
The future.

"This forest is… quite wierd…"

His first impression was confirmed as they followed the soldiers to their hideout. At one point the trees created a ceiling over their head blocking sunlight and causing the temperature to drop. Their growth was abnormal, and so far none of the species he saw were normal.

The cause was most likely the weapons the Nephilim used in their crusade.

Recently he had a lot of things to deal with so he never had the time to study their effects. Otherworldly energy must have some very unique effects that couldn't simply be limited to nuclear contamination.

"So, Sergeant David." Sam began. "You said you only recently started going out."

"Yes. We… stayed hidden for a long time." The soldiers replied.

"So you don't know how the forest became like this?"

"Well, one thing for sure is that there was no forest around here back in the day. We were surprised as well when we first saw it."

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