
Chapter 20: Eaters of Death

Outside The Three Broomsticks, Wizarding World...

Hermione Granger had been waiting patiently outside The Three Broomsticks for Harry and Ron. The snow had let up but there had still been banks of white filled with it everywhere. Sebastian had been visiting with Lady Hamershal and Draco was back at Hogwarts. His mother had arrived with news about his father and he had not wanted to miss it. It had been quite some time since the junior Malfoy had seen or spoken to Lucius Malfoy. A cool breeze had rolled in as the sandy brown haired Gryffindor witch's hair swayed with the trees. Her ears had been turning red from the cold but she was in a pleasant mood. Sebastian had said that he would meet her and her friends at The Three Broomsticks once he concluded his business.

Hermione had been so wrapped up in her thoughts that she did not notice the shimmering figures in close proximity to her. They edged closer as she paced becoming more than a little frustrated by the waiting. The sound of a twig snapping in half jolted her from her thoughts. Hermione gripped her wand tightly. The shimmers got even closer. Hermione noticed one of them and steeled herself. Her thoughts had been trying to break away and run a mile a minute but she quickly gained control of herself.

The shimmers got close enough to confirm her suspicions.

Hermione took a breath and hoped that her timing had not been off as she drew her wand.

"EXPELIAMUS!" she shouted aiming at one of the shimmers.

The charm wore off and Bart Crouch Jr. went sailing off into the distance. She took the time to run as the other shimmer charged at her, snow flying with each movement she made forward. The Gryffindor witch evaded it. She took off in the direction of some trees weaving in between them with ease because of her small size. More shimmers appeared. Hermione's heart had been pounding as she sought a way to get passed her attackers. She had been sure that they were not intending to kill her but she was not taking any chances.

It had been difficult to hide with the snow tracks she had been leaving behind. Sebastian's words back at the Hamershal Estate had been in her head. A costly mistake could mean the difference between life and death and she had no intention on making any if she could help it. She sent two more shimmers flying and they both had been revealed to have been Bart Crouch Jr. He got to his feet dusting himself off.

"You are going to pay for that...you little Mudblood bitch!" he growled angrily.

Hermione blasted him again.

Bart went flying once more into the slick white snow.

The sandy brown haired Gryffindor witch took off again. By the looks of it ten shimmers appeared surrounding her at every turn. Hermione would blast one and three more appeared. Hermione had hid behind a nearby tree exhausted and out of breath. She could hear the snickers of Bart Jr.'s copies.

"How sad...is the Mudblood tired already?" he taunted.

Hermione looked around blasting back a copy that had gotten too close. She reasoned that there was no way that she could keep this up and made the only move she could. Hermione lifted her wand and thought quickly before casting a charm.

"Expecto Patronum!" she shouted as a silver otter swirled into view.

Hermione had just enough time to get a message out before she heard the voice of McNair behind her. Before she could react the words had hit her ears.

"Stupefy!" came McNair's gruff tone.

Hermione dropped her wand and everything went dark.

"Got you now Mud-blood bitch." added the voice of Bart Crouch Jr. in the background.

The two death eaters made off with the captured Muggle-Born Gryffindor witch.



Both Harry and Ron had been looking all over for Hermione. They had waited outside The Three Broomsticks for nearly an hour. She still had not showed. Of the two Harry had been the first to arrive following a class. Ron had come thirty minutes later. They had went in and saw no sign of Hermione and then decided the since no one had seen her that she had not arrived yet.

"I'm getting really worried Ron." said Harry. "It's not like Mione to not show up on time."

"Maybe she's already with Sebastian." said Ron. "You know what the two of them are like."

Harry had considered it but something made him not so sure.

"No, I don't think so Ron." he said not at all liking the scenario. "It's got to be something else?"

"Did she have any classes today?" asked Ron. "I don't remember seeing her."

"No." replied Harry. "You and I are still doing make-up work from last year...Hermione is leagues ahead of us."

Ron nodded.

"Well, you think she's in the library?" he asked thoughtfully. "It is like her second home you know."

Harry considered it.

"M-maybe." he replied.

Harry thought for a moment.

"Ron, I know how we can find Hermione." he said.

Ron had seemed to catch his train of thought.

"The map!" he said excited by the prospect of using it again.

The two Gryffindors made their way to Gryffindor tower.


Diagon Alley, Wizarding World...

Sebastian had been waiting for what seemed like hours for Lady Hamershal to conclude her business deal with a local shop keeper. He stood outside in the snow with his arms folded across his chest and a scowl on his face. He had hated waiting, it had been an activity derived from suspended nothingness.

Waiting gives the devil time.

Truth be told he had been rather impatient because he knew he was suppose to meet with Hermione at the Three Broomsticks. Harry and Ron were due to arrive and they were all suppose to have dinner there. The raven haired young wizard smiled as the thought of Hermione came to him. He looked down at the ring she had given him on his birthday.

