Normally I’m not a fan of this type of genre, but this particular book changed my mind. Loved every bit of it❤️❤️ Please update the book so I can continue from where I stopped You’re an excellent writer
love this book, please update more. you're slow at updating 😭💔💔💔💔. I love the way you write, it's giving olden days British style love it
update moreeeeeeeee!!!!!!! please and guys, let's get her to the top. she's participating in a contest. let's go! also love your book. it has content
this is giving amazing 😭I love the characters and the tone in which they speak. you are awesome. I've read some of your books too. you know how to be creative.
this author just keeps surprising me. its actually nice and really interesting so far. can't wait for your next update. it's giving bridgerton vibes😌
Interesting book so far and this is just chapter two. I love how everything is playing out one by one. I have my own theories of this book but let me just keep them to myself and read on🥴
I'm not into royalty books but this author really tried with this. I like the way it's going. it's giving bridgerton vibes and I'm liking it. hope to see more updates
this book already seems interesting. hope to see more updates from this author plus she writes well and her books have interesting plots. big ups to you