
Chapter 53

He wanted to talk to Alex about what happened. He didn't want to say something out of line like he had planned it, but it seemed like the only reason that Alex might have invited him to watch was to rile Beck up because he knew that they weren't…so close now. He couldn't believe that Alex had offered to drive him home. The show was already over so why did he still want to continue the farce. Talk about commitment. He really wanted to sell it.

"You said the next turn right?"

That distracted him from the thoughts racing through his brain. "Yeah. Next turn and third house. You won't miss it" he went back to looking out the window. In less than a minute they were already there.

"Thanks" he just wanted to be in his room and just brood. When he was done doing that he would see if he could schedule an appointment with Thomas. The next time he would see Beck…well he hoped he wouldn't.

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