
Vol 2 ch 1 Where are we ?

Writter and editor : Aurobindo Sarkar

Supported by Im Ninja and Quater back.

Makia : Congratulations guys you have reached the second stage.It was the fastest by any group. Most survivors take many months to complete this mission .

Normally you have to come to this place using a portal hidden here in this island . But you have used your own strong portal instead.It is great.

Now you will be given a map to Slake river.You have to reach that place following the map .

Good luck !

Mith says desperately: Some people were chasing us .

Makia : Don't worry about them. Our system detected intruders lately but fortunately they were caught .We will.deal.with them .

Marine : Huh feels good to know .

Tuk : Can we get some food ?

Mith smacks Tuk and says ," You are thinking about food."

Tuk : Yes .I haven't eaten since last night .

Jis : We all haven't eaten.We were so focussed on our battles last night and today's tensions we forgot to eat .

Marine : The brain sets its priorities. It's good our priority is our battles and our friends .

Saqoa : Yeah

Bret nods his head .

Mith's stomach starts growling with hunger.

Mith : I think i need some food too .

Tuk angrily stares at Mith while Mith smiles .

Tuk asks : Makia where is your partner ?

Makia was gone by then .

Jis : Before we start let us rest somewhere.

Marine : There are plenty of new and amazing fruits . Just look at the trees.

Jis : Yes . If you turn the map there are instructions given on what fruits to eat ? We can eat and rest there and also there are many questions which needs to answered.

Inside a jail two people were crying.

They were shouting at the guards.

One said," We didn't do anything .Please let us go."

Another said ," We didn't kill anyone.Please let us go .

A man with a hat came towards them.

He gave some hand signals to the guards and they moved away .

The person said to those persons," Hello plaman and glaman, My name is Rovette . Iam the head here. Iam in control of this island." He said in a cheerful tone .

Suddenly his tone changed .It became scary for both of them.

Rovette : Tell me who killed kozkilas.

Plaman : We don't know anything .Please let us go .

Rovette : I know you didn't. You are not too strong .If you were to fight him you would be killed in an instant.

Glaman : There was a scorpion card near him.

It might be the scorpogons.

Rovette : Hm but our researchers didn't find any such thing.

Glaman : Please , believe us.

Rovette : Our system didn't detect anything from outside except for you and the new competitors are new learners pushed to this cruel island .They can't kill kozkilas.So the obvious suspect is you .

We detected his other member deaths were by dramons and sandhuke was killed by a deogon but Kozkilas was killed by a sword .

Now look guys i can believe you by my inner instincts but i have to follow the rules and proofs .The proofs are telling a different story .

According to the rules anybody inside the island with proper permission killed by an outsider without any special reason will be executed.So you will be executed and also don't try to break the prison .The prison will break you if you want to do so.

Glaman : Kozkilas killed our friends and our heroes .

Rovette : Sorry, Kozkilas and his group went in with my permission. I gave them entry for getting me a mysteriois stone . I gave them the mao but it's missing too .

I can't go to the location of the island due to a curse .

I thought Kozkilas will help me but alas !

Saying this he went out while the two were begging for getting them out .

Inside the jail they were crying but they saw a man behind them with a strange smile in his face.

Glaman said to the man," You idiot we are going to die and you are smiling ."

The man replied ," Iam Zedros . You know this is what happens in your world .Inequality and Injustice .You can be free from this. Iam here to

bring you happiness. Join with me in the world of darkness .

Glaman : You idiot .

Zedros : My brother Zoros came with the same intentions but the cruel people here killed him .

Glaman : Shut up with your nonsense.

Glaman tried to attack him but suddenly the whole place exploded and everything exxept Zedros were destroyed .

Rovette came out .

Rovette : What the hell is happening ?

Zedros : Well you see Iam the brother of Zoros.

Rovette : Oh i remember the same dark creature Ultimate warrior kiiled.

Zedros : You know a lot .

Rovette : He told me himself. Who knows where he is ?

Zedros : I see you are doing anything just to get the stone.If you join our army you will not need anything like that.I know why you need that.

Rovette : Yeah because iam not powerful like the Ultimate warrior .

Zedros : Well the other option is to get killed.

Rovette : Well option three.You will get killed.

Rovette suddenly ran towards Zedros in a fast speed and knocked him with a punch.

Zedros flew to a distance and fell very hard.

Zedros wake up and said ," Let the battle begin "

His body started radiating a very bad scent.

Curse started emitting out of his body .

Rovette : Lets do it somewhere somewhere else.

He ran towards Zedros and Zedros punched him and sent him flying for a moment.

Zedros was laughing but he realised that suddenly the surroundings changed .They were in the middle of a forest.

Rovette fell on the ground but he woke up quickly.

Rovette : No one will.disturb you now .

Zedros looked impressed.

Zedros : You are a really great fighter huh .

In Tuk's house Drish was playing with a doll.

Tuk's mom : Drish , why are you playing with the doll all the time.That old man called me and told Tuk and his friends are doing really well and were sent to a USA for a trip. You should also read nicely so that you can go there too .

Drish keeps on playing with the doll and looks athe doll's eyes very attentively .

-to be continued

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