
Refugees Part 1

-AN) Bonus Chapter for the 1k votes! Thank you all for the support! Happy New Year!--

Three months later…

Blake could hear a loud commotion as he walked towards the city gates to see a huge group of people. "What is going on?" Blake asked as he walked up.

"I am not sure, we have a huge influx of all races coming in. They were spotted by the outposts, and now we have a few thousand seeking refuge." One of the gate guards replied.

Blake nodded and walked over. He did not get too close in order for his charm to not cause too much of an issue and picked out one of the human men who was standing at the side. "You there, come here."

The man shook slightly before walking over to Blake. "Sir, you called for me?" The man kept his head lowered. He was a foot shorter than Blake and much thinner, so to him, Blake was like a monster bearing down on him.

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