
Chapter 2: Let The Games Begin

Transfiguration Class, Hogwarts Castle, Wizarding World....

Professor McGonagall stood before the Slytherin-Gryffindor class and walked between the rows of partnered students. She had saw fit to pair off the students in a Slytherin-Gryffindor manner. Hermione had the misfortune of being paired with none other than Sebastian Prince. Although if given a choice between him and Draco, the frog was the better choice. Unfortunately for Harry, he had been partnered with said Ferret.

"Alright class." said Professor McGonagall addressing her students. "Today I want you all to be able to transfigure an ordinary goblet into the form of a toad."

Hermione smirked and looked at Sebastian.

"Too bad she didn't say frog or you'd be reunited with your brothers and sisters." she taunted.

Sebastian scowled at her remark. He leaned in close to her ear as McGonagall turned her back.

"Nice hair Granger." he said in a rather icy tone. "It's a pity you went and messed with perfection, I rather like it the way it was at dinner last night."

Enraged Hermione gabbed her wand and quickly transfigured Sebastian into the form of a frog.

The class broke out in to laughter and Professor McGonagall whirled around to see what had been so funny. She had to bite back a chuckle as she caught sight of Sebastian Prince the frog sitting where the young wizard had been a moment ago. She suspected she had been pushing it setting Hermione next to the young Slytherin but after the mishap with the young woman's hair in the great hall she allowed her favorite Gryffindor a small measure of revenge.

"Miss Granger what happened to Mr. Prince?" she asked.

"He's hopping around here some where." replied Hermione. "I guess he didn't hear me when I told him to move his hand so I could change the goblet."

Professor McGonagall looked over at the frog "Prince."

"Miss Granger, I thought I asked the class to transfigure the goblet into a toad." she said trying to remain professional

"Yeah, but I thought he looked better as a frog." replied Hermione not even bothering to cover her lie.

"Five points from Gryffindor Miss Granger for taking liberties with instruction." said Professor McGonagall. "Take Mr. Prince down to the infirmary."

"You mean I have to touch him?" said Hermione horrified.

"Well, he can't very well make his way there himself and I'm much to busy to administer the counter-hex." replied Professor McGonagall.

Hermione sighed catching the hopping Prince in her hands and walked over to McGonagall's desk. The Professor wrote her a quick pass and she ventured off toward the infirmary.



The frog, Prince croaked and squirmed in the Gryffindor witch's grasp. He slipped out and hopped along the grounds. Hermione groaned chasing after the young frog wizard. He continued to hop out of her reach. The young witch grew annoyed chasing after him. It took her nearly an hour to recapture the frog and take him down to the infirmary. The old med-witch fell into laughing fits when she changed the young wizard back and got a look at who it was. Hermione made a b-line for the exit as Sebastian chased her across the grounds shooting hex after hex in her direction. Hermione ran near the whomping willow as he continued to chase her. She had figured the young man would stop and turn away after getting near the tree but he continued his chase.

She looked over her shoulder to see him closing in on her with his robes billowing around him. The death glare he shot at her enough to rival the freezing cold of a dementor's presence. Enraged Sebastian chased her almost as if he had aimed to give her detention. As they ran reaching the willow, Hermione tried to warn the young Slytherin off after noticing the he knew nothing about the old tree.

"You have to stop." she said serious.

"Nice try Granger." he replied irate. "But I'm going to get you one way or the other."

"Look Sebastian...this area is quite dangerous." explained Hermione. "What do you say we call it a truce and head back toward the castle."

"I think you are just trying to call in reinforcements." said Sebastian with a scowl. "Too bad I'll have my revenge before you can call your little Gryffindor buddies."

"I'd be happy to duel you one on one, if it makes you feel any better but not here." said Hermione trying to reason with him.

"Where do you suppose we go...some place where Weasley or Potter can jump me from behind?" he asked bitterly. "I think I'll take my chances in a one on one bout... you Gryffindors do seem to like to hunt in packs."

