
Chapter 20

Matthew's phone started ringing when he walked in through the back door. He had been really hungry last night that a light snack hadn't been able to do it for him. He had to cook something which had filed the trash up. He would have thrown it out but it was night. He didn't want to encounter some trash pandas. Waking the whole neighborhood with girly shrieks was not what he wanted to do. He wouldn't live it down. He would become a hermit crab and finish the remainder of his year homeschooled.

Anyway the trash was out so it was time for him to head to school. Just as he got to his room that was when his phone rang. He had a few people to get calls from. Someone calling this early had to be important. He hadn't expected the caller to be Trisha Yang though. He had saved her name with Trisha Y. because it had been fun at the time. Problem was why was she calling so early? They still fooled around in messages and she still tipped during his streams, but other than that nothing.

He was almost scared to answer the call. But whether he liked it or not, their relationship was different compared to the rest of the people lining up to see him. Wanting to be with him. Why was he getting all sentimental? What was done was already done.

He slid answer and pressed the phone against his ear. He leaned against the wall opposite his room. "Hello" he said softly.

He heard her clear her throat. Obviously still raspy from sleep since it was still early. "Is that you Matt?" there was a hint of playfulness in her tone. So it was a business call then.

"This is him" he switched to his masked personality. He didn't even know he was smiling and a finger was twirling one of his locks around. "You said not to call you at this hour" he reminded her trying to sound annoyed, but without heat.

"Yes. Eight to four, but this is just a few minutes after seven" he heard her giggle, but the rustling he could hear on her end was odd. "I'm in all my rights to call you".

"Well played. What can I do for you mummy?" he asked coyly.

"I wanted to hear your voice" came the simple reply.

He frowned at his door. He was missing valuable time just so she could hear his voice. Unbelievable this woman. Before he could berate her she spoke over him.

"No need to puff your cheeks. You see I have a little problem that only you could help" her voice went deeper.

'Oh!' he thought. "That?" he was back to smiling, he released a small laugh. "Well I'm here to please you mummy".

He heard a slight smack.

"What was that?" he asked more curious than anything else.

"I like to smack myself a little. You know. Down below" she giggled again.

He felt oddly warm in his gut. "You-you do?" he stuttered, clearing his throat.

"Hmhm" she hummed and he heard that smack again. It sounded wetter. "It feels really good you know?" she said all breathily.

"I never knew girls liked that" he pulled on the collar of his shirt. This was oddly hot for some sort of weird reason.

"I wish you were here with me right now" she moaned.

Matt gripped his shirt. "I wish I was there with you too mummy. I had a lot of fun last time" he was close to melting where he stood. How all that was able to come out of his mouth was beyond him.

"Yes it was" she seemed to be taking faster breaths. "That can be arranged. What do you say?"


"Yes your time is expensive. I'll pay baby" she sounded desperate.

"Then there won't be a problem mummy" he laughed flirty.

He wasn't expecting her loud moan to ring in his ear. He almost dropped his phone in shock, but he was fast to catch it. His heart was all the way in his abdomen. He leaned against the wall holding it to his chest. He thought he had accidentally ended the call. When the screen came on it was still ongoing. He breathed a sigh of relief.

When he brought it to his ear she was laughing. "How about after school today? I'll pick you up".

"Sure t-Wait! Today?" he tried not to shriek.

"Yes. Is that a problem?"

He wanted to say yes. It was a weekday. Dad would have a lot of questions but what she was offering…

"No" he swallowed. "I'll see you by three".

He heard a door bang and he shrieked. He jumped. His phone went flying and he spun immediately to see his dad giving him a look he couldn't make out. "Good morning dad" he said nervously. He could tell he was smiling too wide. His dad agreed because that piercing look only intensified.

"Matt?" he questioned.

This was the end for him. How long had he been standing there and listening? It was over. His dad was going to disown him.

"Do you need to use the bathroom?" Elliot tilted his head a little.

"No" he replied confused and unsure.

"You sure look like it" Elliot walked past him.

He lost all the energy in his knees to hold himself up, but somehow he was still standing there. When he couldn't see the back of his dad anymore he collapsed against his door. It wasn't locked so it gave way and he fell on the hardwood floor.

The pain was secondary. Dad hadn't heard. Thank goodness.


Elliot stood against the rail feeling really faint. What had he heard come out of his son's mouth? He was so immersed in the conversation that he hadn't heard his squeaky door creak open. He had thought at first that he was talking to Beck, because that was the only other friend he knew. There was one that existed according to Nakamura, but that was still yet to be proven. The conversation had been weird from when his ears started making sense of it. The more he listened it wasn't Beck. It sure as hell wasn't Helen because he never called her mummy.

So apparently it was a girlfriend that had a very odd kink and seemed that Matt was into it too? He shivered feeling disgust. He wasn't ready to start picturing or even using his son and the word sex in the same frame of thought. He stood straight and made his way to the kitchen. He wasn't ready for coffee. He was sure he would vomit. He sat down to think.

So the girl loved being called mummy, Matt was going to meet her after school, so not schoolmates. This was not the first time. Matt hadn't said he had a girlfriend. Could this be the friend that came by that day he didn't see Beck?

The hurried footsteps coming down the stairs made his pine stand straighter.

Matt looked at him with a normal smile. He didn't trust himself to do that without looking odd so he settled for impassive.

"No coffee?" he asked confused.

"I don't feel up for it" he lied.

"Okay. I'll make us something" he dropped his bag and his phone on the table. Elliot stared at that when he knew he shouldn't. He was just too curious. He just wanted to be proved wrong. That there was nothing out of the ordinary. So what if Matt didn't mention he had a girl he was seeing. It was well within his rights to have privacy.

While Matt busied himself with the sink and then his journey to the fridge and back, Elliot was left to his own devices. Matt's phone was on silent so he didn't see his phone light up. Elliot looked back to see he was preoccupied. That was the thing about him. Could only focus on one thing at a time.

He discreetly reached for it and placed it on his lap. He looked over his shoulder one last time before turning it on. It had a password obviously, but he could still see that a picture had been sent. He knew he shouldn't, but he was just worried. Worried for obviously nothing, but he just wanted to be sure.

He looked over again. Matt caught his eye and he smiled before turning to the pancakes. He clicked the side of the picture notification. That was able to give him a preview of the picture and he nearly released a scream.

Matt turned to him in alarm. "What is it?!" fortunately for him he didn't come close. He slowly put the phone back on the table.

"Just a cough Matt. Nothing to worry about" he stood up. "I'm not really hungry. I have to go now. I'm running late. That was the text I received. Emergency!" he didn't let Matt talk. He needed to be out of the house now. Away from him.

He almost ran to the door. When he got outside he had to pause to breathe. That picture…why was Matt getting pictures from a woman close to his own age? He hadn't been proved wrong at all. His suspicion just grew, and now it was at the top.

What was happening with Matt?

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