He had his lips tightly pressed together trying to keep the most pitiful and embarrassing of noises to a minimum. No such luck since Thomas was relentless. How could an old man move like that? Not lose his rhythm once. He wasn't gay. He was sure he wasn't. Thomas just did things that confused his body and mind. He couldn't even bury his face in the pillow because of the hand wrapped round his hair and the hand on his shoulder that kept pushing his body back as he pushed in.
He couldn't hide his moan at that. Then he could feel the hand that was on his shoulder leave and then it was going down his torso.
He didn't want that. Anything but that.
Thomas released his locks and he face planted on the pillow. The older man was draped over his back and as he moved, he was tugging him from the front to completion. His ear placed over his panting harshly.
"Are you close baby boy?"
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: