

Bret's body suddenly started releasing strange waves.It felt his body was electrified.His sword started releasing sparks.He felt much powerful.than before.

Suddenly he saw a visual in his : A man whose head was covered was planting and watering some palnts at the present location and strange small creatures were standing circling round him. The man suddenly smiled.

He thought : Who was the man?Why are the dramons attacking like this ?

Bret immediately shifted his focus in the present situation.

Bret : Now is not the time to lose focus.

Suddenly all the remaining dramons started flying in the sky .

The sky soon turned black.

Marine : The dramons must have go5 sufficient energy to fight together. They must have sacrificed the injured dramons who were take long time to recover. But i think they are not fully recovered as the trees are not completely shrunk.There must be some fluid remaining on those trees.The present situation due to Kozkilas and his group has compelled them to lauch their attack earlier .I must drink those fluid.

The sky was filled with darkness.The dramon's red eyes shone in the darkness.Their curse's presence felt stronger .

Everyone looked at sky

Kozkilas : I finally see these dramons using both the curse and pure energy .These creatures are made of both curse and pure energy along with other mysterious elements of Universe.I must capture one of these alive.

Suddenly Marine got hit by a strong object and flew to a distance . It was a dramon .

Kozkilas started swinging and threw a huge lightning ball at the dark sky .The dark sky disappeared with light but there were no dramons.

Suddenly kozkilas was hit by a strong object and he fell on the ground.

The other members of Kozkilas group started running towards a tree to get the fluid but one dramon appeared before them and threw them all with a blue light.

Kozkilas with anger and pain : Damn these are strong. I think it's time for me to go to my full potential.I will finish all these dramons.

A dramon appeared near Kozkilas and staryrd watching him with concentration

Kozkilas suddenly felt losing his concentration.

Kozkilas : Damn my aura presence is getting disturbed.These damn creatures can not only see a person's aura but can also manipulate it .

Ahh ( He felt pain due to his headache)..

Damn i feel like these are just messing up my powers.This is taking control of my powers.

All the members of Kozkilas group had been facing the same threat.

Marine was lying unconscious . He saw a dream. He saw he was lying in a ground filled with trees.He suddenly couldn't move.He saw the roots of those trees moved through underground and suddenly came out penetrating his stomach.He couldn't move. Suddenly all the other trees relwased their roots and gripped Marine.He was completely enclosed by them.He couldn't move neither scream.

Kozkilas then used his own manipulating powers.His eyes turned yellow and then red.

He started aggresively through his presence releasing curse destroying beams.

The dramon set him out of its manipulation.

Kozkilas shouting : Manipulating me is not easy dramon.I have trained so hard for these moments.When you manipulate you connect your curse with me and most of the people feel it's effect . However for a warrior like me you sending your power near me is disastrous plan.

The dramon roared aggresively.

Kozkilas sent a Lightning beam through his sword and the dramon felt pain as it it roared in pain. It's eyes turned much more red now.

Suddenly all the members of Kozkilas group set themeselves free.

Kozkilas : Don't.underestimate us dramons . If we play aggresively you would all be over but we are not because of a particular reason.

But now it will no longer be the case .

Bring out your full power.

Suddey Bret came out of nowhere in a lightning speed and attacked one dramon's eye which it recovered.

The dramon looked amazed .

Bret's eyes were blue .

Bret: This time it will be all out with no holds.

Kozkilas : Good.

Suddenly without any sign one dramon attacked one kozkila's member with its claws but he blocked it with his sword. The dramon then released a blue flame ball from his mouth which hit him and sent him flying .He fell near the tree.

His condition was critical but he still had consciousness.

Everybody was so shicked.They didn't understand what happened.

That soldier's name was sidepi .

Sidepi fell near the tree. In pain and unable to do something and the dramon near him Sidepi tried to lick the fluid in hopes to get new powers like Marine but instead he died and vapourised aa green gas.

Kozkilas : So these fluids are not for everyone ! I see. These dramons are becoming a trouble now .

All the dramons circled them again.

Marine wakes up .

Kozkilas sent a huge fireball at one of the dramon.The dramon managed to counter it it by firing a black ball from its mouth .

Kozkilas wasting no time sent fireballs to all the dramons moving superfast in a circle .

The dramons were pushed back a little but still they were ready to attack .

One dramon jumped at Kozkilas but kozkilas punched in its stomach and sent him away .

Two other dramons came to attack kozkilas other group members but they dodged and out of nowhere from behind kicked in their neck and sent them away .

The dramons circled them again .

- To be continued

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