
Chapter 12: From Whence The Lady Doeth Come

Head Boy Room, Slytherin Dungeons, Hogwarts...

Draco Malfoy had been fuming. Ever since Lady Hamershal insinuated herself into Sebastian's life she has done nothing but show up where she wasn't wanted and call him out to go with her on errands like some lap dog. He had no idea what her game had been but he didn't like it nor did he like her. She had rubbed him the wrong way the moment he saw her. If bad news had been a walking talking manifestation she had been it. The albino young wizard's gray eyes flickered with outrage as he paced the floors of his room. His father had not yet replied to any of his messages and anytime he went home his mother only told him that his father was still away on business.

"Bloody Hell!" exclaimed Draco in frustration. "How am I suppose to find out anything about this so-called Lady Hamershal with father out of the country?"

The junior Malfoy sat down on his bed in a huff.

He had never heard of a Lady Hamershal in all his life. Never once had she been at any Hamershal been to any of the parties his mother and father threw at Malfoy Manor. Draco had tried in vain to recall a single time where she might have appeared but there had still been nothing. There wasn't even a single conversation that he had casually overheard mentioning such a woman.

"Just who the bloody is this woman?" asked Draco aloud.

At the end of his rope, Draco had reached the only conclusion that would gain him any information pertaining to this strange woman. It had pained him to no end to have to speak to his current head of house but protecting Sebastian had far out weighed his discontent at the moment. He stood up took a breath and made his way out of the Slytherin dungeons in search of Professor Slughorn.

Draco sighed.

This was going to be a long day.


Gryffindor Tower, Common room, Hogwarts...

The junior Malfoy Draco had not been the only one with questions about Lady Hamershal. Harry Potter had been in search of answers of his own about the strange woman that suddenly appeared in Sebastian's life. He had the distinct feeling that he had seen her from somewhere before. Her dark eyes and raven hair had not really stood out so much in the way of distinctive features but there was something about her expression and the way she seemed to carry herself around Sebastian.

Harry had known the raven haired young wizard to be extremely cautious when it came to dealing with people. Especially, people he had not known that well. He had seemed to trust the woman on some strange level. Sebastian's judgment when it came to dealing with people had been like that of a true Slytherin and it should have been enough for Harry and the others to trust that he knew what he was doing when it came to dealing with people like Lady Hamershal but there was something about her that seemed to grab a hold of Harry and it wouldn't let go.

He searched his memories extensively trying his hardest to come up with a reason for the woman being so familiar to him. He had not been alone in this. Hermione had expressed that she too got the feeling that she had seen the woman from somewhere before and it had nothing to do with Slughorn's party.

"Maybe she just has a familiar face." said Harry trying to push down the other rising questions.

Despite this he continued to try and figure out who Lady Hamershal had been. After several more attempts he got to his feet. There was only one person that he could think to ask about the mysterious lady thought he didn't believe he would get a straight answer from him. Harry quickly swept out of the common room and headed straight for The Headmaster's office to speak to Albus Dumbledore.


The Lair of The Slytherin Prince...

Hermione Granger's amber eyes had been studying the dark ceiling that loomed above her from the center of the transfigured bed in Sebastian's secret hiding place. He had been half asleep next to her still reeling from the effects of their previous entanglement. Both the young witch and wizard had become much more comfortable exploring the physical aspect of their relationship and had ventured off from the rest of the world to do so quite a bit since the first encounter.

There had been some concerns in the beginning after Hermione went into the library seeking more knowledge about sexual encounters and had been quite alarmed when she recalled that neither she nor Sebastian saw fit at the time of their first engagement to use a contraception spell. although, neither of them had known what it was to begin with due to having no use for such a thing before. They had been rather lucky that Hermione had not become pregnant as a result of their carelessness.

After doing a great deal of reading as well as learning and perfecting the contraception charm, Hermione had insisted that either she or Sebastian cast it the very instant they feel the need to engage. They had been very careful to comply with her new set of rules every time they were alone with intentions of exploring the physical aspect of their relation ship.

This afternoon had been no different.

