
Chapter 6: The Licking of Wounds

The Infirmary, Hogwarts...

Silence filled the room as Hermione's amber eyes locked onto the pale form of Sebastian Prince. He had been unconscious for three days following the attack with the death eaters and since that time she had taken to visiting the sleeping Slytherin. He had looked so different up close. The similarities between Sebastian Prince and Professor Snape had been so strong that she had assumed that he had been just as reliant as the man had been. Only now in the lonesome quiet of the infirmary did she really see him as the young wizard he was. His pale face had not yet been masked by harshness and character that made Professor Snape's glare so intense when.

The young Gryffindor witch sat next to him trying to make sense of the emotions that filled her as she watched his pale chest rise and fall with each slow breath that he took. He had been so helpless. Without thinking Hermione reached over to him and softly stroked his sleeping face. He had been surprisingly warm beneath her finger tips despite his usual cool demeanor. A small smile spread across her reddening face as she pictured what he would say if he knew that she was touching him like this.

He made a sound almost like a grunt and she pulled her hand back.

After a few minutes nothing more happened and she let out the breath that she had been holding. Everything had happened so fast when the death eaters attacked them. She hardly had any time to get her bearings before everyone was shuffled into the infirmary by a concerned Dumbledore. Harry had only been required to stay for one day with only minor scrapes and bruises. Ron had been in a bad way but it had been nothing that the Med-witch Madam Pomfrey couldn't handle. Draco had taken a great deal of damage, it had made sense with him being the initial target and everyone else being more along the lines of collateral damage.

The remarkable thing had been that despite his serious injures and need of bed rest, Draco had only cared about was wither Sebastian would be alright. He had been so far removed from the Draco Malfoy of old that Hermione hardy recognized him. Truth be told they had all done a bit of growing up since the war with Voldemort. Even Ron to some extent. Hermione had looked over Sebastian one last time. He had willingly opened himself up to being cursed just to save her. She couldn't understand why he had done such a thing. They had reached an understanding of sorts but she wouldn't exactly say they were friends.

His actions had defied all logical conclusions that formulated in her already overly taxed mind.

"Why did he do it?" she thought to herself.

Unable to reach any definite conclusion on her own, she sighed and got to her feet. She had intended to make her way to the library to do some light reading to get her mind off everything for a little while. Sebastian had not been going anywhere any time soon and visiting hours were almost up. No sooner had she turned to head out the door did the obsidian eyes of the pale raven haired young Slytherin open. He shifted in the bed trying to get a sense of his surroundings. He took in a breath a bit too fast and found himself coughing. The sound of his stirring caught Hermione's attention and she turned back to him.

"Sebastian." she said relieved that he had indeed been awake at last.

"G-Granger?" he said in a cracked tone.

His usual voice strained from both his reaction to being cursed and none use.

He looked around swiftly as the memory of the fight with the death eaters came flooding back. He had attempted to get out of bed in a hurry. Hermione grabbed him and held him down. He had been weaker than she realized noting that her efforts to restrain him had been quite easy.

"Sebastian you have to stay in bed." she said.

"Draco!" said Sebastian recalling how badly the young albino wizard had been hurt. "Where's Draco?"

"He's fine." said Hermione trying to calm him. "Everyone's fine...you're back at Hogwarts Sebastian."

Sebastian blinked taking in all that she said.

"Hogwarts?" he said still unsure.

"Yes." replied Hermione relieved to have gotten through to him. "We're all back at Hogwarts."

Sebastian leaned back against the fluffy white pillow on his bed. Hermione relaxed her hold on him. She didn't trust that he would remain calm enough not to injure himself.

"W-What happened?" he asked seeming to settle down. "E-Everything's a blur I...I thought I lost my memory again."

Hermione sighed. It must have been very frightening for the Slytherin to awaken in a strange place and not know anyone or anything. She thought for a moment and devised that the simplest explanation would be best given the situation.

"There were death eaters, they cornered us at Hogsmead but we escaped...Draco had stopped them from killing you...I helped a little I guess." she said. "Harry and I were the only ones strong enough to bring everyone here."

Sebastian said nothing as he took this all in.

"W-Were you hurt?" he asked with a hint of concern in his voice.

Hermione looked at him for a moment considering her answer.

"Just a few minor scratches." she replied. "Y-You saved me from the worst of it."

Sebastian flushed suddenly finding it difficult to meet her eyes.

"It wouldn't due for a brilliant Gryffindor such as yourself to be incapacitated by the like of McNair and Barty Jr." he said taking a shot at mocking Slughorn.

Hermione laughed.

"That's a very good impression." she said echoing his compliment from Slughorn's party.

He treated her to a small smile.

They sat for a moment in comfortable silence until Hermione looked up at the clock.

"I-I'd better go." she said trying to sound casual. "Madam Pomfrey will have my head if she saw me here passed visiting hours."

Sebastian nodded absently.

"Indeed." he replied.

Hermione got to her feet once again. In a split second she registered that Sebastian had taken a hold of her hand. She turned around surprised by the seemingly affectionate gesture.

"Good-night Granger." he said smoothly.

It was Hermione's turn to treat him to a small smile.

