I opened my eyes to see the familiar brown ceiling and golden chandelier above me. I released a sigh as I heaved myself up from the bed. I reached beside me for the glass and hug of water that was on my nightstand. I drank two glasses of water before I returned it back to nightstand. Drawing in shaky breaths, I reached up and touched my neck. The memory of the moon goddess suffocating me was still fresh in my mind and I could still feel some of the pain she inflicted on Tag'arkh.
Speaking of Tag'arkh, I closed my eyes and breathed out. "Tag'arkh, are you okay?" I asked with concern but I was met with silence. "Tag'arkh?" I called again but there was still no response.
Although I could still feel her energy within me, so I knew she was okay. I also understood why she was silent. I could feel her fear even as I sat still. She needed her space. Tag'arkh wasn't one to give in to her fears or admit them, so I knew how hard this must be for her.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: