


It seems the meeting Ivan had seemed to be taking longer than usual. To be honest, I was curious about the meeting. I wondered what they were talking about for it to take this long. Ivan said it was only going to be brief. I had gone back to the bedroom and managed to finish the book I wanted to finish while waiting. The twins finally woke up and I had to call in their nanny to come and take them away, it was time for their classes.

I was starting to get anxious about the meeting, the more I waited for it the longer it seemed to be. Deciding I couldn't wait any longer, I stood up from the bed hoping to go and see what the problem was. I almost reached the door when it suddenly opened. Startled, I moved back just as Ivan entered with a hard expression on his face. It didn't seem to be directed at me but I could tell that something was troubling him all the same.

"Ivan?" I called staring up at him.

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