
RM Vol 3: For a World without Boundary – Chapter 21-1: The Hunt for Bismarck (Part 1)

Author notes:

Surprise! XD

Who would have ever thought we will get around the Hunt for Bismarck all of a sudden? For the record, this is set 3 years earlier than it should have been and is in a whole different universe altogether. As such, expect vessels that shouldn't have been presented in this period of late 1938-1939 to suddenly appear and participate in a bonafide slaughter. I sure wish I made the upcoming naval battles justice lol.

Aside from that, there's also a teaser about the character of one of my newer Patron Captains, a certain Duke himself, and the relevant substory that will be worked on in the future when Yuki officially expands to Asia.

Other than those information, I just want to offer a thank you to all of you on behalf of my mother. Thank you, for staying and supporting us through last month and for the months to come!

Now, enjoy 3 of Hel's newest pictures and the chapter itself! (If you can't see any of them, please head over to Scribble Hub)


The war for ownership of Spain, while localized in a singular country, still consume an exorbitant amount of supplies on both sides of the front. As such, the logistical capability of not just the Spanish Coalition but also the Sardegnian Papacy is tested and strained to its very limit. Fueling their war machine, feeding their soldiers, boosting morale... All of these are performed while the harassment and threats of Demons attacking the supply lines are very much still there. Reports of supply convoys being ravaged by Demonic ambushes are presented on the officers' desks now and then as the two warring parties try to deal with the headache that is these supernatural beasts. Some may even say that Sardegna has shot itself in the foot by artificially driving the numbers of Demons up in Spain all those months earlier. And let's not mention the naval blockades that the Papal Navy is struggling to bypass most of the time. If not for their destroyers being the quickest blockade runners in the Med, the Army would have started surrendering a long time ago.

But what Sardegna struggles to cope with due to the unified movement of the superpowers against war crimes, the Spanish Coalition finds a helping hand in the form of the Reichsmarine. Convoys under armed escorts, flying the proud flag of Belka and her blue water fleet, are regular tourist attractions whenever they come to dock in the port city of La Coruna. Each time the cargo ships dock, you can bet that much-needed food, medicine, munition, and even manpower can be seen offloading from the many ramps along the pier. Many nations have offered their support to the Spanish people, but none has been regularly pumping war material weekly as Belka. Hence, the people of Spain will most certainly throw out welcoming parties whenever Belkan sailors set foot on Spanish soil. Safe to say, many love couples are during each supply run.

Strangely enough, despite being escorted by Belkan warships, none have ever heard, much less seen these warships coming to dock. Even the battle-hardened vessels of the Spanish Inquisition Navy, led by the war hero Matias Torres himself, periodically comes to port on a rotation basis. On a side note, the return of the Hero of Comberth Harbor has been viral news for the populace. The tale of his last stand before overwhelming odds is still regaled months after the battle had taken place. Now leading the Inquisition Navy on his new retrofitted flagship of the Littorio-class battleship, the INS Alicorn, Torres has been a major participant in thwarting the expansion of the Sardegnian Navy's force projection in the sea. Currently, said Admiral Torres is still out there, picking off the false tiger that is the Navy of the Papacy one by one.

But I digress.

Not many can boldly claim that they've seen the vessels of the revived Reichsmarine in all of their glory. Even if they can, most will just chalk it up as the boasting of drunken seamen. And while many have tried to get the Belkan sailors that do make it ashore to talk, most are tightlipped and what they offer in return is often inconclusive of the Reichsmarine's true capability. The fact that their vessels are designed to reduce their radar cross-section and that ONI is still hard at work keeping things under wrap helps a lot.

But leave it to a man, or a very frustrated Navy, to find a way to shed light on the fog surrounding the Reichsmarine. The Royal Navy of the Kingdom of Erusea has had enough and is determined in getting a showdown with this elusive naval rival of theirs. And before you forget, Erusea is effectively already at war with the Reich by heavily reinforcing Ustio with their Expeditionary Force and war materials. It's just that not a single shot is exchanged between the two countries, yet. Though if this goes the way the Royal Navy wants, then the first engagement between both Navies is just around the corner.

It's the evening of the 22nd of August, on the Conning tower of the Bismarck, the name-giver of her class of battleship, Captain Ernst Lindemann can be seen scanning the sunset. The chilly wind of the Atlantic is surprisingly refreshing.

"Still trying to be a philosopher?" The question is asked by a soft female voice. Lindemann can swear that it could have been lost to the wind had he not heard the earlier footsteps. "You're very much more in love with the sea than many of my people."

"Admiral." The Captain greeted without looking back, still pensively appraising the sinking sun.

"Captain." The female said, stepping to the side of Lindemann. From the corner of his eyes, Lindemann analyzes the new arrival.

