

Sandhuke gives Mith Jis a power drink and casts some spells on Tuk and saqoa."They will wake up soon ." said Sandhuke .

Mith : Mr.Sandhuke , You seem really grateful to your master .Is there a reason? I mean we all should be but you are ... you know .

Sandhuke : Well we all should ,shouldn't we ?

And if you are really curious then let me tell you a little backstory :

Sandhuke was running along with three other children in an open field.

Suddenly Sandhuke fell on the ground.

One kid named Zastras staryed laughing at him ," Look at Bidhas ( Sandhuke's real name ).

He again fell on the ground. Seriously what kind of useless fellow you are .You can't even run properly.

Another kid named Zlatan showed some sympathy towards Sandhuke," Zastras ,We should not make fun of him. He is our friend after all.

Zastras in an angry voice : Hmph what are you talking about ? Everybody knows that his real friends are his toys and his stupid doll with which he keeps doing stupid things.

Zastras started laughing loudly.

Zlatan : Well that's true to be honest .

Then he looks at Sandhuke and starts bluffing," No no I didn't mean that."

Sandhuke started crying but he was not crying due to insult from his friends but due to the pain he got from that fall. Sandhuke knew that he was different from other children in these .Sandhuke was always fascinated by mysteries and the dark deep secrets of the big Universe and the huge river where he knew fishes lived or the bright moon in the night sky . He didn't believe what his society and parents told him.He always made his own theories and did many stupid experiments since his childhood like putting magical Coloured stones in water ,mixing it with milk , sand and putting it to fire or casting a hide and seek spell on a dog.He did things which made no sense but also what people hadn't done before .He often landed in troubles due to his this habit.

One such incident is once when his parents weren't at home he accidently made a combustion with Diacetylene (C2N4 ) gas which he obtained by doing some chemical experiments with plants and magical rock .

His mistake caused a huge explosion and huge loss of property.

The king of that place ordered execution of Sandhuke after five days seeing the anger of the common people who suffered loss due to his mistake .

His parents became mad and lost their mental stability at this .

On the third day of his lockup just two days before his execution he recieved the news of his parents death. He was really mad at himself , blaming him for all the mess

He told to himself crying ," Why why am I like this ? If only I was not born it would have never turned this way . I thought my curosity was a boon which put me on top of all other people but it was a curse .

It was all because of that doll .

It came in my dreams and when I found it I was really happy but I was a fool who didn't realize that I started becoming crazy too from that point.I should have thrown at away a long time ago. "

Sandhuke suddenly went near the jail bars and started shouting in a loud voice to the soldiers ," Kill me kill me right now.I don't want to live anymore.

He was having a severe headache which was becoming intolerable with .

He started banging his head on the jail bars

One soldier entered the cell and kicked his face .

The others went in too and started beating him.

Sandhuke was suffering the pain headache and the pain of the beating.He was getting mad .

After beating one soldiers started saying," You have only two days left in this world.Before you go . I will make sure to take all my frustrations out at you.It's really fun to beat a stupid crying brat.If you shout again things will just more become worse for you.

The other criminals in the locker room saw this and they were laughing too.

A huge person who was a criminal came towards Sandhuke who was suffering immensely and was bleeding through his mouth and said ," You know kid its been a long time i didn't put my hands on someone.I was holding out because of those guards but as they are against you i guess it will not be much bad to have some fun with you.Saying this he prepares to punch him.And then he lends a strong punch on him and sent him flying away.

He then called two other criminals to beat Sandhuke too

who were his partners in crime.They came to steal gold.

Sandhuke had no idea where he was now.His eyes were now closing.Suddenlyy he saw the doll near him.

Sandhuke lost his consciousness in the physical world.

He then finds himself near a jungle .There was a river . and there was a cave near it .

Sandhuke felt more free than ever. His body was filled with a sudden happiness.He never felt so happy .He ran towards the river ,drank water from it and then he saw a colourful bird flying over the river. He shouted at it," Hey bird."

He saw the bird flying into the cave.Sandhuke followed the bird to the cave.The cave was filled with darkness and nothing could be seen.His mood changed suddenly.It was giving off a dangerous vibe . But being always of curious nature he continued to move forward.Suddenly he saw a patch of light falling on a stone near him.The stone was shining.He went near the stone but suddenly he felt a strong pull from his backside .He was surprised and afraid.After a few moments he saw a man with a black hat sitting near him .

He introduced himself as Zoros.He had a deep voice.His face couldn't be seen clearly because of darkness

Zoros : Hello Bidhas Iam zoros.

Bidhas : Who are you and Who am I ?

Bidhas : I don't remember my name.

Zoros : As i said your name is Bidhas.

He then brings out a doll. It was the same doll Sandhuke picked.

Zoros : Are you feeling alone Bidhas ?

Bidhas : Yes iam feeling really alone. But Iam feeling really happy too.I can do anything i want here .

Zoros : You can do anything you want here .This is your inner soul's wish Bidhas. Iam a visitor here.

You see you are a person who doesn't deserve to be in this world full of uncurious people. You are a really curious person.You want to find about all the amazing things in this Universe.You want to understand the Universe but sad your people doesn't understand you. You never needed any friends or companions. You never realised your true peace lies in your solitude in an empty Universe with no one around creating and discovering new types Energies and spells .

These people here are just resistance to your will.

Sandhuke : Well i just don't remember about the people.

Zoros snaps his fingers and Sandhuke sees the scene where he was being beaten by prisoners.

Sandhuke : This is wrong.So wrong.Something is telling me This is bad but i can't feel anything.

Zoros : That's because you are at your soul extreme point.

Zoros then gave Sandhuke a doll and told him," Here is your gift.Iam a visitor so i ought to bring gift.If you do as I say i will take you to a place of your dreams where your soul and you can both be happy. This doll.will help you with this as well as be your companion."

Saying this he smiled and disappeared.

Sandhuke returns to jail.He sees the jail bar is broken and all the guards and prisoners are dead and Sandhuke had a knife in his hand.The knife was filled with blood. Sandhuke was broken.Tears fell from his eyes but a voice in back told him," They will never hurt you again.Go and live your world."

Sandhuke noticed that the big man who beat him was not dead yet he was still moving.

He saw a doll was standing on his head.The doll told Sandhuke , " Come on my friend we have been friends for a long time now.Let us together explore the world.We no longer need anyone.Sandhuke realized that in the Jail he was more sad about the fact that he can't do more experiments rather than others.The thought about the sufferings of people and even his parents were forced.He thought," I am not meant to be an ordinary person.Iam made to be sometging else.Thank you Mr Zoros for providing me hopes for my dreams and my purpose . He no longer felt any emotion.

He went near that criminal and told in his ears,"You are powerful. I want to test your powers by mixing some other powers.Don't die yet."

Sandhuke took out a knife and started cutting his stomach.The doll was dancing .

In Sandhuke's lab in present time :

Jis : This is getting really problematic

Jis and Mith starts having some problem with the power drink Sandhuke gave him.

In the jungle Dramons are attacking in rounds and Kozkilas and his team were fighting them.

Marine shouts: Kozkilas please ask your soldiers to come behind me and charge at one dramon and destroy the long tree .

Bret is ready with his sword.

Kozkilas punched a Dramon and flattened its mouth but it recovered.

Kozkilas : You look smart Marine.I will believe you only this time.

Soldiers go under Marine's command .

Sandhuke in his lab starts laughing loudly like a maniac .

-to be continued

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