

"Alright big sis, if you say so" Hayden said with a smirk as he immediately took a deep breathe in and began to channel the mana in his body. The air felt heavy for a split second before returning to normal as the ground below his feet began to heat up at a fast rate. Witj his knees bent and in a forward stance he was prepared to launch himself at any moment. This didn't escape Hunter perception as he promptly asked.

"Mana ?".

"Yes it is" Ophelia did the talking as she stared at him with a surprised smile. That was the moment Hayden was waiting for, a distraction!. He took off like a speeding bullet towards Ophelia, dust raising as he flew past. Positioning his body mid air into a spear form, the flames below his feet got boosted as he pumped more mana into his feet internally. In a blur, he arrived in front of Ophelia.


He made contact with her body. His shoulders barging into her abdomen. 'No mercy even if you are a woman' he thought to himself. With a smirk on his face, he held her slim waist and pushed forward. The cracks of her spinal column and ribs could be heard as Ophelia body curved like an arrow due to the sudden impact and force.

For a split second, he thought he had won as a mouthful of liquid from her mouth fell on him, evaporating upon contact with his flames.

"No iron".

He muttered as his eyes suddenly widened in surprise. The Ophelia he was holding was suddenly deforming into a body of water with a slight smirk on its face.

"Gullible" she said before the deformed face lost its mouth.

"Why the fuck didn't I think of that" He cursed under his breathe.

"But wait a minute, when did she..."


A whip of water caught unto his right ankle and dragged him towards the opposite direction. The speed was nothing to be compared to his, but one of his feet fire boost was off as the whip of water cooled it down rapidly upon latching in.

Ophelia who was holding unto the other end smiled as she pulled with a great force and swinged him towards her direction. He flew upward, forming an arc of burning flames as he approached the ground.


His left leg connected to her right wrist with a round house kick. Propelled with a flame booster below his feet, he was able to snap her wrist. His leg moved clean through, just barely missing her head as she ducked back a little.

"Sometimes in order to get an advantage or to win a fight, some things must be sacrificed".

Saying that aloud, she held his flying left leg and swirled him around like a teaspoon mixing tea in a cup.


The voice of Amelia who wasn't around all this while could be heard shouting with glee as Hunter who was the only one not engaged at the moment turned to see his little sister whirling around with chubby hands up towards the sky, in tune to Hayden turning, with a big smile on her face.


His body was slammed into the ground. Quickly she placed her foot on top his abdomen as a sharp ice shaft slow grew from under her shoe, elevating her feet up while he tried to recover from the dizziness that was affecting him.

Hayden looked up into her eyes and saw the grin of victory, soon he would wipe it off. Maybe not today but someday.

"I surrender"

Hayden quickly muttered as he felt the ice point press against his stomach. With a hint of annoyance though as he hated losing early in a fight. Yet he was smart enough to know that his sister was ruthless and if he refused, she would slowly sink her feet inside his gut until the ice shaft had disappeared. He wasn't going to die, his body was tough enough to still stay alive despite been disemboweld. Intact he had two affinities so he still had some minutes for a revenge, that's if he could revenge.

"Nice fight by the way. And that's a cool technique you got there" Ophelia sincerely said.

"Thanks" Hayden said with a bright smile on his face as he quickly jumped up and dusted himself up.

"But why didn't you dodged my kick, why allow it to snap your wrist" He asked cause he felt that his attack that was successful wasn't supposed to be so.

"ohh, I just wanted you to at least get an attack through, cause you know what they say, failure brings depression " she said with a bright warm smile as Amelia came forward and held unto her legs, requesting for her attention.

Next chapter