"How thick can you be?" asked Hermione fearing the tree will be on a rampage soon.

"I'd wager about as thick as you are." he replied. "Why are you trying so hard to lead me away from this tree, have you got something secret hidden there?...unless of course that's where your little friends are hiding."

"Harry and Ron are nowhere near us." protested Hermione.

"Then perhaps the Weasley girl or Longbottom then." he said. "I've noticed that they too seem to be friends of yours."

Sebastian turned his attention to the base of the tree.

"What have we here?" he asked and made his way toward it.

Suddenly the tree sprang to life swinging it's large branches and pounding into the ground. Sebastian had never seen anything like it before.

"What the..." he started but was cut off by Hermione.

"Watch out!" she yelled.

Before Sebastian could react the tree knocked him flat on his back. The last thing he heard was her scream his name before he lost consciousness. When the wizard came to he was in the infirmary with Hermione Granger sitting next to him.

"What are you doing here?" he asked bitterly.

"Just wanted to make sure you were okay." she replied.

"Gryffindor guilt?" he said with a sneer.

"I just didn't want to be responsible for your death." replied Hermione annoyed.

"As I said." replied Sebastian. "Gryffindor guilt."

Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Why did I even bother?" she asked out loud.

"You can leave now." replied Sebastian bitterly. "I'm not some bleeding heart charity case."

"Slytherin Git." said Hermione as she stormed out angrily.

"Gryffindor Prat." he replied rolling his eyes at her melodramatic exit.

He was not through with Hermione Granger. Not by a long shot. One way or another he was going to get her for this.


The Great Hall, Hogwarts Castle Wizarding World...

Laughter once again filled the great hall as an irate Hermione Granger angrily marched over toward her seat and sat down glaring daggers at the Slytherin table. Sebastian Prince wore a sly grin as the laughs kept coming. The formidable Miss Granger found herself on the receiving end of a hex that gave her a lion's tail and ears.

"Ooohhh I hate that stupid Slytherin Git!" growled Hermione.

"What is it with you two?" asked Harry Potter looking back and forth between his friend and Sebastian.

"Stay out of this Harry." warned Hermione.

This was personal vendetta and she did not want anyone else getting into it.

"But Mione..." started Ron.

"I said no Ron!" declared Hermione not taking her eyes off Sebastian. "I can handle him myself."

Ginny said nothing as she watched Hermione and Sebastian stare at each other. If she didn't know any better she would have said they had a thing for each other. A small smile crept across her face as she continued to eat with her eyes shifting from Sebastian to Hermione.


Head Boy Room, Slytherin Dungeons, Hogwarts Castle, Wizarding World...

Sebastian rolled his eyes as Draco Malfoy rolled on the floor howling with laughter. The young wizard had been going on so long that his albino complexion had become red from lack of oxygen. His gray eyes watered and his face was twisted in amusement. Mr. Prince rolled his eyes looking down at his house mate and slicked back his raven hair in an irate fashion. He was going to think of something real special for Granger after this.

"It's not that funny." he remarked bitterly at the blond.

Draco fought hard to make a sentence come out.

"Y-Yesss it iss." hissed Draco. "I didn't know Granger had it in her."

"Yes laugh it up the silly chit decides to change my pale hue to green." said Sebastian trying his best to sound bored instead of enraged. "This speaks volumes about her originality."

Draco continued to howl.

"I'm sorry mate, but you gotta admit she got you pretty good." he said still trying his best to recover.

Sebastian snorted in annoyance.

"I'll admit that when Dumbledore stops passing out lemon drops." he said bitterly.

Draco finally managed to stand without the laughter. Tears had still been in his eyes.

"I've never really been a fan of Granger." he admitted. "But she's got more guts than I gave her credit for."

"Gryffindors." said Sebastian annoyed.

"Indeed." replied Draco climbing on his bed. "It's a pity she has such a big mouth though."

Sebastian's ears perked at the mention of this.

