
Chapter 40: Cold Hearted Snape

Potions Classroom, Hogwarts...

Severus Snape scanned the classroom looking for any signs of misbehavior. The coldness seemed to ooze off him in waves. His obsidian eyes were more like a hawk than his legendary nose picking up every movement or seemingly subtle exchange. He seemed as wired as a cat ready to pound on any conduct he deemed reprehensible. To the student, he had become a terror over night. Not a single one of them had ever remembered a time when Professor Snape had been so cold. The Potions Professor had even been snapping at the Slytherin students. He had been known for occasionally being a git but this was beginning to be on a constant basis. None of the students had known anything about the Professor being under the effects of a curse, they had just assumed that he was finally showing his true colors and had genuinely hated them all.

Of all the students to be puzzled by the Potions Professor's cold demeanor, none had been more out of place with it than Hermione Granger. The bushy haired Gryffindor witch sat quietly thinking about all that has happened recently. She had been still confused by what happened in her dream and her actions in the infirmary. She had not intended to kiss Professor Snape, especially not with him being the father of her long absent boyfriend. She had not understood where he feelings of tenderness for the Potions Professor had come from but they seemed to flood her at every turn. He seemed more distant and unapproachable ever since that night. The Gryffindor witch had not be able to get the sight of those black veins coursing through his body out of her mind. There had been something seriously wrong with the dour man and it seemed no body had been willing to address it.

Snape swept between the desks leaving students with an icy chill as he passed.

His obsidian eyes continued to scan the room.

It had been rather unfortunate for a 7th year Gryffindor boy who had forgotten his potions text book and had attempted to share with his Slytherin neighbor. Snape zeroed in on the poor boy and lit into him as if he had been both Neville Longbottom and Harry Potter all rolled into one. Snape's reputation as the meanest teacher in Hogwarts had been crafted by his no-nonsense attitude with his students beginning in their 1st year. His strategy was to get it into their thick skulls that just because he was one of the youngest teachers in the entire history of the school, it was imperative that they understood that he was not someone to be trifled with.

His behavior had been a well established pattern over the years that yielded results even when students reached their 7th year. What he was doing on this occasion was out right bullying and he had no control over the lethal venom he spewed when he made the 7th year Gryffindor boy burst into tears. The class had been utterly stunned. The display had been so bad that the 7th year Slytherin tried to come to his defense and was equally tormented by his Head of House.

Unable to take any more of Snape's verbal abuse, a voice spoke up from the back of the classroom.

"Leave them alone!" it said defiantly.

The Potions Master whirled around until he came face to face with none other than Harry James Potter. Green eyes met obsidian as Snape stared down the Boy-Who-Lived-To-Be-A-Thorn-In-His-Side. Harry's sense of justice had kicked in and he was absolutely fuming at Snape's treatment of the other students.

"Well, if it isn't Hogwarts's own equivalent to the Muggle character Oliver Twist." snapped the irritated Potions Professor. "Did your aunt and uncle make you beg for your supper boy or did you fish it off the streets?"

"You've gone too far Snape." said Harry getting to his feet.

Both Harry and Snape continued to glare at each other.

"I suppose you think I am suppose to be afraid of you?" said Snape with an arched brow. "The Great Harry James Potter, savior of the wizarding world, bane of the dark lord...am I to bow down and kiss your sainted feet and beg your forgiveness for all of my sins...you're every bit as arrogant and obnoxious as your dead overly sainted father..."

Harry had been a little taken back by Snape making digs at his father once more. They had come to an understanding after the war. The green eyed had no idea where all this open hostility was coming from.

"Stop talking about my father." said Harry defensive.

"Or what Potter?, are you going to kill me?" asked Snape with something of a smug expression filed across his sallow pale face "No doubt all of those in attendance here will erect a statue in your honor for the gesture...perhaps even celebrate with several cheery little parties...we both know how you so long to be relevant once more in the public eye."

"Shut up." said Harry becoming irate in his own right.

Snape chuckled at this apparently greatly amused by the boy's growing distress.

