
Lillia The Puppet

Faana stared at Clance. Even if she still had her heart, what about all the years she was alone with no one? She had no one until she met Blake. Blake was like a light that suddenly priced through her darkness. She only felt interested in him because of his smell, but after spending time with him, she fell more deeply. He had taken her from her lonely world and brought her to a place where she was surrounded by people who laughed and played with her. They did not see her as a disgrace but as someone who was part of their family. The more she spent time with this group of people and looked at the man in front of her who had brought her to this new life that she so cherished, the more she realized she loved that man. Her heart began to beat rapidly just being near him, yet he would only dote on her as he did on his sister. This also began to make her feel as if she would never be able to break free from the chains that were keeping her from ever allowing her body to mature.

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