powerful the creatures really are!

Saqoa: I thought so .

Saqoa and Bret tried to attack the creature from behind but moving fast but the snake hit

them with its tail and threw them .

Marine (in a scared voice) : Guys .

Jis and Tuk tried attacking it with their beam but it didn't have any effect .

The creature again released its gas towards them Marine quickly came forward and

countered it with swirling wind but this time it was just enough to block the gas and not

vanish it. The gas remained there.

Marine: just what type of creature it really is! Its gases are not disappearing .If we fell in the

gas it might be our end. The creature then released poisonous tooth towards them . Jis Tuk

and Marine collectively created a shield but the those teeth broke it and almost hit them

but they all jumped out just in time .

Marine : If any of those teeth hit us we are gone .

Marine was tensed as the snake was preparing for its next attack .

Suddenly a sound came "Oi Snake here". It was Mith . He was running towards the snake .

Jis loudly screamed," Mith" . The snake focused to Mith . Mith was running towards the

area the poisonous gas was present.

Marine: Mith don't got there.

The snake attack Mith by firing its poisonous teeth but Mith escaped and ran towards the

gas .

Tuk: Mith idiot, don't go there .

Mith was almost about to touch the gas but suddenly Mith's body started glowing like a

light . It was really bright .

Suddenly Mith disappeared from the location . Everyone was stunned .

Mith suddenly appeared behind the back head of the snake and stroked it with a beam .

The creature screamed in pain . The creature turned its head but with a bright light Mith

again disappeared and this time he attacked the creature from the front side . The creature

was really angry . The creature this time screamed in rage . It looked kie it had become

serious and it was playing the entire time .The entire place just became cold with a negative

vibe . They were all shocked and felt a different sense of awkwardness. The creature

opened its mouth and started spreading its gas all around itself .

Mith appeared from above out of nowhere, stroked the snake's forehead and jumped

quickly back to Jis,Tuk and Marine .

Jis : Mith you were really phenomenal there .

Tuk: Yes man, You really surprised us .

Mith : This is not the time for talk .Its all because of the stone's power I was able to gather .

Now lets go back to Saqoa and Bret and transfer to a different place .Tuk: But we can fight it.

Mith angrily: Don't be silly the creature has gone angry and in a few time it will turn whole

place to hell . It is busy spreading the gas because its angry its distracted for few time. Lets

go back to them in the few time and escape .

Jis : Yes he's right .

Suddenly the creature stopped spreaing the gas and all the gas disappeared .

The creature looked towards them .

- To be continued

Next chapter