
Chapter 10

He stood nervously at the park entrance. Today was finally the day that he and Trisha would go on their date. She had said instead of the two of them just meeting and doing the deed and making it look like a business transaction, she wanted to give him the ultimate experience since it was going to be his first time and all. He had tried to deny at first. That was his default attitude. To always deny. He did it with Beck, did it with his dad so who was some stranger just paying for his innocence? There was no need to try and pretend that it was something else. He was sure that she had laughed wherever she was before she replied, 'Stop pretending to be humble'.

He had been angry but what could he say? Nothing. He took a deep breath as he kept his eyes on the road for her car. He knew he had to look his best. A woman of Trisha's status would need someone on her level. Not like he could get original designers like Trisha wore on a daily. He had to look for the next best thing.

He took extra in presentation. He wouldn't want her to complain about anything. She didn't make any requests pertaining to body hair. She gave off the vibe that she'd want to be aware that she was with a younger boy. So body hair had to go, he had to do routines on his face that he didn't even understand, had his teeth whitened and paid close attention of his body scent. He wanted to give her quite the experience too.

A car rolled to a slow stop in front of him. He looked up annoyed. Couldn't whoever that was inside see that he was waiting for someone? He tried moving, but the car moved along with him. It was weird. He was already paranoid that he could get kidnapped. That anything that could go wrong would go wrong.

He shook his head. He couldn't afford to sweat.

The window on the passenger side rolled down.


He head snapped up immediately and he was squinting his eyes at Trisha at the wheel.

"I thought that was you" she said pleased, not bothering to hide that she was staring.

His heart dropped to his stomach. When in doubt just smile. He couldn't even do that. The sound of the security lock had him jumping back.

"Well what are you waiting for? Come in".

He opened the door and got in. He watched the window roll up and just like that he was shut off from the rest of the world. Just the two of them alone in the car. He couldn't help but think that he was way in over his head. That he was making a huge mistake.

"Won't you put your seatbelt on?"

"Oh!" he almost squeaked. "Sorry" he put it on trying to calm down. This was nothing like talking on the phone. The car was already moving and he leaned back, closing his eyes and gripping the fabric covering his thighs. He was actually going to do it. He was going to sell himself for ten thousand dollars. Was it too late to back out?

"You look better live than over the screen".

"Thank you" he glanced at her. "I have to say the same about you". It had already been established that she was a beautiful woman, and finally seeing her face-to-face cemented that. He looked forward. There was no going back now. He had to calm down because if he took this attitude to the bedroom he would embarrass himself and both their times would be wasted. It was ten thousand on the line.

Trisha didn't talk much. Too focused on the road and he didn't have anything to say so he stayed quiet. It was a good things she couldn't sense his nervousness. She had told him about this earlier.

"We're going to make a few stops".

That snapped him out of his thoughts. "What?" he turned to look at her and he actually looked scared.

"Yeah. It's Saturday and I have drinks with my girlfriends today. When we're done, then the date can begin" she chuckled. "Did you get all dressed up for me?" she teased.

"That wasn't the-you didn't tell me…"

"I know" she waved her hand without another thought. "Just giving you the date experience. No need to worry. If you're good in front of my friends they might just be a reward" her hand came down on his thigh and he tried not to flinch.


They arrived at a fancy looking lounge. This was places he saw only on TV. This was normal for Beck since he had a membership for a country club. Was this normal for Beck? Trisha giggled behind him. He looked over his shoulder and he realized that she was taller than him. It was a good thing he tied his hair higher. At least he had that.

"Let's go" she actually placed her hand on the small of his back leading him inside. He had to act good like she wanted. He should stop acting so abnormal. This was just a lounge. He should stop acting like he hadn't seen all this before. So amazed.

"There they are" she gestured to a table that had three women around it. He was nervous again that he stopped walking. Trisha had to push him.

"Hey babe" a bubbly brunette greeted. She seemed like she had one too many. "How are…"

"Hey…who's this cutie?" a blonde eyed him up like a piece of meat. It wasn't flattering because she wasn't subtle at all.

Trisha pushed him towards a chair and he sat down on autopilot making sure to smile as he did so. "I'm Matthew" he introduced himself.

"A friend of mine" Trisha said as she sat down.

"How did you two meet?" the other brunette but with short curly hair.

"Are you her boyfriend?" the blonde whispered loudly. "We know she always did like them young" she winked.

"We met online" Trisha answered when he looked to her. He didn't trust himself to start talking. At least she wasn't going to say how they met.