It had been quite impressive, so much so that he had done a little business of his own while he waited for Lady Hamershal to conclude hers. He had conceded that it lacked the originality befitting situation but the sentiment was there. Sebastian had just exited the shop when a rather odd looking creature caught his attention.

It appeared to be a silver otter.

Sebastian raised an eyebrow as the creature ventured over to him as if sniffing him out. It reared back on it's small legs and opened it's mouth. The raven haired Slytherin had been stunned to hear Hermione's voice come out of the strange creature. Lupin had covered the basics on the purposes of the Patronous charm but Sebastian had yet to see it in action.

"Hermione?" said Sebastian confused.

{"Sebastian...there's no time...if you are listening to this that means that I have been kidnapped by death eaters...It's McNair and Bart Crouch Jr...I-I can't hold them off any longer...please help...} the message ended.

Sebastian raced into the shop with a look of anguish on his face. Lady Hamershal had been about to reprimand him for his lack of manners but the situation had appeared quite urgent.

"I have to go." he said unnerved. "I-I need to speak with The Headmaster!"

Lady Hamershal nodded.

"Be careful." she said understanding as he raced back out the door.

A loud crack of thunder hit and he was gone.


Gryffindor Tower, Hogwarts...

Harry had been studying the map for a good forty minutes. There had been no sign of Hermione anywhere. Ron had decided to return to the Three Broomsticks in case she arrived there. Harry paced the room as the fear and worry continued to build in him. It was not like Hermione to just disappear into thin air. She had been a creature of unbreakable routine. One thing was for sure if she had been at Hogwarts the map would have picked up on it. Harry sat down on his bed trying to keep the worst case scenario from entering his mind.

"No." he said taking off his glasses and rubbing his eyes. "No...Hermione is fine...everything is fine...she's probably shopping or something."

Harry had not even believed a word that had come out of his own mouth in the way of reassurance.

"Mione." he said with more fear seizing him. "Where could you be?"

After several minutes Harry decided to check the map again just in case she had returned. His green eyes scanned every part of it until they fell on a familiar name that he had not been expecting.

{Severus Snape}

"Professor Snape!" said Harry relieved that the long absent Potions Master had finally returned.

Harry left his room in search of the one person who could help Hermione if she had indeed been in danger.


The Corridors, Hogwarts...

Sebastian Prince had been racing through the corridors nearing on a run. His walk had been brisk in a bid not to draw too much attention to himself as he neared the entrance to the headmaster's office. He had taken only one step forward when he someone ran right smack into him. The raven haired Slytherin scrambled to his feet and glared down at the downed form of Harry James Potter.

"Potter watch where you are going!" said Sebastian irate.

Harry picked up his glasses and the map up off the floor.

"I-I'm sorry Professor Snape sir." he replied. "I-I didn't mean to I was just..."

Harry put his glasses back on and found himself looking at Sebastian Prince.

"Potter I have no time for your jokes." said Sebastian. "The Death eaters have Hermione."

Harry looked at him stunned. He had been sure the map had told him that Professor Severus Snape had been in the halls. He looked at the map again in confusion. There was no way that any of this could be true.

{Severus Snape}

"Did you hear what I said Harry?" asked Sebastian looking at him as if he had been loosing his mind. "The death eaters have Hermione."

Harry blinked for a moment. The map was indicating that Sebastian Prince had been Professor Snape the entire time. No way. He couldn't possibly be...The maps never wrong. But it has to be in this case because that would mean...Merlin...

"Sebastian?" said Harry not trusting his eyes.

"Have you gone daft Harry?" asked Sebastian not liking the way Harry was looking at him.

It had reminded him of the second year Hufflepuff boy.

Harry shook his head for a moment. Pushing the revelation back in his mind.

"S-Sorry what were you saying about Hermione?" he asked.

"She's been kidnapped you idiot." said Sebastian irate. "I was on my way to report this to The Headmaster when you ran into me."

Harry tried to push down the sudden rage that surfaced following Sebastian calling him an idiot. If what he said had been true then that was the reason neither he nor Ron could find her on the map.

"I'll go with you to tell The Headmaster." he said finally.

Both wizards proceeded to The Headmaster's office.

Dumbledore smiled as he looked down at them from his desk.


The Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts...

It had not been much of a surprise to Albus Dumbledore when Sebastian Prince and Harry Potter had arrived in his office and told him that Hermione Granger had been kidnapped by rouge death eaters. He had a message delivered to him for Severus Snape some time ago. Sebastian had been irate at the lack of security near the Three Broomsticks in the first place. Dumbledore simply watched him not saying a word. Hermione had been missing and the old man had not so much as raised an eyebrow.

"You have to send someone!" said Sebastian slamming his fists down on The Headmasters desk in frustration.

"The proper authorities have already been notified." replied The Headmaster.

"THAT'S NOT GOOD ENOUGH!" shouted Sebastian. "You don't know what these men are capable of!"

The Headmaster sighed.

"Mr. Prince you need to calm down." he said pleasantly. "Miss Granger will be fine."

