
Chapter 16

"So what do you guys think?" he made sure to push his face like he wanted to enter the camera. This was not something he had ever thought he would do once. Like ever. When he had seen the red tube of lipstick he had thought why not. New content and they would eat it up. Since he wasn't doing what they would get from other cammers.

'Oh my God baby'.

'It suits you'.

'Try it in pink next time'.

He batted his eyelashes looking away. An alternative for him rolling his eyes. "Didn't know you guys would love it so much" he made sure to talk slower, to enunciate the words so that all their eyes would be glued to his mouth. Well he was hoping. No matter what he did someone could still get off to it so it was a bonus.

"You guys will not believe what happened recently" he began, getting ready to tell them his woes. The only thing they could do to comfort him was tip. He just had to get a little teary-eyed and wobble his lips.

He didn't need their go ahead before he commenced.

"So my mum came over for dinner and my dad had told me to be on my best behavior. Sounds impossible when she's trying to take all his money…and before the battle of the sexes starts it shouldn't. I love women, but some out there are nasty" he stressed the word nasty. "Not like he cheated or anything, but for some reason you just want him left alone with nothing. I mean who does that" he exhaled through his mouth tossing a lock of his hair back. "Really unfair. I had to speak up and do you know what happened?"

'Sounds tough'.

'So you have mummy issues?'

"My dad sent me to my room when he knew clearly that my mum was being out of line" he knew that he shouldn't be saying much but the situation was pretty big that he had to be mad. And the tips that were rolling in just made him want to keep going for some reason.

"Anyway…" he got his bearings back. "I don't want to bore you with all that. You all came to be entertained and I live to entertain you guys" he grinned.

"So tell me and I'll…WOW!" he exclaimed quite different from his cammer persona. Well he was sure he could exclaim how he wanted because he still couldn't believe what he was seeing. If he could press refresh he would because he still couldn't believe what he was seeing.

The tip he was seeing. That was almost a thousand dollars if he was doing his calculation right. He got sudden chills. No one had ever tipped that much before. Just for him talking. He hadn't been tipped that much ever. This person had pushed Trisha off as the highest tipper.

'I think the tip broke him'.

He snapped his mouth shut and looked away to compose himself.

"Sorry" he apologized meekly. "I got caught off guard is all" he explained. The anonymous tipper had tipped that much even though he hadn't once taken anything off. He hoped that the person was really rich. If that wasn't the case the person was actually stupid. Really stupid.

"Dommymummy69 you have been bested" he giggled behind the back of his palm. "Welcome Anonymouse238. I'm not sure I've seen you before. Thank you for the huge tip and the already set custom is that who tips the highest gets to request what you would like to see me do next during my next stream" he grinned.

The new user was suspiciously silent. The other users were still marveled at the insane amount, and every other person not concerned about that was trying to get him to try what they wanted. He sighed. He had to get back control.

"Seems that our new friend is shy. You guys should ease up. They'll be back later. For now all your eyes should be back on me".

And they all fell back like the hungry individuals they were.

"Now where were we?" he asked slyly.


He did spend longer this time around than he did normally. Though he had gotten his usual amount just from one tip, that didn't mean he still didn't want more. He wanted to see if he could make it to two thousand. It dwindled down and everyone had to get back to their lives or whatever they did after they got off to him.

There was no one in his room anymore and he was ready to sign out and stretch his back and that was when a message came. He had expected it to be Trisha, but it seemed that she wasn't present today.

'You are so lovely' it was from Anonymouse238.

"Oh. Thank you" he said really flattered. "I thought you left earlier. That tip wasn't an accident was it?" though he laughed he was very nervous. He didn't want him to ask for it back. He believed that he did that on accident.

'Oh no. Everything I did today was on purpose you have no reason to be worried. No I didn't leave. I stayed throughout your whole performance. I have to say you are quite different'.

He scratched his head softly. He needed something to do with his hands. This person wasn't like the rest. They seemed like a high roller. Even higher than Trisha. "I get that a lot" he muttered.

'What did catch my ear though was that I get to make a request'.

"Yes you do" he was back to his fake bubbly personality, almost bouncing on the bed.

'My request though isn't for the next stream'.

"Oh" well he had expected that. "Let me guess you want a private session with me" he said knowingly and gave a flirtatious wink. "Can't say I blame you".

It took less than thirty session for two of them to leave the room and to start their own session. Everyone wanted to be anonymous and this guy was no different. Well he thought it was a guy. With the silhouette he could make out broad shoulders.

"So what do you want me to do?"

He had expected the man to talk, but a text notification came. 'This is a good business strategy. Not doing much when you go live so they all come desperate for one-on-one time with you. I'm impressed'.

"Thank you" he gave himself a pat on his back in his mind.

'I would like to see you pleasure yourself and finish' came the request.

He couldn't control his reactions. He knew he looked shell-shocked. No one had outright asked for that. The roleplay had just mostly been fantasies. Of him putting them in their place and it was sort of fun. What was he saying? No it wasn't. He was getting it all mixed up because he was getting to comfortable being masked Matt. That was it.

'Will that be a problem?'

He blinked and smiled. "Uh-no. Not at all" he shook his head. Yes it was a huge problem that he didn't know how he was going to get out of. If he said no, he'd lose this guy and any chance of him becoming a regular like Trisha. With how much money this guy had to tip so carelessly. If he could bag him and have him present during all his streams, he wouldn't have any money related problems for a long while.

'If you want I can pay more'.

"You would?" he leered. Just to see that? People were weird.

'Does another thousand work?'

He hummed loudly, as he scooted back and spread his legs giving him a view. He didn't want to know or care at all if the guy could see clearly. This was something he wanted over and done with as soon as possible.

"How about you double it?" and he put his hands inside his boxer briefs. He took himself in his warm hand and tilted his hips up a little to pull the only garment on him down. He tried not to think that someone was watching him. He tried to forget for just a while the teachings against why what he was about to do was wrong.

Now that he was sexually active and surrounded by frivolous people left and right it didn't take hard for him in getting stiff. He had seen pretty women on here. He just had to think back to their sessions, their odd kinks, and Trisha's face.

His knees came up and pressed together as he worked himself. He closed his eyes tighter and pressed his lips closer so he wouldn't degrade himself further.

"Spread your knees" came the soft order from his device.

He did so immediately and bit his lip. His hand was moving faster now making that odd fleshy sound and soon his hips were rising of their own accord. He finished with a deep groan, his essence coming back on him. He laid on his side to catch his breath. He opened his eyes that were a bit watery now and he felt like a hole had been punched through his gut.

He squinted at his screen to see new text notifications.

'You were so good baby boy'.

'Can I get your details?'

Though it was what he wanted, he hadn't been forced or anything. It was of his own accord and yet he just wanted to curl up and die.

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