
Shining Light

'He won't be an Adept for much longer,' Kravoss said through their magical bond. 'It feels like he's at a watershed.'

Fate's eyes narrowed as he examined the old man with his aura. He knew Kravoss' instincts were on point – after all, they shared everything they knew with each other – but a Mage's perspective on matters of Mages was a bit more reliable.

He was pleasantly surprised to find that Kravoss was right. Old Man Travis was close to becoming a Master.

Fate could feel the way the Mana of Travis' aura was heavier than usual, like a cloud thick with rain. All the old man needed was one final drop to turn that cloudy sky into a downpour and become a Master.

"You've been busy," Fate stated, knowing his master had felt his probe.

"As have you," the old man grinned. "Forty… four percent, if I'm not mistaken. And Cait here is at 24%. Taking your uncle on a run for his money, huh?"

"Nothing like a good fight to learn about yourself," Cait smiled warmly.

Old Man Travis laughed boisterously. "Right you are," he replied with a wink. "Nothing like using a Skill to find the weak points in an enemy's armor, then ruthlessly exploiting it. I was surprised by the variety of materials the imps had on them, which is how I got to where I am, progress-wise."

"What do you mean?" Fate asked.

"Well, they didn't only have steel and iron," Old Man Travis explained with a glimmer in his eye. "They had all kinds of alloys I'd never even thought of. I snagged a few in the chaos, and I plan to perform rigorous tests on them to advance my Facet.

"After that, of course, I'll turn in everything I learn to the Empire. Some of these are stronger than enchanted steel, and I even found a whip made of solid metal! Learning the strengths and weaknesses of these metals and alloys is sure to give us an edge."

"I'm looking forward to helping you with it, then," Fate replied eagerly.

"Mm, I'm afraid that's not possible. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to have you here," Old Man Travis said calmly upon noticing Fate's expression, "but we're in the middle of a war. And with the Academy destroyed, there's no excuse to keep students here.

"Chances are, the Empress will send out a draft soon, calling for every able-bodied Mage in the Empire to join the army. Since you two are Academy students, I wouldn't be surprised if you get a shortcut into the Guards."

"Why would they do that?" Cait asked her uncle. "Isn't the whole point of the Guards to be the elite of the elite?"

"You two took on six aesh and lived to tell the tale, didn't you? And I know your characters well enough to say with confidence that the thought of fleeing never crossed your minds.

"Throw in your good grades in the Royal Mage Academy, the Empire's new need for competent Guards after the losses we faced yesterday, and your combat skills, and they might let you join as Corporals right off the bat."

Corporal was the Guard rank for Journeymen, one above the Private rank for Apprentices, but you didn't need to just be the appropriate Stage to be of a certain rank.

You also needed to show that you were competent, willing to serve, able to lead to a certain extent, and that you were loyal to the Empire.

It wasn't uncommon at the higher ranks for one to stall at a certain rank for years or forever if they lacked any of these, even if they were of the required Stage.

There were even many Guards that purposefully denied a promotion because they knew their limits or didn't want the burden of subordinates' lives on their shoulders.

Needless to say, everyone usually started at the Private rank, regardless of their Stage. Those higher than the Apprentice Stage would rise through the ranks quickly if they proved themselves, but it was very rare to start at a rank other than Private.

The fact Old Man Travis entertained the thought in the first place was enough to remind Fate of the sea of bodies littering the streets.

They may have won, but the cost was not light.

An earth-shaking BOOM rocked the store, and all three Mages and two Familiars planted their feet to steady themselves.

When it subsided, they hurried outside and gazed up at the sky along with several other onlookers who had exited their own stores, shielding their eyes with their hands.

There in the air was the Empress, a beacon of her bright Light flaring out from her and dispersing the crimson clouds above even as the massive hands slowly faded into motes of red lights.

For the first time since the battle started, the sun peaked through the clouds.

A loud cheer washed over the city, the surviving humans pouring their hearts and souls into their voices. Many dropped to their knees and began praying fervently, praising the Empress, now a divine Ascended, for saving them.

Fate, Cait, and Old Man Travis sported smiles, none of the three willing to sour the moods of those around them. After watching their friends and family fall at the hands of demons, they deserved a moment of respite.

They joined the cheers of the others, Pospo and Kravoss meowing and crowing as well. Their cheers were a testament to the world that, though they were beaten and bloodied, it was they who had emerged victorious.

The Empress continued to hover in the air above her subjects, a shining light to place all their hopes and expectations onto, a cleansing flame to wash away their sorrows and pain.

What no one was willing to say, but what everyone knew, was that it wasn't over. There would be far more bloodshed before they reached the end.

But the humans were content to keep those dark thoughts at the back of their minds, a moment of blissful ignorance before the war drums would beat once again.

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