Maybe making plans for the whole day with Tom had been an oversight on his part. Like were they just going to have sex all day? There was only one way for him to go in and prolonging it wouldn't be the best for his body. That was not the way he would want to go out. Not like the other methods were dignified still, but it would be less embarrassing.
They arrived at the hotel and they checked in. The staff wouldn't outright ask questions, but he was sure they would talk among themselves later on. What did they present to the rest of them? They didn't look like father and son. Even if he was adopted, why would they need a room with just one bed? He really shouldn't think much about it anyway. He doubted they were the first and he knew that they wouldn't be the last that this establishment would see.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: