
Chapter 62: Meeting The Parents (Part 2)

September 19th, The Granger residence, Muggle London...

Silence filled the sitting room of the Granger residence as both Mr. and Mrs. Granger headed toward their front door. Hermione looked at Snape who had been sitting nervously since the sudden change in atmosphere. She gave him a warm smile and brought his hand up to her lips and kissed it in a bid to ease his discomfort. He gave her a half smile in return and tried to keep his mind from wondering through all the possible scenarios as to why her parents were so pleased when the door bell rang.

Before he could utter a word to the bushy haired witch beside him. Snape's eyes fell on the Grangers and a charming looking young man with neat, short trimmed brown hair, a fair complexion and dark eyes. His eyes seemed to light up when they ventured toward Hermione making Snape feel a bit of covetous rage as he watched this boy drink in the sight of his witch. Bloody perfect, another pretty boy.

"Herms!" said the charming young man.

Snape felt the spike of anger in the pit of his stomach as he watched Hermione's face contort into sheer surprise and before he knew it she released his hand and went running over toward the young man. He wrapped his arms around her in a full on embrace which she returned in a highly spirited manner. There was nothing inappropriate about the way Hermione hugged this boy, it was just the familiarity that this young man had with her that irked Snape.

"DANNY!" she said happily.

Snape arched an eyebrow at this. Danny?

The Grangers simply smiled looking at one another apparently pleased with their job well done in securing a decent surprise for their know-it-all daughter. Danny had bouquet of what appeared to be white flowers in his hands.

"I can't believe this." said Hermione elated. "Where have you been?...what have you been up to?"

The young man known as Danny simply smiled and lifted her back down to the ground. He had done a good job of keeping her from crushing the flowers in the process of their spirited hug.

"I've been good Herms." he said causally. "Traveling and so forth."

Hermione smiled warmly.

"What have you been up to since I last saw you trudging around with an arm full of encyclopedias." said Danny with a short demonstration.

Hermione playfully slapped him across the arm. Snape took in the scene quietly still feeling the surge of rage as he watched this young man holding the white flowers as he looked at his witch. He knew that look of longing better than anyone and it made him bristle.

"Well, I'm now a professor at a really prestigious school in Scotland and I have the most wonderful boyfriend in the entire world." added Hermione looking over at Snape and winking at him.

Snape froze caught off guard. Did she just...? Does she know?

Danny stepped back a pace.

"Boyfriend?" he said with a smile that Snape could tell had been forced. "Since when does the bookworm get a boyfriend?"

"Since I met the most wonderful man while I was attending school in Scotland." said Hermione in a pleased tone.

She left Danny-boy's side and walked over to Snape taking his hand and pulling him along.

"Daniel Hardcastle, I want you to meet Sebastian Prince my boyfriend." said Hermione. "Sebastian, this is Danny we attended primary school together until I left to attend Hogwarts."

Snape looked over at Danny feeling a pang of sympathy for a moment recalling what it was like to be in his shoes with a witch he had been friends with as a child.

"Good to meet you, Mr. Hardcastle." he said extending his hand.

"Likewise, Mr. Prince." said Danny with another forced smile as he shook Snape's hand with his own free hand.

"Do you have time to stay for dinner?" asked Jean Granger with a smile.

"Ah no...I'm afraid I have to be getting back." replied Daniel. "I just wanted to wish Herms a happy birthday."

Hermione smirked shaking her head at the nickname.

"Oh before I forget." said Daniel suddenly reaching into his pocket.

Snape arched an eyebrow as he presented the flowers he had been holding to Hermione. She took one look at them and gasped in surprise. Oh no. The Potions Master had been confused when she quickly turned toward her mother.

"Mom, could you put these away for me please." she said in a polite but urgent manner.

Snape had been suspicious of the way she seemed to be holding them in a way that enabled her body to block his view of them. What are you up to Gryffindor?

Jean Granger reached over and took the flowers. Hermione had been annoyed when she made a show of smelling them in front of Daniel and Sebastian. The bushy haired witch's stomach clenched when she announced what type of flowers they had been.

"Oh what beautiful lilies these are Daniel how thoughtful." said Jean.

Snape's eyes widened at the mention of the flowers name as he realized why Hermione had not wanted him to see them. His body tensed as the image of the girl with long red hair and emerald green eyes came back to him.

"Lily." he said in a whisper.

Hermione took his hand doing her best to make it seem as casual as possible. She didn't dare try to enter his mind. In this state she would be bombarded with the very images that upset him.

"Bastian." she said keeping her voice even. "I would like you to accompany me outside for a bit."