"She's a Muggle-born witch responsible for the fall of Voldemort...surrounded by his loyal followers." said Sebastian irate. "HOW CAN YOU SIT HERE AND SAY SHE WILL BE FINE!"

The Headmaster simply sat there watching the young Slytherin intently.

Sebastian's head had been pounding but it had been the least of his worries. Hermione being in the clutches of the like of McNair and Bart Jr. was the more pressing issue.

"Listen to me." said The Headmaster coolly. "I have sent word to the proper authorities...they will handle this."

Sebastian glared at The Headmaster.

Harry watched the exchange in disbelief. He had not seen how the headmaster had been so by the book all of the sudden. He had bent many a rule back when they were at war with Voldemort. Perhaps that is why, during times of war...things are different...A drastic change seemed to come over Sebastian as he looked back at the headmaster. A chill set in the air and he was calm.

"As you wish Headmaster." he said in an icy tone.

The Headmaster gave him a pleasant smile.

"Everything will be fine my boy." he said in a father like manner.

Sebastian took his hands off the desk and straightened his attire.

"You will be the first I call when we receive word about Miss Granger." said Dumbledore.

Sebastian's glare had been ice as he looked back at the Headmaster.

"As you say." he replied still in an icy tone. "Headmaster."

Harry had been stunned.

"You're just going to give up?" he asked confused.

"There is nothing more that we can do here Potter." replied Sebastian emotionless.

Harry didn't understand this new defeatist attitude.

Sebastian swept out of the room with his robes billowing behind him. Harry went after him intent on getting answers. He could not believe that the raven haired wizard was just going to give up and let someone else handle this.

"Sebastian." called Harry catching up to him.

The raven haired Slytherin continued to walk briskly down the corridor.

"I can't believe you're just going to give up." said Harry. "I thought Hermione meant something to you...this is the cowards way..."

Sebastian suddenly grabbed Harry by the collar of his shirt and looked at him with hatred behind his obsidian eyes.

"DO NOT use that word in my presence." he growled irate. "Gryffindors...just because you have eyes...that does not mean you always see..."

Harry had tried not to recall how much Sebastian had reminded him of Professor Snape in this moment. He felt the familiar twinge of fear that had always accompanied that black glare of The Potions Master's.

"I-I...t-thought..." stammered Harry.

"Just for the record...Hermione means EVERYTHING to me." said Sebastian still in the same manner. "It is why I am going to find her and bring her back."

Harry nodded understanding.

Sebastian showed Harry the note that was written to Professor Snape that he had taken from Dumbledore's desk. The green eyed wizard's mouth dropped open.

"W-where...h-how did you?" he said fumbling over the questions.

"I'm a Slytherin remember." said Sebastian.

Harry shook his head.

"How could I forget." he said.

Sebastian let him go and continued on toward the Slytherin Dungeons. Harry followed wanting to know what he had in mind. If Sebastian had some plan for saving Hermione he wanted in on it.


The Slytherin Dungeons, Hogwarts...

Harry wasn't surprised to be met with dirty looks as he ventured behind enemy lines into Slytherin territory. Sebastian had ignored the comments and jeers as he made his way to the Head Boy room. Harry followed looking more like a lost sheep amid rabid wolves. He kept pace with Sebastian as they entered the room. Draco Malfoy had been lying in bed with his arms folded behind his head looking up at the ceiling. The junior Malfoy had been wearing a white long sleeve shirt with dark green trousers and his school shoes. He had been more than a little stunned to see Harry Potter making his way into the snake pit.

"Potter!" he said sitting up quickly. "What are..."

He trailed off when he got a look at the grim expression on Sebastian's face.

"What's going on?" he asked serious.

"Hermione's been kidnapped by death eaters." replied Harry.

Sebastian walked over to his bed and pulled a strange book with a worn brown leather cover. It had appeared to have been quite old and written in some other language. Harry looked back n forth between Sebastian who wore a grim expression on his pale face and Draco who had been suddenly of like mind.

"A location spell." said Draco as if he had heard Harry's thoughts.

Harry studied Sebastian as he opened the book to a particular page and ran his thumb down the text until he found what he had been searching for. The lone Gryffindor watched as the raven haired wizard tapped his wand to the note and magic began to swirl around it. Sebastian leaned near the wand and said an incantation that Harry could hardly hear.

More magic swirled growing darker until it became a fine gray hue.

"Just as I suspected." said Sebastian breaking his silence. "The fool used his wand to make the note."

Harry had been confused now.

"What's happening?" he asked.

"Sebastian used the location spell to find Hermione's kidnappers." explained Draco.

Harry looked at him stunned.

It had been the first time that Draco had said Hermione's first name. In all the years that they had known each other he simply referred to her as "Granger."

"Do you know where they're keeping her?" asked Harry.

Sebastian looked up at the green eyed Gryffindor.

"Yes." he replied with his obsidian eyes gleaming. "And I am going to bring her back."

"I'm going with you." said Harry

"So am I." added Draco.

The three Wizards made their way out of the Slytherin Dungeons with grim expressions on their young faces and determination burning in their eyes.

Next chapter