
Chapter 80: The Moment of Truth

The Granger Residence, Muggle London, England...

Tightening the grip on Snape's pale hand, Hermione stood on the porch of her parents house in Muggle London. It had been quite a warm afternoon and she had been a bundle of nerves despite Severus' assistance that everything would work out. She had not understood how he could be so calm. The witch chalked it up to him being use to having a heavy amount of pressure placed upon him from his days as a spy for The Order. After taking a deep breath the bushy haired witch reached over and rang the door bell. Snape gave her a small rare smile and she took comfort in the fact that he was by her side. She wasn't ashamed of her love for him. It was something she wanted to shout to the rooftops in fact it was what she had done back a Hogwarts on many a night in his quarters but the silencing charm prevented it from being heard by everyone except him of course.

The door to her parent's house opened and Hermione found herself looking face to face with her father.

"Herms." he said with a warm smile. "Jean they've arrived."

Hermione had hardly any time to utter a word before she was captured in her father's arms and pulled into a warm hug. She had not known what had put the man in such a good mood but it seemed that he had no problem with Severus being at her side. When John Granger finally put her back down on the porch he extended his hand to Severus and smiled at him.

"Took you both long enough to get here Severus." said John.

Before Hermione's bewildered amber eyes Snape and her father exchanged a mock boxing gesture and John threw his arm over Snape's neck and walked him into the house.

"Don't think I don't want my rematch by the way." said John pleasantly.

"I look forward to taking your money." said Snape casually.

John chuckled at this.

"Is that Sev?" asked the familiar voice of Daniel Hardcastle as he entered the sitting room.

Hermione had been stunned into silence as she watched her boyfriend, father, and best friend since primary school laugh and joke as if it had been nothing. It was a stark contrast from when she first arrived with "Sebastian" and her father had been monitoring his every move. She arched an eyebrow and made her way toward the sofa as the men conversed. Daniel walked over and kissed her on the cheek and then headed back to the conversation. From what the stunned witch could gather was that Severus, her father, and Danny were all recalling a drinking game that ended with Severus being the victor and both her father and Danny wanted the chance to reclaim their dignity, or what could pass for dignity in a drinking game.

"There is no way you could beat us twice in row." said Danny.

"20 pounds says I can." said Snape with a smirk.

"Too rich for my blood." said John with warm smile. "Besides we have dinner to consider."

"It doesn't have to be today." said Danny.

"Well it has to be a weekend." said John. "Severus does have classes to teach."

"Indeed." said Snape.

Hermione shook her head. It was as if she had stepped into the twilight zone. She was almost sure she would be walking into a firing squad but found herself watching as her family and long time friend bonded with her boyfriend as if he had known them for years.

Jean came from the kitchen and kissed Hermione on the cheek. She made her way over toward Severus and kiss him as well though he made a show of being hard pressed to enjoy her affections.

{"Alright Git start talking...now."} said Hermione in his mind.

Snape looked over at her with a wicked smirk on his sallow pale face.

Hermione narrowed her amber eyes at him.

{"What did you do to make my parents suddenly forget about you being my previous Potions Professor?"} she asked.

{Nothing.} replied Snape in her mind.

{"You have got to be kidding me."} said Hermione. {"Did you use a hex or a potion?"}

{I used nothing.} replied Snape. {I simply spoke to your father about our relationship...he was not in the least pleased but he came around...after a few drinks we were like old chums.}

{"And how did Danny fit into all of this?"} she asked.

{Well that was more or less due to my not so flattering nature and subsequent desire to see him defeated in at least once to bolster my ego.} said Snape with a flicker of malice behind his dark eyes. {Needless to say my ego was significantly bolstered come the end of the night.}

{"That explains why you came home drunk out of your mind and it wasn't due to Minerva."} said Hermione.

{Something like that and before you ask...your mother drove us all home...I had to stay and sober up on the couch a bit before apparating but she did a good job managing three drunken men on her own.} said Snape with a smile.

"At least you all are playing nice." she said out loud.

Her father smirked and looked back n forth between his daughter and Severus.

"Well." he said with a voice filled with pride. "Let's eat."

Hermione and Snape both got to their feet and followed everyone else into the dining room. The bushy haired witch had been relieved that this was not going to be the kind of visit she had feared for so many weeks. She smiled at Severus sweetly and made a mental note to pay him back for his insight. She had not really wanted to fight with her parents over her relationship with him and it seemed like it was not ever going to happen.