"Good-night Sebastian." she said sweetly.

He released her hand and she pulled away rather slowly and headed out the door. The raven haired Slytherin sat back against his pillow recalling the image of her sandy brown hair swaying as she walked and disappeared from his view.

"Hermione." he said softly to himself as the small smile reappeared at the thought of her.


The Next Morning...

Obsidian eyes found themselves meeting blue when Sebastian awoke from his pleasant slumber to find The Headmaster had paid him a visit. The old wizard had been inspecting him rather carefully. He seemed lost in thought for a moment. The raven haired young wizard sat up feeling a good deal uncomfortable. He had liked the old wizard well enough but he had still been a bit leery about him. He seemed to be the type of man that would use warmth and comfort to mask his true intentions and it left the Slytherin feeling a little out of sorts to have to deal with him on a more personal level.

"Good morning my boy." said Dumbledore pleasantly.

"Good morning sir." replied Sebastian shaking off the rest of sleep's hold.

"That was quite an evening you had at Hogsmead." said Dumbledore.

"So it would seem." replied Sebastian rather uncomfortably.

"I imagine you have questions." said Dumbledore. "Is there anything that you would like to ask me?"

"Not particularly." replied Sebastian evenly. "I know we were attacked by death eaters, and that we all survived."

Dumbledore let a small smile pass over his face.

Sebastian noted the way he looked at him.

"I just remind you of Professor Snape again." he said in a bored tone.

Dumbledore nodded.

"You have his manner." he admitted.

"So I've been told." replied Sebastian.

Dumbledore noted the time and sighed.

"Well you appear to be alright." he said. "Poppy says you'll be free to return to your normal activities later today."

"Thank you for small favors." said Sebastian. "I don't believe I can stomach another bowl of that poison the insists on feeding me."

Dumbledore chuckled.

"Poppy is a good woman Mr. Prince." he said evenly. "She's only concerned about your welfare."

Sebastian sighed.

"I suppose she is." he said.

Dumbledore tussled the young man's raven hair and made his way toward the door.

"Good luck to you Mr. Prince." he said fondly.

"And to you Headmaster." replied Sebastian.

Hours later...

Sebastian had been delighted to be back in his own room again. The familiar scent of wood and herbs filled his nostrils as he settled into a comfortable position laying on his back across his own bed. He looked up at the ceiling taking in the pleasant nature of his surroundings. It had been quiet and peaceful, just the way he preferred it. A passing thought of Hermione Granger came back to him. She had really been a beautiful young witch. She was brilliant in her own right and had the warmest smile he had ever seen. He had been quite lost in his thoughts by the time a very pleased Draco Malfoy appeared in the room.

"Bastian!" he declared elated. "You're okay."

Sebastian sat up looking into the face of the young albino wizard.

"Draco." he said.

The Junior Malfoy smiled happily.

"Daydreaming about a girl?" he asked raising his eyebrows in a suggestive manner.

"Sod off Malfoy." said Sebastian suddenly red from embarrassment.

Draco laughed at the realization that he had been right.

"Y-You've got it quite badly it seems." he said playfully.

Sebastian tried his best not to meet his friend's gray eyes.

"Anyone I know?" asked Draco casually.

"What makes you think I'd tell you?" asked Sebastian gaining his sense of dignity.

"Fine be that way." replied Draco un-phased. "I fancy a good guessing game."

Sebastian shook his head.

"At least your back to your usual self." he said changing the subject.

Draco posed in a smug fashion.

"I am a Malfoy remember." he said. "We make it seem so effortless to look this good."

Sebastian laughed.

"I'll have to take your word for it." he said.

Draco smiled warmly at his best friend relieved that he had been back.

"You know something Bastian." he said.

"What?" asked Sebastian with an arched eye brow.

"The three days you were laid up in the infirmary were the dullest moments I've had since meeting you." he said. "I just want you know that I appreciate the entertainment."

This had been as close to affection as one would witness from two Slytherin boys.

"Likewise Draco." replied Sebastian understanding.

Draco looked over the room with enthusiasm.

"So what's next?" he asked aloud.

Sebastian shook his head. Apparently the near sentiment had been too much for the junior Malfoy.

"Defense Against The Dark Arts studies." he supplied.

Draco groaned.

"Already out of the hospital and he's dragging me back to class." he said with some of the wind taken out of his sails.

"Of course." replied Sebastian.

After three hours of non-stop book work Draco insisted on taking a break. Sebastian allowed him to "rest up" and turned his attention back to his studies. The Defense against the dark arts class had been quite interesting.

"You're enjoying this aren't you?" asked Draco after observing his friend being engrossed in his books.

Sebastian had not seen what was to be enjoyed about completing assignments. They were simply mandatory. Although the various aspects of this course had been a little more rewarding than others.

"Not particularly." replied Sebastian turning his attention back to his work.

Draco shook his head.

"Sometimes, I wonder about you Bastian." he said.

Sebastian seemed to ignore him engrossed in a text about werewolves. Draco sighed and settled back down to do some studying of his own. It was going to be another hour before Sebastian returned from whatever planet he had been on concerning his work. If Draco had not known any better he would have said that he was as bad as Hermione Granger when it came to his school work.

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