"Yes." he replied emotionless as his eyes gleamed in a way similar to The Headmaster's mischievous twinkle. "A pity."


The Grounds, Hogwarts Castle Wizarding World....

Tears of frustration filled Hermione Granger's eyes as she briskly made her way toward the infirmary. She tried her best to cover her mouth with her hands but found that it had been quite difficult. Stupid Slytherin Git! Several random students had a good laugh at her expense and it only fueled her tears. Sebastian Prince had hexed her just as she was leaving the great hall making her mouth enormous as it protruded from her small face. The laughs had been non-stop as she continued to walk swallowing her rage as she did.

He had been so arrogant the way he strode up to her.

"You know something Granger." he has said with a smirk. "You have quiet the big mouth."

Before Hermione could whirl around and retort he cast the hex and her mouth grew.

He chuckled some and took off before anyone else saw him.

Hermione glared at him in the distance.

"I HATE HIM!" she said enraged. "Stupid Slytherin Git!"

It took Madam Pomfrey a moment to get her mouth back to a normal size. After she was finished Hermione made her way out to the grounds searching rather anxiously for Sebastian Prince. Thoughts of him telling the story with his many Slytherin friends made her blood boil especially the approval Draco Malfoy would give him about his latest hex.

The Image of Draco giving Sebastian a pat on the back for making her life a living hell was ingrained into her mind. She saw nothing but red as she approached a surprisingly alone Slytherin reading by the lake. Without thinking she flicked her wand as she approached him. Sebastian looked around seeing a seething Hermione come for him. He knew she would be out for revenge and waited patiently for her brand of justice.

"Expelliamus!" shouted Hermione knocking his wand away from his hands. "Levicorpus!"

Sebastian had little time to react as he found himself suspended in the air. Hanging upside down with his robes falling away from him and his raven hair dangling. Off in the distance a young man had been walking across the grounds headed in the direction of the infirmary. The young wizard had been none other than Harry Potter, who been walking by on his way to visit Hermione in the infirmary when he saw that she had been released and returned to normal. His eyes caught a glimpse of a now floating Sebastian Prince and his heart was filled with dread. The flashing memory of James Potter elevating Severus Snape with a spell as he took his clothes off him in front of the other marauders and other Gryffindor on-lookers filled his head.

"No." he said taking off toward the scene as fast as his legs could carry him.

Students had gathered around curious as to what Hermione planned to do to avenge herself against "The Slytherin Git" as she called him. Hermione's blood was boiling as she glared at Sebastian Prince. He had been suspended helplessly with his wand at her feet. Her eyes narrow as she got ready to cast a spell that removed his clothes in front of everyone.

"Mione, NO!" shouted a voice she hardly registered in her fury.

"Harry stay out of this." Hermione warned angrily. "This is between me and the git."

"Mione stop." said Harry grabbing her wand hand.

"Let go Harry." demanded Hermione annoyed. "This prat is getting what he deserves...why do you care anyway."

"Mione, I can't let you do to Sebastian what my father did to Snape." he explained.

Sebastian looked at them confused.

"Harry." said Hermione remembering all he had told her about that memory.

"If you think about it...My father believed Snape deserved what was done to him too." said Harry. "I won't let you make the same mistake he did...your better than that."

Hermione looked at Sebastian.

"Fine." she said. "I won't do THAT to the prat."

Harry sighed in relief.

"But I will do this." continued Hermione.

In a flash she tossed the suspended Sebastian into the lake. Fuming, the raven haired Slytherin scrambled out of the water avoiding the squid and crawled onto the grounds. He called his wand to him glaring at a smiling Hermione. She even had the nerve to give him an innocent little wave in the process.

"You're going to pay for that Granger." he said annoyed.

He made his way back toward Hermione. Harry stood between the two of them like some kind of ref. His arms were spread length wise to keep them apart.

"Hold on Prince." said Harry trying to be diplomatic. "This thing with you two has gone on long enough."

"He started it!" shouted Hermione defensive.

"She started it!" said Sebastian just as defensive and at the same time.

Harry shook his head.

"Either way this needs to end." he said. "No more Hexes from either one of you...this has gone too far."

"I'll stop if he stops." replied Hermione with her arms folded across her chest in a huff.

"I'll stop if you do something about her." replied Sebastian with a scowl reminding them all of Professor Snape.

Harry blinked looking at him for a moment.

"Both of you call a truce." he said.

"Fine." said Hermione realizing they were getting no where. "But I still hate him."

"Agreed." replied Sebastian glaring at Hermione crossing his arms as well. "I assure you the feeling is mutual."

"Slytherin Git." remarked Hermione.

"Gryffindor Prat." replied Sebastian.

"Didn't we call a truce?" said Harry.

"You said not to hex him." said Hermione. "That is as far as this "truce" goes."

"Indeed." replied Sebastian. "I look forward to crushing you in other aspects Granger."

Harry sighed realizing this was as good as he was going to get.

"Fine." he replied.

With that Sebastian took his leave of them in the direction of the Slytherin dungeons seething. Hermione made her way toward Gryffindor tower in a huff. Harry found himself alone as the crowd dissipated in disappointment.

None of them had seen or even suspected the blue eyes that had been watching the entire scene unfold from the vantage point of the astronomy tower. A warm and approving smile filed across the aged face of the headmaster. His familiar, Fawkes, had been perched on a wire hanging from the tower and looked on as well.

"It seems that our Mr. Harry Potter is turned out to be quiet a wise young wizard." he said in approval.

He reflected on the sparks flying between Hermione Granger and Sebastian Prince.

"Those two seem to be quite competitive." he said still smiling. "Of course if anybody were as headstrong as the two of them, they would be competing as well.

Fawkes made a noise.

"Curious." said the headmaster with his eyes twinkling. "Wouldn't you agree Fawkes?"

The Phoenix made another sound as if it had agreed.

"Wonderful." replied The Headmaster. "I thought so too."


Horace Slughorn's Potions Classroom, Hogwarts Castle, Wizarding World....

Horace Slughorn had been treated to a battle of wills while attending class. He had been taken aback at the sight of Sebastian Prince the moment he stepped through his door. He had looked so much like his former student, the infamous and dour Potions Master Severus Snape. His intellect had seemed to rival his as well. It had been a truly remarkable resemblance. So much so that the acting potions Professor came to the conclusion that his former student seemed to have a family outside of Hogwarts.

The prospect of having the two brightest students in Hogwarts being his pupils was too good of a notion. His mind was filled with images of grandeur as cameras flashed and press pushed microphones into their faces as he announced their collective achievements to the world. Him getting the credit for nurturing such a duo of course.

Sebastian and Draco Malfoy moved to sit together as always when they shared classes. Hermione grouped herself with Harry if only to avoid Ron. Of her two best friends, Harry was the more reliable, doing an equal share of the work. Ron would have done nothing but drool over her and asked her to go out with him at every passing moment when Slughorn turned his back. He had gone so far as to sabotage a potion when she seemed to be more into her work than him.

Slughorn smiled when his eyes fell on Sebastian Prince.

"Mr. Prince, I would like for both you and Miss Granger to partner for the duration of my classes." he said pleasantly.

"What?" asked Draco seemingly outraged.

"You cannot be serious." added Hermione equally outraged.

"I assure you I am quite serious." replied professor Slughorn. "Now pair up...we have a class to resume."

Harry sighed thinking that this little development would only end badly.

"I hope he knows what he's doing." he said to Ron who was at a loss for words.

"Pairing Mione with that Slytherin Git..." added Ron annoyed.

Hermione rolled her eyes and made her way to an empty table. Sebastian said nothing as he followed her placing his books on the table as she had. The tension had been so thick that everyone could cut it with a knife and not make any headway. Harry looked on from his seat with Draco Malfoy and Ginny watched from her seat with Ron. Neville Longbottom sat quietly with Pansy. He had dreaded potions class even more with Snape gone. It had been so normal seeing the man had quick reflexes whenever something went wrong. Despite the fear it was almost reassuring that the dour man would always be there to shield him from harm while berating his incompetence.