"The great Potter is becoming angry...perhaps, I should stop before he pulls out his wand." said Snape in a mocking tone. "If only your whore mother could see what you've become."

Harry's eyes grew wide.

His rage evident to everyone in that moment, it was one thing for the potions Professor to insult his father whom he had not been that fond of. He understood where it had all come from, but for Snape to outright insult Lily Evans-Potter it was something unheard of.

The class let out a collective gasp as they watched the two of them unsure of what to expect as far as when an outright duel would begin.

Harry's hand twitched as he ached to reach for his wand.

Snape saw this and his dark eyes gleamed.

"Go on Potter." said Snape goading the boy with a vicious smirk. "Reach for your wand...give me a reason...you'll end up on the wrong side of an unforgivable faster than your mangy godfather when Bellatrix eliminated him."

Slowly losing control over his emotions, Harry Potter gripped his wand intent on using it.

"Speaking of Potter, that was indeed a good deal of business...you leading the order of phoenix into a one-sided fight and getting that bastard Sirius Black in position to receive his just rewards...I may be inclined to worship at your feet after all...you saved me the trouble..." Snape continued goading Harry all the more.

At that moment class had come to an end and the other students couldn't wait to get out of there. They flooded the halls desperate to put some distance between them and the new dark Potions Master. Of all the students that had attended Potions class that afternoon; only Harry, Hermione, Draco, and Ron remained behind with Professor Snape.

Harry suddenly hopped over his desk and merely grabbed Snape's robes before the older wizard yelled out in pain. The green eyed wizard caught a glimpse of what looked to be black veins running along his pale flesh. He moved to touch Snape once more and the wizard darted away from him nearly stumbling in the process. Hermione got to her feet and walked over toward him. She had only meant to help the ailing older wizard but he yelled out once more much to the amazement of those still left in the classroom. Draco had begun to realize that something was seriously wrong here.

He got to his feet and made his way over to Snape, Harry, and Hermione followed by a concerned Ron Weasley.

Hermione didn't understand why a simple touch made the professor feel such pain.

"Professor Snape, are you alright?" she asked seeing the black veins as well.

It had been just like what happened in first year when Harry ventured into the dungeons.

Harry was dumbfounded his mind trailing back to Professor Quirrell, and how he had not liked his touch when he tried to kill him. The boy had been terrified that Voldemort had managed to find a way back through Snape, both for the wizarding world and for the dour wizard himself. It had been a very likely possibility until Hermione proved that her touch caused the wizard pain as well.

"G-GET AWAY FROM ME YOU INSOLENT MUDBLOOD!" shouted Professor Snape in agony.

Draco had not heard his uncle use that term before. He had made him stop saying it before the war had ended. Everyone left in the room had gone silent looking at a tear stricken Hermione Granger as she turned away from the black hearted Professor and made her way out of class without being dismissed. Snape looked absolutely floored by his outburst but there was nothing that he could do. Harry shook his head as he looked at him. There was clearly something wrong with him.

The pain increased and the black veins could be seen by Draco and Ron as well.

"Bloody hell." said Ron stunned.

"Uncle..." said Draco speechless. "W-What's happened to you?"

Snape simply stared out the door where Hermione had made a hasty, tear-filled retreat. The pain had intensified to the point of making him pass out.

Harry did not understand any of this. He looked at Draco who seemed to be just as clueless as he had been.

The only thing the boys could think of was to get Lupin or Dumbledore.

Harry and Ron left the ailing Snape in Draco's care and went to find either of the respective other professors.


The Grounds, Hogwarts...

Hermione did not know what was wrong with her. It wasn't as if she had not been called a "Mudblood" before, the followers of Voldemort seemed to use it as a term of endearment for her they said it so often, with the exception of Snape and Lucius Malfoy. It wasn't even the first time Snape had yelled at her, he had been irate with her antics since she first arrived at Hogwarts at the age of 12. What had seemed to hurt so much was that he of all people had called her that term when before he never would have allowed Draco to utter it in his presence. She didn't know if the hurt was compounded by her very confusing feelings for him or just the venom behind it.

