
Chapter 78: Cupid's Ball II

The Corridors, Hogwarts...

Once again Severus Snape found himself walking the corridors toward The Great Hall. He had not been in the mood for this nonsense party but it seemed he had no choice having been nominated by Dumbledore once again to chaperon this nerve-wrecking Cupid's Ball. The Potions Master had other things on his mind that he would have no problem doing when it came to a certain bushy haired Charms Mistress and it didn't involve dunderheads and hormonal teenagers. Still, it was the first time he had someone to wade through this nonsense holiday with. Five years of having to endure it alone was no picnic for the dour wizard by any means. As soon as Snape made his way through the terribly decorated corridors. He stopped at the rather large door leading to the great hall.

He took a deep breath and reasoned that as soon as he got through the doors and this whole thing got started the sooner it would be over. He decided to treat it like it was like any other year before when Dumbledore threw this ridiculous ball. Only it wasn't, this year he had become Austin's guardian and it was the boy's first ball. There was also Hermione Granger to consider. They had not been together in a public setting since Slughorn's Party when he was Sebastian Prince. Gathering his thoughts Snape pushed passed the large door and ventured into The Great Hall wishing for Valentine's Day and This year's Cupid's Ball to be over.


The Great Hall, Hogwarts...

As with all the other years prior, Snape had been revolted by all the touchy-feely décor. The floating hearts had been more annoying this year than any other for some reason and he had to resist the urge to set them ablaze as he ventured further into the pit's of hell as far as he was concerned. Unsurprisingly, Banners of red, pink, and white were all over the place. Snape resisted the urge to vomit much as usual despite the entire place being utterly nauseating. Small tables were present with decorative cloths and candles, confetti fell from the ceiling in steady streams. The ceiling had pictures of little angels with fluffy white wings flapping in bliss. Everywhere little hearts floated uninhibited in various Valentine's Day colors. The scent of chocolate from an overly stocked chocolate fountain filled the air. Snape could not have been more uncomfortable. Some of the students had been dancing to some noise they referred to as music. They were all dressed up in neat suits and sparkling but colorful dresses. The low color changing lighting had not made it any better.

"Could this get any more nauseating?" asked Snape letting his obsidian eyes shift around the room.

"All in good time, Severus." said the voice of the werewolf Remus Lupin.

Snape rolled his eyes upon hearing the Defense Against The Dark Arts Professor speak.

"I had to ask." said Snape bitterly.

Lupin simply smiled and placed a hand on the dour man's shoulder. Both men had apparently decided to actually dress up for the occasion. Lupin wore a charming gray suit with black shoes that more than likely his wife Tonks had picked out for him. He looked neat for once despite his wolfish nature. Snape wore a black suit, decorated with a large green S for Slytherin on the right side, with no tie, a long sleeve black shirt unbuttoned at the collar and shiny black dress shoes. His lank raven hair had been pulled back into a neat ponytail and he wore his Slytherin ring that Hermione had gifted to him.

"Well someone's getting into the festivities." he said pleasantly.

Snape scoffed.

"Speak for yourself." he replied. "I don't give a damn about "the festivities".

Lupin continued to smile at him.

"Of course not." he replied. "Just a certain Gryffindor Charms Mistress."

Snape folded his arms against his black suit clad chest.

"I have no idea what you are talking about." he said.

Lupin simply smirked.

"Right." he said. "Anyway, Happy Valentine's Day Severus you old sod."

"Isn't there a kitten you should be chasing up a tree somewhere werewolf?" asked Snape. "I'm sure Minerva's around here somewhere in her tabby form."

Just as they were speaking Severus noticed the strange patterns projecting from a spinning device in the center of the room. His eyes widened as he looked at Lupin.

"You cannot be serious?" said Snape unable to believe that he was looking at a disco ball.

"Afraid so." replied Lupin feeling much the same way.

"I'd rather hear Binns lecture than be here for this nonsense." said Snape bitterly.

"Well see how much you still believe that when Miss Granger gets here." said Lupin.

Snape glared murderously at the werewolf.

"Sod off Lupin." he said.



Austin Embers arrived in a black suite similar to Snape's with a Slytherin serpent chain given to him by Lucius and shiny black dress shoes. His short red hair had been neat and slick as he entered the hall. Much like Snape he found the decor repulsive but had been elated enough to be there with a date to ignore how stupid it all looked. Wendy Shrouder had been on his arm, wearing a sparkling blue dress with silver wrist bangles and earrings. She had black heels on her feet and a thin black belt with a silver buckle across her waist.

"Hey is that Professor Snape?" asked Wendy with a smile.

Austin looked over at Snape standing against a wall with his arms folded across his chest.

"Yeah." replied Austin feeling a bit more confidant with his guardian there. "He decided to get dressed up for Professor Granger."

Wendy giggled some.

"I think he likes her a lot." she said. "She's really nice...maybe she can help him not be so mean."