Neville did not feel very safe with Professor Slughorn, he was on old man and his reflexes were less than average. There was no way he could shield him from an impending explosion. Longbottom sighed as he admitted in the safety of his own mind the awful truth, he missed Professor Snape.

Class picked-up with Hermione and Sebastian answering most of the questions determined to outwit each other while leaving the rest of the class behind stumped. The contented Professor Slughorn beamed with pride at his discovery. He had been quiet right about the young man. It seemed quite right indeed. The class prepared to concoct a basic potion but Longbottom's lack of safety and assurance made him fumble the most basic and tedious steps. Pansy had barley a glimpse before she made a break for the next table.

While Hermione stirred the potion she and Sebastian created with utter ease, Sebastian took a moment to survey the class. He registered an unsure look on the face of Longbottom and raised an eyebrow. Harry looked up from his own potion for a moment himself; curious as to what Sebastian had been thinking. The raised eye brow had reminded him of Snape.

Hermione had barley blinked before she heard Sebastian's voice rumble.


He took off with a speed only seen in the dour Potions Master. Neville saw him and jumped in fear, dumping a few ingredients into the mixture in the process. Sebastian grabbed Neville by his robes and pulled him out of harm's way as the cauldron exploded. He had not managed to get himself away from the blast in time shielding the shaken Longbottom who had been frozen from fear.

Hermione had been behind him rushing removing a shaken Neville out of the way and looked back at the now unconscious Sebastian Prince. Harry got to his feet and made his way over toward them. Draco raced toward Sebastian; a look of absolute fear had been etched across his alabaster face. His concern seemed to stun everyone in the room, especially Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

"Bastian." he said with his voice trembling; while he kneeled down next to the fallen Mr. Prince.

Harry looked on in fear checking over Neville with Hermione as Slughorn went to fetch the headmaster. Neville had been fine with not a scratch on him. Slughorn walked over to Sebastian his clothes had been eaten away by the potion. Harry and Slughorn carefully removed his robes and most of his affected clothing. Hermione conjured an Aquatis spell and washed him off while Draco took off his own robes to cover his friend. He glared at Neville and the other Gryffindors but did not say a word.

Dumbledore arrived casting a levitating spell over the young man and inspected him.

"What happened?" he asked with a weariness in his voice that sounded like a father finding out about his child's injury.

"Longbottom exploded a cauldron." said Draco bitterly glaring at the formerly chubby, Gryffindor.

"Sebastian rushed over to prevent it." added Ginny Weasley.

"Neville could have killed us." said Pansy annoyed. "Sebastian was just trying to stop it."

"He caused the explosion anyway." said Hermione in retort.

"Neville dropped extra ingredients into the potion." said Pansy still annoyed.

"Prince scaring Neville half-to-death is why." said Ron still not liking the Slytherin youth.

Slughorn sighed.

"Mr. Longbottom added exploding carp to his potion." he said. "Before I could react, Mr. Prince had observed the same incident and simply raced over to prevent Mr. Longbottom from exploding himself."

Dumbledore looked at Sebastian. Hermione noticed as the older wizard fondly tussled the boy's raven hair and turned his attention back to the class.

"I will take Mr. Prince down to the infirmary." he announced. "Continue on as Professor Slughorn instructs."

"Can I come?" asked Draco not taking his eyes off Sebastian. "I'm suppose to look out for him."

Dumbledore studied the young man for a moment. He seemed to care a great deal about Mr. Prince. If it had been Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, or Hermione Granger, their friends would ask the same of him. This had been the first time he saw Draco Malfoy care for someone outside of his own family.

"Come along Mr. Malfoy." he said taking his leave.

As Dumbledore, Draco, and Sebastian disappeared from view the class settled back down. Hermione looked over Sebastian's books and noticed that there had been some of the same ones she herself owned. At the end of class, Slughorn gave her special permission to return Mr. Prince's books to him.


