
Le Familia 1

The wild laughter of Hunter echoed across the room as two identical boys could be seen both sitting, one on a wheel chair and the other on the floor.

"Nice trick brother. Nice one".

'It's been a while I have played such prank before, it feels good to be young again' Hunter thought to himself.

He pressed a button which moved him towards Hayden as he out stretched his hands. Hayden took the offer and stood up quickly.

"So how did you do it ?" Hayden asked as he dusted his ass reflexively.

"Quite simple, after assimilating the information regarding the skill set, I felt a slight flicker of energy around me. They were like two kinds, one was lighter and the other denser...."

"The lighter is the elemental energy you felt. You see the human affinity core can process elemental energy, but some that's the so called geniuses or lucky bastards can also process both. That's the elemental and world energy."

" I guess I'm one of the geniuses?" Hunter said after listening to Hayden speech.

"Or a lucky bastard?" Hayden said with a smirk.

With a smile on his face, Hunter replied,

"Not really lucky, am I mate ?" while pointing at his legs.

"It never gets old does it" Hayden bursted into laughter as Hunter followed suit.

"And then you felt the mana in air right after your affinity core was stimulated by the world energy?" Hayden asked again to which Hunter replied.

"Yeah, and I channeled it according to the skills book instructions. For now I can communicate with anybody close to me not more than a ten metres radius".

"Not bad" Hayden applauded with a smile.

"So what class would you like to be in ?"

Hunter went quiet for a moment.

"Still thinking about it".

"Ok, perhaps during dinner, you could let us know, since we are one big family" Hayden said with a smile as he quietly headed for the door.

"Dinner is at seven!" He yelled out while walking away from the training grounds.

His footsteps became distant until it could be heard no more.

Hunter gave out a long sigh like a man returning home by 11:00am after spending hours in traffic upon closure from his nine-five daily hustle.

'I just got reincarnated today, but it's like I have spent almost a week here. I mean, if this my life was a simulation, then my creator must really hate me. Or perharps it is just a novel that has a tragedy ending like my previous life' he thought to himself as he wheeled towards the shed. Quickly he moved in and clicked the button. An holographic screen popped up as different training layouts, environment, difficulties and npc add ons presented themselves.

He browsed through the catalogs as he clicked on a blank template and began creating what he would call the perfect environment for his training.

Few minutes later, upon pressing the launch button, the hall began to rumble as the ground formed cracks which began to lead to various splits across the surface. Immediately, the splitter area began to flip over to the other side as the previous surface became embedded in the ground, and the new ones resembled that of a road made with grey and tinged with red interlocking stones.

Houses sporadically formed on both sides quickly mapping it out as a street as lamps lighted the pedestrians walk away to the very end of the street entrance. Dark and huge looming clouds hovered in the skies as they all look pregnant to deliver their fruitful bearings upon the inhabitants in form of npcs which constantly spawned like the devil incarnates in hell.

Heck, Hunter just stood there watching as every one went about their business, not caring about the other, while muttering a sorry or excuse me as they bump into each other, though that's for those who have manners.

The horns of cars could be heard across the road, plus the cries of toddlers wondering why they are up this early at night. A crazy imitation of his past world. Heck even clowns were the ones performing asking for an extra tomato and not coins at this time of the day.

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