
Meeting The Beast King Part 2

Upon a throne of bones and monster hides, a large man with a bone crown sat looking at the man who was surrounded by two beauties with a bit of reverence. "Lord Blake, I owe you for your help in this situation. Not only did you come to my Beastkin clan's aid but you also took care of the situation single handedly and saved the beastkin slaves. For this, you have my thanks."

"I just did what I think was right. I look down on slavery unless it is to punish those who have done wrong. My ideals might not match up with everyone else's, but I will still follow the path I have chosen. And that path is for all races to get along. Whether to be human, beastkin or even dragonic. As long as we can all live peacefully I think our world will advance at a much greater pace." Blake replied with a faint smile.

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