The Great Hall, Hogwarts Castle, Wizarding World.....

Neville Longbottom found himself the center attention as questions surrounding the events of potions class came rapid fire from all angles. Harry sat quietly considering what had happened before his very eyes. Hermione said nothing as she quietly picked at her food never raising her eyes to engage anyone in conversation. Ginny caught her stealing glances at the Slytherin table where Sebastian normally sat glaring back at her. They appeared mortal enemies. She never would have guessed he would be as selfless as he was when he saved Neville from that explosion. Draco had made it from the infirmary. He ate his food as quickly and as quietly as possible. He glared at the Gryffindor table with unspoken rage a time or two.

"Are you okay Mione?" asked Harry observing her.

"Yeah, you haven't eaten a thing." Ron pointed out.

"It seems your more interested in my dinner than in me Ron." remarked Hermione turning her annoyance on the red haired Weasley boy.

"He's right you know." interjected Ginny. "As thick as he is...you haven't touched your food."

"I guess I'm not really hungry." she replied Hermione sadly looking at her full plate.

Sensing her melancholy, Harry sighed.

"I wonder if he's okay." he said looking at the empty seat that had usually been occupied by Sebastian.

"You're worried about a Slytherin, Harry?" asked Ron.

"He may be a Slytherin but he did save Neville." added Hermione.

Ron rolled his eyes and went back to his food. It was like she was picking with him on every remark and he did not want a full on row with her.

Hermione sighed.

"I've got to go." she said suddenly remembering that she had Sebastian's books.

She got up from the table and walked out rather briskly carrying her knapsack with her. There was only one place on her mind when she ventured passed the big doors.


The Infirmary, Hogwarts Castle, Wizarding World....

It was late when Hermione arrived at the infirmary. Filch did not bother her guessing she had been on her way to see Sebastian and since she was Head Girl she could wander the grounds on patrols. She walked slowly into the room. Madam Pomfrey had been busy with stocking her supply shelves. There had been a sea of empty beds with the exception of one. Hermione got closer not taking her eyes off the pale bare chest of Sebastian Prince as he layed with his eyes closed and his hands behind his head with his elbows bent as if he were merely relaxing on a vacation someplace. He had been bandaged pretty good and looked as if he only had minor injuries.

"What are you doing here Granger?" he asked in a silky voice not that different from The Potions Master.

Hermione blinked in shock. She was sure he had been out cold.

"I-I." she stammered trying to regain her vocabulary and remembering what she carried in her knapsack. "I came to bring you...your books."

The young raven haired Slytherin smiled at this.

"How thoughtful." he said in a mocking manner.

Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Even when you've been hurt and laid out in an infirmary you manage to be a git." she said annoyed.

"Perhaps, it's my charming personality." chimed Sebastian raising his eye brows in a suggestive manner.

"Unbelievable." said Hermione flustered. "Anyway, you seem to be back to your normal arrogant self."

"Was there ever any doubt?" he asked arrogantly.

"Why do I even bother?" Hermione asked aloud.

"Because your Gryffindor guilt won't let you do otherwise." replied Sebastian with disdain.

"I wasn't asking you." replied Hermione bluntly. "And I did nothing to feel guilty about."

"You never said it was a rhetorical question." added Sebastian with a smug smirk. "Your guilt comes from feeling badly about your house mate causing my being here...in turn you feel somehow obligated to worry over me because of the association...Gryffindor guilt at it's finest."

"I hate you." said Hermione flustered.

"I assure you the feeling is mutual." replied Sebastian with his eyes taking on a sort of heated appearance.

Hermione let out a breath of rage and picked up her knapsack. She opened it and tipped it over dumping all of Sebastian's books onto the bed. He watched her silently for a moment taking a sort of twisted pleasure in her flustered appearance.

"There you go." she said quickly. "All your books accounted for."

With that she stormed out of the infirmary without another word.