"Yes" he agreed. "I am not her boyfriend though. We are just friends".

"Friends that she introduces to her other friends. Alright" she the first brunette said teasingly.

Trisha touched his hand to comfort him. "You guys already started without us so let's start there. What would you like Matt?" and suddenly all eyes were on him. His tongue felt swollen. He would just treat it like he would a show, just this time in front of actual people.

"I'll look at the menu first" and he picked the cardboard up and hid his face behind it. He pretended that he didn't hear them talking about him like he was a puppy that Trisha brought over for drinks.


Trisha was really generous. He had made his order and it had been the best cocktail he had ever tasted. Sometimes when he bought fruit they weren't all sweet, but the fruit he pulled out was so sweet. He would never doubt pineapple again. Trisha had asked if he wanted another and though he was shy, he was acting like she wanted when he said yes. He could see it pleased her. It relaxed him a little and the drink with her friends wasn't so awkward anymore.

"You did nice in there" she caressed his lower back softly as they made their way to her car.

"Thank you mummy" he had gotten a cup to go. He wondered if there was a little alcohol in this. "So I guess next is your house?"

"Not quite" she replied as she rounded the car to her door.

He opened the door and got into his seat. "What do you mean not quite?" he was confused.

"Well you enjoyed yourself didn't you?" she grinned leaning over the console.

"Uh...yeah. I did" he wasn't sure he liked where this would go. Was she backing out? Did he do something wrong?

"Well I am adamant about giving you the date experience. And they say before anything can happen it has to be after the third date" she leered as her face came closer to his. "Are you alright with that?" her tongue came out and licked his lips. She took her time doing that.

Just doing something like that in her car. Even if the windows were tinted they could still get arrested.

She leaned back still giving him a smile. "Are you hungry?"

He was still reeling from the…lick but he was able nod.

"Let's go" she started the car. "What would you like?"


He spent the entire drive thinking about that. The type of places he was used to he wasn't sure the bigshot relator could eat in them so he told her to pick. He knew he shouldn't be surprised with the places she would take him to. First the lounge with amazing drinks and now what he was sure was a five star restaurant. He couldn't stop himself from looking around in awe as he was guided in. He suddenly felt out of place, but Trisha was dressed casually too.

"Never been to a place like this right?"

He was confused. Didn't they need a reservation?

They went to a table at the far end and again she asked him what she wanted. "You pick".

"I'm craving cow" she drummed her fingers on the table. "How about you? In the mood for steak?"

He nodded.

He had decided that food tasted different when they were expensive and you didn't have to pay for it. The food was good, but having Trisha stare at him so intensely was not his cup of tea. He was back to being shy.

She raised her hand and used her thumb to brush the side of his lips. "You had a little something" she whispered. He could see the hunger in her eyes. If she wanted it so bad, why would she wait? And again she leaned closer again to lick his lips. He wondered how she could do something so lewd.

"Continue your steak" she grinned going back to hers like she hadn't just thrown him off balance.


After dinner she said she would take him home. Though his dad wasn't around he didn't want to take chances. He had her stop a couple of houses down. "Thank you" he smiled at her as he removed his seatbelt.

"Trust me it was my pleasure".

He was about to get out, but she held his hand stopping him. Just as he turned she was in his face and kissing him. Her body was almost over the console and on his in his seat. One hand was in his hair and the other hand supporting herself. It just had to be the space in-between his legs.

His eyes were open wide. His first kiss and it was so-so…nothing like he had imagined.

He was finding it hard to breathe now. He gasped in surprise when she gripped him. Even him snapping his legs shut didn't deter her. She wouldn't stop kissing him and he was close to panicking. The grip on his hair was tight, but he was able to turn his head and dislodge their lips.

She attacked his neck and her hand slipped into his jeans.

"Trisha!" he gasped.

She stopped then. She looked like she didn't know where she was before coming back to where she was. She chuckled guiltily. "Sorry. You're just too adorable" and she went back to her seat. "Seems like I won't be able to wait that long".

He tried to compose himself, right his clothes and hair before he got out. He smiled a little. "Next time then" he opened his door.

"Bye Matthew" and he closed it softly.

He was in a daze as he walked to his house. He felt like shit. He felt so used. This was what he had been reduced to. He stopped to massage his burning eyes and that was when he heard it. A notification from his phone.

Opening it, it was a transaction alert. 500 dollars.

He didn't like the little happy feeling that was there. He continued all the way to his house like he didn't have any will.

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