Snape barely registered the faint sensation of her squeezing his hand as he nodded absently, lost in his memories.

"Excuse us." said Hermione. "We'll be back in a moment."

The Charms Mistress lead The Potions Professor outside the house. The images of Lily Potter being dead on the floor of her young son's bedroom came flooding back.

"Severus." said Hermione softly. "Severus look at me."

Snape could hear her voice but the images were too intense.

Hermione reached up and grabbed his face forcing him to see her. She kissed him passionately on the lips and he found himself responding to her. His heart was racing as he wrapped his arms around her warm slender frame.

"Hermione." he said in a near whisper.

"Are you okay?" she asked not letting him go.

"Y-Yes." he replied. "Thank you."

"It wasn't your fault." said Hermione. "You did the best you could."

Hermione smiled when he kissed her again just as passionately as she had him.

"I love you." said Snape looking down at her.

"I love you too." replied Hermione touching his face softly.

She pulled away from him taking his hand in hers once more and lead him back into the house.

"Everything alright?" asked Jean Granger.

"Yes." replied Snape.

"Just an flashback from the war I told you about." added Hermione not taking her eyes off Snape.

John Granger looked over at "Sebastian". He couldn't imagine what it must have been like for them to be so young and have so much chaos surrounding them.

"Well." he said. "I apologize if something we did upset you, Sebastian."

"It wasn't you Daddy." replied Hermione. "It was the flowers."

Daniel looked at them all utterly confused.

"The flowers?" asked Jean Granger with a confused expression of her own.

Snape looked at Hermione and squeezed her hand a little to let her know that it was alright to tell her.

"A girl was killed by a truly evil man." said Hermione sadly. "She and Sebastian were good friends much like Danny and I."

"What's that got to do with flowers?" asked Daniel still confused about everything.

"Her name was Lily." replied Snape with a sigh.

"Oh." said Daniel. "I-I'm sorry."

"It's alright Daniel." said Hermione. "The flowers were a thoughtful gift and I do really appreciate them."

The charming young man gave her a half smile.

"At least some good came out of the gesture." he said.

"Indeed." agreed Snape.

"It's been fun but, I've got a train to catch." said Daniel causally. "It was a pleasure meeting you Mr. Prince, do take care of Herms will you."

Hermione grinned.

"Oh, I intend to." replied Snape looking over his witch with a heated expression.

Hermione blushed under his gaze getting the attention of her father.

"We must be off too." she said. "I've got to get to Harry's before he has a conniption fit over me not showing up for the party he's giving me."

Mr. and Mrs. Granger shook their heads.

"Alright Herms." said Daniel.

He and Hermione exchanged a hug and the charming young man shook the hands of both Sebastian and Mr. Granger before he parted biding farewell to them all. Not long after he had been gone Snape and Hermione stood outside her parents house with her mother squeezing her for dear life.

"I promise to visit more often." said Hermione trying to ease her mother's mind.

"You'd better or we will be down to that school of yours." replied Jean. "And if you two plan on getting married I better be the first to know."

Snape's eyes widened briefly at the statement. Hermione narrowed her eyes when she caught it.

He gave her a half smile.

{"It's a little too late to be horrified now Slytherin."} she said in his mind. {"I've already got you."}

{I believe it was I that claimed you Gryffindor.} he countered.

{"Nope, sorry love."} replied Hermione. {"I kissed you first in the infirmary during the final battle."}

Snape's face contorted at the memory.

{I concede for now witch.} he said with his eyes heated. {But, rest assured I will be claiming you before the night is through.}

Hermione smiled as her mother walked toward Snape.

"You take care of my daughter young man." she said looking him in the eye.

"I will." replied Snape.

hugged Hermione so tightly that she got the feeling he had never wanted to let her go.

"Daddy." she said. "You're going to make me late."

John laughed releasing her finally.

"You just be careful Herms." he said with concern in his tone as he eyed "Sebastian".

"I will Daddy." she replied giving the man a peck on the cheek. "Don't worry so much."

Snape tried his best to keep from scoffing. She's one to talk. Although I can see where she gets it from.

Mr. Granger made his way over to Snape. The two men locked eyes as John extended his hand.

"Mr. Prince." he said.

"Mr. Granger." said Snape in reply shaking his hand firmly.

"I expect to finish our little discussion some time in the future." said John grimly.

"Indeed sir." replied Snape not at all intimidated. "I look forward to it."

With that Snape and Hermione left her parents with them wishing her a Happy Birthday one last time. The witch and the wizard headed for the nearest apparition point where a crack of thunder signaled their departure.

{A/N: I once knew a man named Daniel Hardcastle...he was an interesting fellow.}

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