Sebastian watched the door she had stepped through in a huff for a while after she had gone before turning his attention to his newly placed books. His dark eyes glossed over the titles and he shifted his gaze back up to the ceiling where he had been staring before he heard her enter the room. She had been quite an interesting young woman. Quite interesting indeed if he was honest with himself.

"Hermione." he said softly slipping back into his fantasy.

She was quiet beautiful...in her own fiery way.


Head Girl Room, Gryffindor Tower...

Huffing and puffing was how Hermione Granger entered the room she shared with Ginny Weasley. What was she thinking? Sebastian Prince would always be a Slytherin Git no matter how much human interest she takes in him. His saving Neville Longbottom might as well had been some sort of ploy for him to reel her in and then just for kicks have a good laugh at her expense. The brightest witch of her age sighed as she flopped down on her bed. She couldn't get the stupid prat out of her mind. His eyes. His obsidian eyes seemed to draw her in. And that hair. That wonderfully unkempt and lengthy raven hair that her finger tips grazed when she kneeled to help Neville on the floor of the potions class.

The young Gryffindor witch laid on her bed staring up at the memory of the new boy out cold on the floor. His voice had been so commanding and he moved so fast. She had barely whirled around before he was away from the table and at Neville Longbottom's side pushing him out of the way as the blast knocked him back into a wall. He fell hard against the floor not moving. Not breathing.

She had never been as scared to know the outcome as she had been today. He had been so strong despite the pain when she saw him in the infirmary. Not once did he whine or beg for attention. He simply endured. He endured the pain as if he had been doing so for years. Then her memory took her back to his chest.

The scars...where would a boy of 17 get such defining scars. Perhaps he had fought in the war as well. Or maybe Voldemort tortured his family. Maybe He was in Hogwarts because Death eaters had murdered his family. How horrible. How horrible to be all alone in a world and have to move to a place where no one knows a thing about you. A place where you nearly get blown up and no one comes to check on you...

A place where not many people are like you...is that how Professor Snape always felt...He had not been liked since he arrived at Hogwarts and according to some, he had not been much approved of since his birth. It must be a truly lonely way to exist...not having anyone care for you even in the slightest...The images of a dying Professor Snape replayed in her mind from that night in the shrieking shack...Did anyone ever love him?

Hermione had been so lost in her thoughts she didn't notice the tears. For the first time since his arrival, She felt sorry for Sebastian Prince. Though she still thought of him as a "Stupid Slytherin Git."



Draco Malfoy sighed looking over Sebastian Prince as he ate whatever poison passed for healing food. The raven-haired Slytherin had a hard time keeping himself from gagging as Poppy forced the spoon in his mouth. She seemed particularly adamant about him eating such a foul tasting concoction. The Junior Malfoy had hoped to get to spend some time talking with his friend without the prating of a Med-witch.

"Will you leave me alone Poppy!" said Sebastian making faces as she lifted the spoon to his lips. "I'm not an infant, I do not need your assistance to lift a spoon."

"You may have lost more than your mind if you think I am going to trust you to eat your gruel." she said defensive.

"And they say hospitals were to heal people." said Sebastian in a snarky manner. "It seems you're all too eager to shove poison down my throat, not all snakes are poisons you know...my being a Slytherin is a mere coincidence."

Poppy Pomfrey had been about to go off on a tangent.

"Well I never!" she said outrage. "S-SE..."

"That will be all Poppy." said a the familiar voice of the headmaster.

Poppy caught herself and nodded quickly taking a last look at Sebastian and disappearing in the back room with her bowl of gruel.

Sebastian's attention shifted to the headmaster.

"Mr. Malfoy I wish to speak to Mr. Prince alone if you don't mind." said the old man not taking his eyes off Sebastian.

"Of course headmaster." said Draco more than a little disappointed. "I'll catch you later Bastian."

"Later Malfoy." said Sebastian turning to bid Draco farewell.

He turned his attention back to the headmaster.