Wearing the standard dark navy blue uniform with two lines of golden buttons and the accompanying accessories, Lindemann must admit that the woman looks awfully fitting in the attire. The Admiral then directs her dark blue eyes, of the same color as her shoulder-length hair, at the ocean, gazing at it with a profound gaze. "You know, the sea has always been my home, regardless of which world I am in. And my people have always strived to maintain it, not just for ourselves, but also for others to enjoy. Us mermaids are hopelessly in love with the ocean like that, wanting to share its beauty with all. As a result, most of us are pacifists by nature."

Lindemann gives the Admiral a side glance. Inferring the unvoiced question, Admiral Nerina Tallulah just smirks. "Most of us." She emphasized. "A few of us know that just words alone won't be able to protect our home, you know?"

"So that's why you join the Reichsmarine, Admiral?" Captain Lindemann asked, earning a nod in return.

"There aren't many of my people left, we're a part of a dying race. So it's ironic that I would sign up in the armed force, no?" Admiral Tallulah asked in a sarcastic manner in exchange for an analyzing gaze from Lindemann. She then continues. "Though the Reich has dedicated a portion of its coastal area for my people to thrive, the state of the world doesn't allow us to rest on our laurel. While most of my peaceful brethren aid the Reich in the civilian sector, I lead the more daring, albeit lesser number of my people to dedicate our seaworthy skills to the Reichsmarine. It doesn't have to say that we blast through the ranks due to our traits and experience. Does that make you envious?"

At that question, Lindemann shrugs. "Not when you're just an Admiral." The straight-faced jab caused the Admiral to chuckle.

"Grand Admiral Karl Donitz is a predator in a man's clothing. As a human man, he bested us at our own game. He has our deep respect for that. But I digress. A major part of my joining the Reichsmarine is to help expand the sea of the country we have come to call home when our old one came crashing down. We owe much to the Reich and I am willing to work in my people's stead to return it."

"A noble sentiment, Admiral. The Reich is lucky to have you as one of her officers." Lindemann let out the barest hint of a smile, which Admiral Tallulah detected.

"Now, now, don't you go soft on me. I still need you as my advisor when things go South." Admiral Tallulah patted Captain Lindemann on his shoulder. She then brings out a vacuum bottle that she carries in her satchel before opening it and pouring the content into the accompanying stainless steel cup. Offering the cup to Lindemann, she asks. "Coffee?"

A true Belkan will never dismiss a gift of coffee, hence, Lindemann accepts the cup with both hands and a thankful nod. Tallulah smiles before she drinks the aromatic blend directly from the bottle while Lindemann takes a sip from the cup. The surprisingly strong and bold flavor of the coffee makes Lindemann's brows shoot up in shock. "... Such a powerful blend." He commented, pleasantly surprised by the taste, before taking another sip.

Seeing that Lindemann is in acceptance of the unusually strong coffee, Tallulah smiles and explains. "Robusta coffee beans. Generally stronger, nuttier, and darker than that made from arabica. It's the best blend when you're about to pull an all-nighter."

Lindemann nods while savoring the dark blend. "Can I get the brand?"

"It hails from the Duchy of Indochina, the brand name is literally Duke of Coffee, created by an Ustian Duke who is obsessed over the way the Vietnamese make their wake-up drinks." Tallulah said with a small smile. "The Princess of the Ustian Reformists gave a tribute to our Marshal with a few large packs of these Robusta beans. When the Marshal tried it, she was impressed with the energetic flavor and distributed a portion of the beans around the military high command, me included."

Tallulah suddenly sighs. "Sadly, trying to import more of the beans may prove to be an issue. The region is under political turmoil as the Duke of Indochina himself has fallen gravely ill. His so-called sons and daughters are now waging a war of intrigue to determine who will succeed him. As such, the productivity and general security of Indochina have plummeted. Intelligence suggested that if the Ustian Civil War isn't concluded in two to three years, the region will fall into absolute anarchy as the undercurrent of that area runs deep."

"What a shame..." Lindemann commented, genuinely regretful.

Giving the man a few pats on the back, Tallulah adds. "Don't worry, I can give you a portion of the beans later."

"Thank you, Admiral." Lindemann gave a grateful nod to Tallulah. The pair of officers then move on to take in the evening view aboard the Bismarck.

"Beautiful, isn't she?" Lindemann said while watching the dwindling daylight reflected off the surface of one of the mightiest vessels in the Reichsmarine.

"She is your ship, Captain, of course, you will find her lovely." Tallulah smirked.

"I will admit that I am biased toward the fair lady that is Bismarck." Lindemann said, making Tallulah chuckle.

"Well, if five years earlier, somebody told me that we would field a 60000 tons with a tumblehome design, I would immediately send that person to the mental ward. Such a displacement was practically unheard of, much less accompanied by an untested hull form." Tallula commented while gazing at the inverted bow of the Bismarck, designed to pierce through waves rather than ride over them. "Now that we have put the tumblehome wave-piercing hull through many trials in heavy storm conditions, I am now a believer in that design philosophy."

Lindemann nods, adding. "And let's not forget the angular composite deckhouse of the ship. The whole vessel is built around stealth and reducing radar and acoustic signature in mind. To say that the shape of the battleship is groundbreaking would be an understatement."