Austin shook his head. If only she knew.

The red haired wizard turned his attention to the punch bowl.

"Would you like some punch?" he asked. "And before you ask no I do not intend to hit you."

Wendy giggled again.

"Yes Austin, I would like some punch." she said sweetly. "Thank you for asking."

"N-No problem." he replied.

He walked her over toward an empty table and made his way over to the punch bowl.



All eyes fell on Charms Mistress Hermione Jean Granger as she walked into The Great Hall. The bushy haired Gryffindor's trade mark hair had been curly and down to her back. She wore black lipstick on her normally pink lips. A black dress made of silk with a touch of sparkles hugged her slender frame. Her feet had been in black heels with straps that seemed to wrap around her ankle much like leather snakes. As always she seemed comfortable and fit them pretty well. The Gold Lion ring Snape had given her was promptly displayed on her finger as she made her way over to the brooding dour wizard with his arms folded across his black clad chest in the corner.

Her smile was bright as her amber eyes took in the sight of him.

Lupin watched Snape with a smirk on his face. He could hear The Potions Master's heart beating wildly in his chest as he watched his witch enter the hall. The Defense Against The Dark Arts Professor shook his head.

"What were you saying about rather being in Binns classroom during a lecture?" he asked.

"Sod off werewolf." said Snape unable tear his obsidian eyes away from the beautiful witch.

{I don't suppose you'd be interested in re-arriving fashionably late?} he asked Hermione in her mind.

{"Don't even think about it Slytherin git."} replied Hermione as she reached him.

{How about an after party discussion?} asked Snape with heat behind his obsidian eyes.

Hermione couldn't hold back the giggle that his antics caused.

"Maybe." she replied out loud and leaned against the wall next to him.

"Ahhh, you two." said Lupin with a smile. "I'd say you are the highlight of the evening for me."

Hermione shook her head and turned her attention to The Defense Against The Dark Arts Professor.

"Happy Valentine's Day to you too, Remus." she said sweetly.

Snape rolled his eyes.

"As if the werewolf needed anymore flattering words to make him even more insufferable." he grumbled.

"Look who's mad you didn't say it to him first." said Lupin. "Any way, Happy Valentine's Day Hermione...perhaps with you here the resident grouch would lighten up a bit."

"Don't count on it." said Snape glaring at him.

Hermione laughed.

"So this is what it's like to be on the other side of one of these things." she said observing all the other students and professors.

"Yep." said Lupin. "Not as much fun I'm afraid but we make due...anyway I guess I should be getting over to the punch bowl."

Hermione nodded. Snape scoffed as Lupin took his leave of them.

"Must be hard having to watch randy teenagers when you would much rather be acting like one." said Hermione observing the Potions Professor's rigid demeanor.

"Obviously." he replied seemingly bitter. "Though I must admit you do look quite ravishing in that dress...Professor Granger."

Hermione couldn't help but blush at the intense way Snape's obsidian eyes lit up as he looked at her.

"Why thank you Professor Snape." she replied sweetly. "And I must say you do look quite handsome in that suit."

Snape gave her a wicked smirk.

{Wait until you see what I look like out of it.} he said in her mind.

The Charms Mistress shook her head.

{"How very subtle of you Slytherin."} she replied.

"Indeed." replied Snape out loud.

"I see Austin had made quite the impression." said Hermione changing the subject.

"As they say, the night is still young." said Snape looking over at his young charge. "Still it is good to see the boy is having a good time."

Hermione smiled at the dour wizard. Snape noticed her looking at him and arched an eyebrow.

"What?" he asked.

"You can be very sweet sometimes." said Hermione. "But don't worry I'll never tell anyone."

"If you did I'd deny it until the end of time." replied Snape.

The Charms Mistress and The Potions Master continued to watch the students, it was after all why they were there to begin with.



Austin smiled at Wendy as she watched all the other girls and their dates dance across the floor beneath the various lighting fixtures. The red haired Slytherin figured that she had wanted to dance but didn't know if she should ask him as she had not known if he could or not. He sat down his punch and extended his hand to Wendy.

"Come on let's dance." he said with confidence.

The blue eyed blond had been elated that he made the first move. She took his hand and he lead her toward the dance floor.

As Austin and Wendy began to move on the dance floor Hermione looked over at Snape and smiled. He must have really been a great dance instructor from the way the red haired Gryffindor was moving. Upon seeing Austin the other students continued to fill the dance floor. It brought a smirk to the otherwise expressionless face of the Potions Master.

"It's like he was never nervous about the dance at all." remarked Hermione amazed.

"I didn't teach him that." said Snape observing how Austin moved with a bit of a modern standing.

"None the less you gave him the confidence to attempt it." said Hermione.

She gave the potions Professor a quick peck on his sallow pale cheek.

Snape arched an eyebrow and turned his attention back to the dance noting the promise in the Charms Mistress' eyes as he did. He had definitely scored some points in the "good guy" department here.


