

Kiran groaned as Raye's arm found its way into his stomach. Blood dripped unto the carpet and for a minute everywhere was still. Even Raye looked surprised as she pulled her hand out of Kiran's stomach. He had taken the kill blow that was met for Yasmin, turning her away just in time. Kiran groaned before he fell down to the ground taking Yasmin with him.

"No, no, no, no, no!" Yasmin mumbled as she stroked Kiran's face.

I struggled against the bond Raye has on me. "Let me go, you fucking bitch!" I snarled at her.

"Kiran!" Aurora yelled sobbing,.

Kiran smiled as he reached a hand towards Yasmin, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, I'm_"

"No, no, stop talking my love! Stop talking!" Yasmin whispered as she gathered Kiran in her arms.

Kiran groaned in pain. "You need to get out of here, you need to leave now!"

"I told you to stop talking you stubborn man!" Yasmin yelled sobbing when more blood oozed out of Kiran's wound.

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