Sebastian shifted closer to Hermione and put his arm around her. She layed her head on his chest and they basked in the peaceful silence that surround them. Hermione had been content to let the silence continue but the thought of Lady Hamershal had occurred to her. As usual her mind was filled with questions.

"Sebastian." she said.

A smirk filed across the face of The raven haired Slytherin.

"You have questions for me." he said knowing her all too well.

Hermione smiled at this.

"I was wondering if you could tell me about your arrangement with Lady Hamershal." she said.

Sebastian raised an eye brow.

"Is this a line of questioning about business or has the Gryffindor lioness become possessive?" he asked.

Hermione sat up and glared at him.

Sebastian laughed at the intent in her eyes.

"I'm only joking Hermione." he said. "I have no interest in becoming some older woman's boy toy."

Hermione narrowed her eyes at him for a moment.

"You'd better not." she said a bit possessive.

Sebastian smirked.

"Lady Hamershal, is simply my benefactor." he said. "She is helping me obtain a few ingredients for a few potions...they're relatively expensive when one is not a potions master and cannot obtain them on their own."

"And what else?" asked Hermione.

Sebastian looked at her for a moment.

"This may come as a surprise to you Granger, but I believe that being associated with a woman of considerable wealth would be more than beneficial for my future plans." he said.

Hermione seemed okay with this explanation.

"What do you know about her?" she asked.

"She's a very influential woman...the likes of which I have rarely seen...she's a widow having lost her husband some years ago...and she has a son about our age...she doesn't speak of him much and there appears to be some sort of lack of warmth pertaining to their relationship...She does not intent to make me a substitute for the lack of personal relationships in her life but she is a woman of her word...I entered into the agreement with her simply because of the benefits and her honest approach..." explained Sebastian as if he were giving a lecture. "There is also an attachment that she has to Professor Snape that seems to make her more willing to comply with my demands in order to gain my favor."

Hermione sighed. His explanation had put her mind at ease for the time being.

"Do you think she knew him...personally?" asked Hermione trying not to imagine Professor Snape engaging in sex with the elegant witch.

Sebastian chuckled some at this.

"I never really thought about that." he replied considering the possibility. "Her attachment does appear to be of a...personal nature."

Hermione shook her head.

"Well." she said. "At least it works to your benefit."

Sebastian laughed at her.

"I really think The Headmaster should check the sorting hat for signs of defect." he said. "You should have definitely been placed in Slytherin."

Hermione smacked him playfully across the arm.

"Slytherin Git." she said in mock outrage.

In reply Sebastian grabbed her and wrestled her back down to the bed.

"Insufferable Gryffindor." he said affectionately.

Then proceeded to capture her mouth in a passionate kiss.


Professor Slughorn's Office...

An odd chill shot down the spine of Draco Malfoy when he entered the office of Horace Slughorn. His gray eyes shifted from place to place taking in the rather unsettling peace of his surroundings. Slughorn had taken it upon himself to re-decorate Professor Snape's office. Cheerful and bright colors had surrounded every corner of the room plush comfortable chairs replaced the previous black uncomfortably bare ones that Professor Snape kept. The various jars of dissected specimens that both intrigued and frightened all who entered had been replaced with ingredients and a great many posters with cheesy messages donned the once dark green walls which had now become a dark yellow color.

"Bloody hell." said Draco to himself.

Thinking of Sebastian, he steeled himself and waited patiently for Professor Slughorn to arrive. It had been only a matter of moments before Professor Horace Slughorn made his way inside. He had carried the smug persona of a man that lived off of favors. His considerably plump form had been the first thing that Draco noted when he entered. The second thing had been that he had not been wearing the shameless toupee that he had been sporting since his return.

Horace Slughorn sat down at his desk as bald as a newborn baby. Draco fought back the urge to laugh noting that the man had been so wrapped up in his thoughts that he had not seen him. It caught the older wizard by surprise to see the gray eyes of the junior Malfoy looking back at him. His eyes widened for a moment after he realized that he had not covered his baldness. Then he decided to go about it as if it had been no big deal.

