

Sofie was the one who opened the door for us when we got there. I met Dorothy already laying on the sick bed, her eyes staring vacantly into space. I went to kneel by her side and she didn't even stare just continued to stare into nothing and I realized that the sickness was deep into her body.

I turned to stare at Sofie. "How long has she been like this?"

"It's been a week now!" Sofie sobbed into the hem of her shirt as she drew her nephew closer to her.

Fuck! A week, it's been long, no wonder she is like this. She's barely holding on as it is! I thought to myself as I slowly laid my hands on her body, massaging her so at least she would be aware of my presence.

"So can you do it?" Arnold sniffed and I turned to see him staring at me with his green eyes wide with hope. "When I heard about what you were doing to those who were sick like my mother, I knew I had to bring you here because she couldn't walk and…and…and…." Arnold broke into another sob.

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