The incessant beeping was what brought him back to consciousness. His neck hurt. So did the rest of his body. His ribs especially since he had been laying in one place for too long. He needed to move but he didn't have the strength to move. What in the world was on his mouth? He turned his head slowly and felt the bones in his neck crack under the pressure. It was not satisfying. That just made him want to sit up and move.
He moaned in distress.
When his eyes finally settled on his other side, it seemed that there was someone in the room with him. He moaned in pain again and it seemed like he was going to cry. There was already moisture gathering just below his eyes.
He didn't know if he was the one squeezing the hand or the hand was the one squeezing him. It was really so hard to even make that make sense to his pained brain.
He didn't know if he was hearing noise or it was his skull exploding under pressure.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: