
Chapter 59: A Long Awaited Discussion

The Grounds, Hogwarts Castle, Wizarding World...

Draco Malfoy had not known what to think as he stood staring out into the familiar lake in the very spot where he spent so much time as a student when Sebastian Prince came to Hogwarts. The silver serpent chain dangled around his neck. He could hardly believe it when Harry Potter told him the whole story. He had never would have imagined that his "God-brother" was in fact his "Godfather" de-aged. It did explain a lot. Draco never would have imagined caring like he had for a wizard he knew nothing about. The sleek blond wizard recalled Harry telling him everything that Snape had gone through, not having memories, nearly being killed by death eaters in a bid to save Lucius Malfoy, his father. The green eyed wizard had even told him about how confused Snape had been when he returned and had to confront his feelings for Hermione knowing that he couldn't be with her.

Draco knew how much "Sebastian" cared about Hermione. The two were nearly inseparable when they were dating. He had even noted that Sebastian had been much happier when he was around Hermione than he had been when he first arrived. The junior Malfoy had even accused him of being in love with the Gryffindor witch when they were embroiled in their hex wars. Hindsight was a truly funny thing. He had never even considered how lonely his Godfather might have been over the years. While the man refused to take a bride or even indulge in any type of affectionate relationship while the dark lord had still been alive, he had never even considered what the man would do when the war ended.

In all truth, Snape had been extremely fortunate to survive the events of the war. He had been public menace number one after the apparent murder of Albus Dumbledore and Voldemort had decided that he had out lived his usefulness when it came time to claim the elder wand. The junior Malfoy had come so close to death in those days, lost and confused with Lucius locked away in Azkaban and death eaters staying at his home.

Even being at Hogwarts lost it's luster.

The only person that had been in his corner had been his Godfather. It had only just dawned on the young wizard the ramifications of Voldemort's sick plot to make him be the one to kill Dumbledore. If the old wizard had fallen to him then the entire wizarding world would have been out for his blood. The Malfoys would have been hunted down in the wake of Dumbledore's death, Lucius' service would have been conveniently buried in a bid for everyone to get their revenge.

Malfoy Manor would have been burned to the ground.

Snape had taken on all of that just so the boy could have a normal life. The gray eyes of Draco Malfoy filled with tears as he took in what it all meant. His Godfather would have been left to die alone in that stupid shack never once knowing any kind of real love or affection. The recollection of how lost Sebastian had been when Draco showed him that he had indeed cared for him all made perfect sense.

Draco sighed and made his way toward the Slytherin Dungeons.

He had to see his Godfather.

He had to make things right with him again.


Snape's Office, Hogwarts...

Severus Snape had been grading yet another stack of parchments. It never ceased to amaze him that the number of students who tried to ease their way through his class with half done work. If he had not been so insulted he would have laughed. Fed up with the bogus answers Snape waved his hand over the worthless stacks.

"Ignis." he said in a low whisper.

In seconds the stacks were incinerated. The dour professor smirked taking in the sight of his handy work. There was a knock at his door and with a sigh he attempted to make himself look busy knowing full well that it had not been Hermione, she had a class that afternoon.

"Enter." he said not looking up from his desk as he rooted through stacks of other parchments.

Draco Malfoy entered Snape's office marveling at how it had not changed a bit since he had attended Hogwarts.

"What do you want Draco?" said Snape without looking up.

"I-I was wondering if I could talk to you." stammered the junior Malfoy.

"Why may I ask, do you all of the sudden want to speak to me?" asked Snape still not looking up at him.

"I-I wanted to..." started Draco. "I apologize uncle."

Snape looked up at him with an arched eyebrow.

"I beg your pardon." he said.

"I said that I apologize Uncle for my behavior as of late...Potter told us the whole story after you left." said Draco. "I still can't believe that you were Sebastian Prince the entire time."

Snape looked at Draco with a bored expression on his face.

"If you are done apologizing I have some work to do." he said.

"I understand." said Draco. "I won't take up anymore of your time."

When the young albino blond wizard turned to leave Snape sighed and got to his feet.

"Draco." he said.

The young wizard turned to face him.

"I do not make it a habit of getting into heart to heart talks but since we both are well aware of the truth...I see no harm in informing you; when I do indeed have a son of my own, I know without a shadow of a doubt that you will be there for him." said Snape. "That being said...I don't often make it a habit of looking at another man's wife but you were right about Miss Parkinson."

"What was I right about sir?" asked Draco curious.

"She does have...how did you put it...really huge tits." replied Snape rather painstakingly.

Draco burst out laughing. If he ever needed confirmation about Snape being Sebastian that was definitely it.

"Just so you know sir Pansy's been telling all the girls that you have a huge trouser snake so I'd watch it if I were you." said the young albino wizard with a smile.

Snape rolled his eyes recalling the very embarrassing memory of Pansy walking in on him that afternoon he had gotten too close to Hermione in the library. She had remarked along those lines seemingly unable to tear her eyes away from his tented boxer shorts. He had said in that moment that he had hated her.

Draco laughed once again seeing the utter discomfort on Snape's face. He was reminded of the way Sebastian looked when he was uncomfortable.

"I can't believe I never noticed it before." he said with a sigh.

"Noticed what?" asked Snape annoyed.

"That the reason Sebastian was so cool was because he was you all along." replied Draco. "You're the best man I know Uncle Severus, tell Granger for me that I am eternally grateful to her for making you happy."

"Who says that I have anything to do with Granger?" asked Snape.

Draco smirked.

He may have been out of Hogwarts of over five years, but he was still very much a Slytherin.

"Granger's known the truth for years now, she just so happened to show up at Hogwarts where you teach for a job and now there is nothing in the way of you two getting together." he said with a confident smirk. "You're both shagging like bloody rabbits."

Snape tried his best to keep his expression neutral.

This had only served to make Draco laugh once more.

"Tell Granger I said hello." he said. "That is if she is in any fit condition to make any sort of reply."

"Sod off Malfoy." said Snape out of habit.

Draco smirked.

"Be gone with you boy." said Snape fed up with the discussion. "You're just like your bloody father."

"Maybe." replied Draco. "But I hope I'm a bit like you as well...See you at dinner Uncle Severus."

"Away with you Draco." said Snape. "Of course your mother would send me a howler if I didn't show."

Draco laughed again and walked out the door.

The last thing he heard was Snape mutter something about "sodding Malfoys".



Snape's Quarters, Slytherin Dungeons, Hogwarts...

Hermione had been smiling happily as she rested her head against Severus' bare chest. Her bushy hair beneath his pale chin and his arm had been wrapped around her waist. The witch trailed a finger along his scars letting out a contented sigh. The crisp black sheets had covered them as the heat from their encounter began to subside. Snape looked up at the ceiling with his eyelids half closed taking in the scent of jasmine from her hair and the warmth of her slender frame against him.

He had been debating for some time about telling Hermione about Draco. He had not known how she would take the news of someone else knowing about their relationship. Least of all Draco Malfoy. While it was true that they had become good friends in the wake of Sebastian's arrival, there was really no love loss between the two of them. They were enemies during the war and would have been at least distant acquaintances for the rest of their lives.

"Draco knows." said Snape breaking the easy silence that had come over them.

"How?" asked Hermione with not a trace of distress in her tone.

"He remembered what we were like while we attended Hogwarts.." replied Snape evenly.

"Sounds about right." replied Hermione sleepily.

"May I ask why you are not the least bit surprised by this?" he asked curious.

"If you recall our time together well enough you would remember that we were never really that good at discretion." replied Hermione. "Most of the time Draco had walked in on us."

Snape smirked in the darkness, although she could not see it.

The dour wizard reached down and took her nearest hand letting his long pale finger wrap around her small delicate ones.

She nuzzled her head against his chest as they both drifted off into a pleasant sleep.

It seemed that she had not had a problem with anyone knowing a out their renewed relationship, well at least she didn't have a problem with Draco or Lupin knowing.

Everyone else was another matter entirely.

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