Much Later...

Austin had been having a wonderful time until a slow song came on. It was as if all his confidence flew out the window as more dancers left the floor too afraid to deal with the slow music's implications. He and Wendy sat down at the same table and she stared out at the dance floor longingly. She wanted to continue dancing but Austin said that he needed a breather. She thought the Slytherin was a wonderful dancer and couldn't understand why he wanted to sit down so badly.

"W-Would you like some more punch?" asked the red haired Slytherin.

"No." replied Wendy a little sadly. "I-I want to finish dancing."

Austin sighed. He knew as much but hoped that she would change her mind.

"O-Okay." he said. "W-We'll dance."

Wendy smiled and kissed Austin on the cheek as they stood up making their way back out to the now empty dance floor.

From a distance Snape observed the scene with his arms folded across his chest. Hermione had made a trip to the punch bowl and had been unaware of the plan that had been forming in the dour man's mind.

None of the students knew what to do when the slow song started playing. They seemed to avoid the dance floor like it was the plague. Snape noted how much Wendy seemed to still want to dance ignoring the obvious social taboo of the event and Austin wanted to be a proper date and adhere to her wishes but he had not wanted to look like a fool in the process.

Hermione returned from the punch bowl and had only taken a sip when Snape suddenly took it out of her hands sat it down on a nearby table and dragged her by the arm toward the dance floor without so much as a word of explanation. The Charms Mistress found herself pulled into The Potions Master's chest as he frowned looking at young Austin.

"Severus what's the big idea..." she started then stopped when she got a look at the young Slytherin dancing rather slowly with Wendy and lacking the confidence he showed earlier in the night. "You could have just asked."

Snape ignored her concentrating on his footwork as he began to move at a graceful pace to the music bringing Hermione along for the ride. The Charms Mistress had been having a wonderful time as their movements drew the attention of everyone at the ball. Minerva McGonagall smiled proudly as she watched Severus Snape dancing at a ball for the first time in years. His movements had been every bit as graceful and breath taking as she remembered.

"Aren't they adorable Albus." she said to the Headmaster as they watched Snape and Austin lead their respective witches across the dance floor.

"Indeed they are Minerva." replied Dumbledore with a twinkle in his blue eyes. "I believe you really out did yourself when you taught Severus to dance."

"As much as I hate to admit it due to Gryffindor losing to him for so many years...I would have to agree." she replied with a warm smile. "I believe you have out done yourself with this year's Cupid's Ball."

Dumbledore smiled warmly as well.

"It seems I have indeed." he replied still watching the Slytherin's move.

The other students watched Snape and Austin in awe. They could only dream of dancing at that caliber. Slytherin students feeling the pride of their house on the line flooded the dance floor. They figured if their Head of House could do it then it wasn't too difficult to put on a show for their dates. Gryffindors followed next determined not to be outdone by Slytherin House. Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw soon joined in not wanting to miss out on all the fun.

The other Professors started to dance as well following Snape and Hermione's example. It had been a ball after all and no one came to a ball not to dance.

Snape spun Hermione and caught her in an elegant fashion a look of utter concentration on his face. She recalled him doing much the same thing when she attended Cupid's Ball during her 7th year only they had been out in the corridors. It had all seemed like such a magical time then. Still she wouldn't have traded either experience for the world as they involved her spending Valentine's Day with the wizard she loved. Only this time there was nothing that prevented the night from being even more memorable.

"I still love the way you dance." said Hermione as the moved.

"And I love watching the look of surprise file across your face when we do." replied Snape.

At the end of the dance Snape leaned down as custom and kissed Hermione's hand. Taking his cues from The Potions Master, Austin had done the same to Wendy.

Both witches seemed to enjoy the special attention.

Snape looked over at Austin and offered him a rare smile. Austin returned it and took Wendy back to their seat after she requested more punch. The Potions Master and Charms Mistress headed back to their respective corner and Snape refilled Hermione's cup with punch as they watched the students for the remainder of the dance.

At the conclusion of the ball, Austin bid Hermione and Snape good night and walked Wendy to her common room. She had been elated and even kissed the red haired Slytherin on the lips. Snape said nothing but smiled some as he and made his way toward his quarters. Hermione helped wrap up some of the cleaning and ventured to her quarters to change into something more comfortable. Snape was in no rush. Still, the Potions Master had to admit, this year's Cupid's Ball wasn't half bad.

In fact it was the best one yet despite him rather being elsewhere with a certain bushy haired Gryffindor witch. He at least got to make up for not being able to do much for her the first time they dated. It seemed the night was finally going Snape's way as he entered his private quarters. Austin seemed happy enough with the way things turned out and so had Wendy Shrouder. The Potions Master looked at the clock on the wall. It was close to 10:00 pm.

It didn't bother him how late it was, he still had plans however, and the night had still been young.

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