"She is not the only vessel of the fleet receiving that treatment though." Tallulah added. "The entire Reichsmarine has completely departed from conventional naval architecture, venturing into a whole new era of warfare."

"That being said," Lindemann interjected. "This will be the last sortie of the Bismarck for a while. She is pending a third refit in the motherland and I have heard that it will be an extensive one. In fact, her sister ships, the Tirpitz and the Agir, have already been upgraded to the BLOCK III standard."

"Ah yes. The naval dockyards still have this girl on their list." Tallulah said. "The BLOCK III upgrade will be overhauling the primary weapon system of the Bismarck, adding the long-awaited VLS tubes to her arsenal and the accompanying electronics and long-range SAM capability. It's because of the BLOCK III upgrade that the Reichsmarine will have to reclassify her as a Dreadnought. With that said, even just her current BLOCK II configuration is more than enough to blow any surface combatant out of the water. BLOCK III is just overkill."

The first iteration of the Bismarck-class, the BLOCK I, was made to be the most advance, but still contemporary, class of battleships. The ship class in its BLOCK I configuration has a displacement of 60000 tons, armored heavily in an All-or-nothing scheme, it has eight reactors and four shafts, giving it a top speed of 33 knots. The main armament is comprised of 3 x quad 432mm 57 caliber gun turrets, positioned in an A, B, X format. While the secondary armament is 8 x twin 150mm L/55 dual-purpose turrets, 48 Goalkeeper 57mm, 6 Gepard 30mm, and numerous smaller 20mm autocannons. Complimentary weapons include 10 x 533mm torpedo tubes and two anti-submarine rocket launchers. And not just that, state-of-the-art radar FCS and the inclusion of a fleetwide network of CIC ensure the Bismarck-class to always be multiple steps ahead of the enemy.

With Bismarck's current BLOCK II configuration, however, there's a drastic change in its anti-air armaments. The number of its 57mm Goalkeepers has reduced to 26 while the amount of 30mm Gepard has increased to 8. And despite the lowered amount of AA turrets, their actual firepower and effectiveness have been increased due to the inclusion of individual radar guidance systems and FLIR. Meaning, each anti-air turret can independently track and engage an aerial threat, even if the host vessel's radar array is unavailable. The BLOCK II also introduces the use of surface-to-air missiles in the form of short-to-medium-range, radar/infrared-guided, Sea Iris missiles. These missiles, a Navy development of the Air Force's brainchild, are mounted in a reloadable pod of five on the side of a Gepard CIWS turret, with each turret holding up to two pods for ten missiles in total. The reload process is automated and allows a vessel equipped with a single BLOCK II Gepard to rapidly decimated the entire air wing if it has to. The BLOCK II configuration also exchanges the aging seaplanes of the Bismarck-class for more modern tiltrotors UCAVs, capable of long-range scouting or multirole fleet support operation.

With the BLOCK III upgrade, however, Bismarck is slated to receive 20 × VLS modules, 4 cells per module, 80 launch cells total in her amidship, the section that is usually relegated to the boiler rooms and funnels of a warship. But as the Reichsmarine has no need for such an antiquated design, the amidship is designed to hole VLS tubes instead. Each cell of the system can contain:

4 x Sea Fenix Long-range dual semi-active/active radar homing, electro-optical missiles. Also a Navy procurement of the Air Force's missile design.

1 x Exoscar multipurpose, long-range, all-weather, jet-powered cruise missile.

1 x Vertical Launch Anti-Submarine Missile (VLASROC)

So when Tallulah said that the BLOCK III upgrade is overkill, she really mean it.

"The Bismarck-class is the perfect Aegis for our Carrier Strike Group." Lindemann commented with pride clear in his tone. "Not once have a country been this close to total sea domination. The Reich owes a lot to the Marshal who had designed these vessels and the men and women that constructed them."

"That's a sentiment you and I both share. Just wait until the planned fleet review before the end of the Months of Demons. High Command slated that day to be the day when the Reichsmarine bares its full might on the fleets of its enemy. If they aren't cowered into surrendering, then they better pray for a salvation that will never come." Tallulah said with a predatory smile, the anticipatory glint in her eyes was share by Lindemann.

Though the Reichsmarine have been biding their time in the shadow to build up their force, many of the naval personnel are anxious deep inside. They're raring to fly their new banner, designed by the Marshal herself, across the Seven Seas. It's but a worthy gift in return for the trust and faith the Belkan Reich has shown to the once young branch of service. Little do Tallulah and Lindemann know, that chance arrives sooner than anybody has expected.

An XO rushes to the viewing port that they're occupying, asking for their attention almost immediately. "Ma'am! Sir! You two need to see this."

Sharing a knowing look, Tallulah and Lindemann know that trouble is on the horizon.

As usual, I hope you enjoy reading this chapter! Please, leave a like, a comment, or a review if you have the time to motivate me further!

You can also come and check out my other fanfic which is Random Omniversal Bar!



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