"Mr. Malfoy." he said in a solicitous manner. "What can I do for you?"

Draco gathered his thoughts.

"Professor Slughorn..." he started "I wanted to know if you can tell me anything about this...Lady Hamershal."

A seedy smile filed across the face of Slughorn.

"Well." said Slughorn happily. "I will delighted to tell you about her...does the Malfoy family intend to do business with her?"

Draco considered how to handle this. Slughorn was such a pompous glory hog he would no doubt love to be known as the reason a lucrative business arrangement was made.

"Y-You could say that." replied Draco. "I believe father...would appreciate knowing a thing or to about his prospective partner."

Slughorn's ears perked at this.

"Well, Mr. Malfoy." he said pleasantly. "Ask away."

"What do you know of Lady Hamershal?" asked Draco looking at Slughorn attentively.

"Theodora Hamershal is the wife of a very old acquaintance." replied Slughorn. "He had passed away some odd years ago you understand...she has been something of a recluse since then...She is what one refers to as old money...and has a son that I recall...about your age range..."

Draco listened for nearly an hour as Professor Slughorn recalled his dealings with Lady Hamershal and a bit about her personal life. It had all been just generalized facts and it took him only a minute to discover that Slughorn had no real concept of who she was.

Still it had not been a total waste. He had obtained some information about the woman that could be put to some use in the future if the situation called for it. After enduring Slughorn's obvious attempts at sucking up Draco left and headed back to the Slytherin dungeons.

It had been a long day indeed.


The Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts...

Harry sat quietly in The Headmaster's office. The older wizard's blue eyes had been twinkling as they took in the sight of the dark haired boy with green eyes. Harry began to fidget some under his unwavering gaze. He had liked the Headmaster and had been more than pleased that the old wizard had survived the final battle against Voldemort but he always got the feeling that Dumbledore had not always been the benevolent old wizard that many had perceived to be warm and endearing. The duality of the man's persona had always made Harry feel a bit uneasy around him. He tried his best to hide it but he wasn't very good at it. There had also been the suspicion that Dumbledore knew of his discomfort and spoke to him pleasantly to try and ease it.

"Harry." said Dumbledore pleasantly. "What brings you here?"

Harry looked up at the older wizard.

"Professor Dumbledore...I was wondering if you could help me with something." he said unsure of himself.

Dumbledore smiled at him.

"Does this matter concern Mr. Prince's association with a certain, Lady Hamershal?" he asked.

Harry had been caught off guard for a moment. Then decided that this was The Headmaster and he knew everything.

"Y-Yes." he replied.

"Harry." said Dumbledore softly. "While your concern for Mr. Prince is admirable and sort of sweet in nature...there is nothing for you to be worried about."

Harry studied Dumbledore for a moment.

"Sir, I believe I have seen her somewhere before." he said steeling himself. "B-Before Professor Slughorn's party."

Dumbledore sighed.

"Harry despite what you may think Lady Hamershal means Mr. Prince no harm." he said. "She is a very wealthy woman...her involvement in a great deal of projects help keep our world functioning...not to mention that she is a generous donor to the school."

Harry's eye brow raised at the mention of this. He considered his next question.

"H-Has she ever attended this school?" he asked.

"Yes." replied Dumbledore. "Many years ago."

He looked at Harry for a moment as if studying him.

"So she really won't hurt Sebastian?" asked Harry.

"No Harry." replied Dumbledore. "She won't cause your friend any harm."

Harry sighed not at all receiving the answers that he wanted but he had not really been surprised. Dumbledore had given him a lead despite his reluctance to share much about the woman.

"Thank you Headmaster." he said.

"You're welcome Harry." replied Dumbledore pleasantly.

Harry took his leave of the Headmasters office.

If Lady Hamershal attended Hogwarts then she must have been in the year books.

He could continue his search for answers in the library.

No doubt Hermione had been doing the same.

Maybe they could share information and work this out together.

Harry's pace quickened as he made his way through the empty corridors. He had still been sure that he had seen this woman from somewhere before but he just couldn't place it.

Next chapter