
Food And Drink Of The Gods Part 2

"Ishtar…. What is that?" Blake asked. He couldn't hold back his curiosity anymore.

"This is a god slug. They only appear once and a great while, but they are quite good once you cook them up and will help boost your strength quite a bit. You only need a small portion to get the effects. So this will be big enough for everyone. Joy should also join in as well." Ishtar did not want anyone missing out, so she made sure to mention Joy.

"I will go get her now." Lillia stood up and made her way down to the last room at the end of the hall. She set up a sound barrier around the door as she opened it and stepped inside. Joy was laying with five of the servants that Ishtar had brought over, lazily being pampered by them. "Get dressed and come eat with us."

"Oh? Is Papa out!?" Joy's eyes lit up as she jumped up on her feet and was about to run out only to be dragged back and pushed back onto the bed. "Get dressed! And do not get any ideas about your Papa!"

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