Dinner went by quickly with minimal chatting aside from casual story telling and news of the day. Snape and Hermione had been pleasantly surprised by the lack of tension at the table this time around. Hermione couldn't recall a time where she felt more free as she took Severus by the hand and kissed him passionately in the sitting room before everyone came in. Of course she had not noticed when they did as both of them were far too busy kissing to pay any attention. John shook his head and cleared his throat. He could see just how much Hermione cared for her Potions Master boyfriend and it only served to make him smile.

"Herms." said John in a warning tone.

Hermione's ability to go from sexy vixen to Daddy's Little Girl in a matter of seconds made Severus arch and eyebrow.

{"No way Slytherin Git."} said Hermione reading his sudden and very dirty thought.

{You have to admit the idea does have an appealing nature.} said Snape with a wicked smirk filing across his pale face.

{"Not even in your dreams."} she said.

{You say that now.} he said.

Hermione shook her head smiling at her Potions Master.

"You were right about how taken she is with him." Jean whispered to John.

He simply nodded.

He had explained what he saw from Snape's mind to her thought he was mostly good and drunk when he had but he recalled every thing Snape had showed him. Both the Grangers thought it sad that Severus had no true family when he was a boy. The reality of his situation and the second chance he had apparently earned in the wake of his service keeping not only the wizarding and Muggle words safe from Voldemort but when he looked after the three children who would play the most important part in the action.

John never forgot how Snape put himself between his daughter and what might have been certain death numerous times and despite Snape's apparent attempt to let his feelings die once he recovered from his memory loss, it only proved just how much the two of them cared for one another.

"I believe our Herms has chosen well." said John. "A bolstering intellectual with a degree in potions."

"Well simply tell everyone he's a chemistry teacher." said Jean.

"He's a Potions Master." said Danny with a grin. "A chemistry teacher would be like down grading."

"Chemistry Professor then?" asked Jean.

"Better if only slightly." said Danny.

Hermione shook her head catching the end of the conversation.

"We'll tell them he's a Potions Master." she said. "And explain that it combines being a chemistry teacher with a degree certifying him to be a doctor."

Snape smirked.

He had not known how he became the subject of discussion but kept quiet none the less. Hermione had been happy with how things turned out and for now it was all that mattered.

When the visit came to an end, Hermione was once again wrapped in her father's arms on the front porch while her mother held on to Severus. He had been doing his best to keep from squirming out of her grasp as she squeezed him tight.

"Now don't you be a stranger dear." said Jean.

"I won't." replied Snape. {If only I could.}

Hermione tried not to burst out giggling lest someone assume something was wrong with her.

"Herms." said John. "Don't forget us with all your busy work."

"I won't daddy." said Hermione innocently. "I promise."

"When you two do give some thought to giving us grandchildren I want to be the first to know." said Jean hugging her daughter.

Hermione turned red at the thought of her parents officially finding out that she was having sex. Especially, with Severus.

"Bring that boy of yours by next time you visit." said John placing a hand on Snape's shoulder.

"Will do." replied Snape.

He extended his hand and John shook it.

"Take care of my little girl, Severus." said John meaningfully.

"Will do John." replied Severus. "You have my word on that."

John nodded once in acceptance.

"I'll hold you to it." he said.

"You still owe me that drink Snape." said Danny with a smile.

"You just bring the 10 pounds Hardcastle." replied Snape with a smile of his own.

Hermione thought he looked positively Slytherin in all aspects. She knew Danny didn't stand a chance but said nothing letting the men have their sport. Danny came up to her and gave her a big hug.

"Catch you later Herms." he said pleasantly. "Take care of this guy."

Snape rolled his eyes as Daniel Hardcastle clasped him on the shoulder. The Potions Master made allowances for John due to the fact that he was Hermione's father. The same could not be said for the young man who once held her affections. Sensing Snape's temper Hermione quickly gripped his pale hand and pulled him toward her.

"Will do Danny." she said still with that smile. "Catch you later."

Both Snape and Hermione took off for the next apparation point. Before heading back to Hogwarts the couple took a brief detour where Hermione proceeded to "Thank" Severus for speaking with her parents if only for a short time. She alluded to "Properly Thanking" him once they were alone in his quarters. Of course it was the kind of "Thanks" that not even Severus Snape could say no to.

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