"Headmaster." he said looking into the man's familiar blue eyes.

"That was a very brave thing you did my boy." said the headmaster in a calm and father-like tone. "You may very well have saved Mr. Longbottom's life."

Sebastian said nothing and his expression remained impassive.

"It was a foolish thing to do sir." he said coldly.

"And what makes you say that?" asked the headmaster.

"Sir is it not the purpose for my being here protection?" asked Sebastian.

"Indeed." replied the headmaster. "But if not for you Neville Longbottom may have been caught in that explosion."

"He should have been paying attention to what he was doing Sir." snapped Sebastian. "Had he not behaved like a dunderhead, none of this would have happened in the first place."

The headmaster's blue eyes twinkled at that as he let out a low chuckle.

Sebastian had not understood what was so funny.

"Forgive me." said the headmaster. "It's just that you remind me of someone."

"Professor Snape?" said Sebastian.

The older wizard seemed to tense up. The question had caught him off guard.

"In a manner of speaking." said Dumbledore carefully. "What do you know of him?"

"He's Potions Master of Hogwarts." replied Sebastian with disinterest. "Draco goes on and on about him and how great he is."

"And you do not believe he is as great as Draco makes him out to be?" asked the headmaster.

Sebastian gave the headmaster a rather bored look.

"I've never met the man." he replied "How am I to know how great he is?"

Dumbledore nodded.

"Severus Snape, is a very brave man." he said casually. "And he is very dear to me and all of those of Hogwarts."

Sebastian remained unimpressed.

"I guess." he said reserved.

"Professor Snape went on a sabbatical months before your arrival." explained Dumbledore. "He had pressing business that could not wait, which you well know is why Professor Slughorn is filling in for him."

"One would hope Professor Snape is a much better instructor than Professor Slughorn." said Sebastian snidely.

The headmaster buried his urge to laugh at this and remain professional.

"None the less young man I expect you to respect him and his position as your instructor." he said in a stern father-like tone.

"Yes sir." replied Sebastian.

The Headmaster sighed.

"Now then." he said inspecting the boy. "How are you feeling?"

Sebastian looked at him surprised that he would be interested in him when it had nothing to do with the school or official business.

"I-I'm doing much better sir." he replied feeling nervous for the first time since the man's arrival.

"Good to hear." replied Dumbledore. "It also appears the incident between you and Miss Granger has been resolved...Mr. Potter is quiet the negotiator."

Sebastian froze.

"You know about that?" he asked unsure.

"I know a great deal my boy." replied The Headmaster. "It seems you and Miss Granger are at an impasse...your books appeared to have arrived safe and sound."

Sebastian's cheeks turned red.

The Headmaster placed an affectionate hand on his shoulder. Despite himself, Sebastian found comfort in it. He had a feeling that he should be weary of Dumbledore but he also found that he couldn't turn away from his affection. It had been father-like in a sense and something he appeared to be starving for. The old wizard tussled the raven haired Slytherin's unkempt shoulder length locks and gave him a rather warm smile.

"I am rather proud of you." he said pleasantly. "Your quick thinking did a world of good, my boy."

Sebastian found himself filled with a warmth more precious than gold. He did not understand why but Dumbledore's approval had recharged him to some degree...as if he had been starving for it for quiet some time. Was that why he challenged Granger? Was he jealous of her gaining Dumbledore's approval?

"T-Thank you sir." he said respectful although he had not felt very heroic.

"I'll come to see you a bit later, my boy." said The Headmaster moving his hand away.

The young wizard felt a cold emptiness fill him at the loss of contact.

"Do try to stay out of trouble." had been the last thing the old wizard said before he disappeared out the door.

No sooner had he vanished, Poppy returned with her gruel. Sebastian lied back on his bed with a groan. So much for heroic actions. He remained annoyed until she finally managed to get him to swallow a bite. It tasted even worse than before as the young wizard registered the sweetness that danced on his tongue LEMON.

How he hated the wretched taste of Lemon.

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