She had only wanted to help him. He looked to be in a great deal of pain. It had brought back memories of seeing him suffer at the hands of Voldemort and return Hogwarts unable to keep from trembling in the aftermath. He continued to teach as if nothing had been wrong. No one seemed to care enough about him for even the slightest sign to the contrary.

The tears continued to fall down Hermione's cheeks. She didn't understand how he could be so...cold. The images of him kissing her flooded her mind again. How can he kiss her like that whether it had been a dream or not and be so cold afterward? The distraught young Gryffindor witch sighed.

This was really starting to confuse her now.

She was in love with Sebastian, but she was almost sure that she had feelings for Professor Snape as well.

The only thing that seemed to make sense out of this whole odd equation was that there was something seriously wrong with Professor Snape.


Severus Snape's Quarters, Slytherin Dungeons, Hogwarts...

Snape had been irate when both Lucius Malfoy and Remus Lupin pulled him from the classroom and into his quarters. It seemed that the curse was much more potent than any of them could have ever imagined. The Potions Professor struggled against their hold going on a venomous tirade against them both as he did. The senior Malfoy paid him no mind as he helped the werewolf bind Snape to his own four poster bed. The Potions Professor had been covered in black veins from the sheer physical contact with the two wizards. Draco had followed the men curious to see why all of this had been happening to his godfather.

He remembered Hermione having similar black veins when she was at the lake, but he never though Snape would be infected as well.

"F-Father...is Uncle Severus going to die?" asked the junior Malfoy his voice heavy with concern.

Lucius sighed and turned his attention to his young son while Lupin finished binding Snape.

The senior Malfoy walked over to his concerned son and affectionately stroked his cheek.

"No Draco." he replied evenly. "Severus, is going to be just fine...you have my word."

Draco looked from his father back to his ailing Uncle.

He had not been so sure of that, but when his father had given him his word on something, Slytherin or not.

He meant it.

The junior Malfoy nodded and turned his attention back to his father.

"Promise you'll get whoever did this." he said with a murderous intent behind his gray eyes.

Lucius met his son's gaze with the same intent.

"Oh I intend to." he replied. "I assure you Draco, they will not survive the encounter."

Draco seemed satisfied with this.

He took one last look at his uncle and headed back to the grounds.

Lupin had been unnerved by the veins covering Severus Snape's body.

The Potions Master's skin seemed to grow all the more pale and sweat drenched his weary body.

"Release me werewolf!" demanded the irate Potions Professor.

"I'm sorry Severus, but that is not an option." said Lupin evenly.

Lucius sighed and made his way into the front room. He had not been gone very long before he returned with a bottle of fire whiskey and two glasses. He handed a glass to Lupin and filled it. Then he filled the second glass. Snape watched with rage building behind his obsidian eyes as the two men indulged themselves in his favorite drink.

"I wonder Lupin." said Lucius taking a sip from his glass.

"What's that Lucius?" asked Lupin sipping from his as well.

"Do you really have Severus' best interest at heart?" asked Lucius in an accusatory manner.

Lupin looked over at the now puzzled Potions Master.

"Yes." he replied without a shred of doubt.

Lucius nodded in approval.

It seemed that the werewolf had truly meant what he said back in the corridor. No doubt he wished to right the past wrongs committed by him when he had taken to not standing up for the raven haired wizard in their youth.

"Good." said Lucius seemingly satisfied.

He walked over toward Snape and offered the dour man a drink from the bottle of fire whiskey. Snape glared at the handsome albino blond for a few moments and then took a drink. It seemed to numb some of the pain. Lucius poured a bit more into his and Lupin's respective glasses and let Snape take another drink.

"How would you like some good old fashioned revenge?" Lucius asked Snape.

The Potions Master's dark eyes gleamed at the thought.

"I'm listening." he said in an icy, but civilized tone.

Lucius smirked proudly at his young friend.

"Very good." he said in a sinister tone.

His own gray eyes gleamed at the prospect of just revenge.

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