

I woke up the next morning with a grin plastered on my face as I remembered the night before. I slumped on the bed again and turned to the side as I pulled Max pillow toward me, taking a deep whiff.

"Finally, I was starting to get worried." I opened my eyes lazily as I stared at a shirtless smirking Max, standing on the doorway with a tray of food in his hands. Hmm, what a way to wake up to. Tsk, the grey sweatpants though, why? why?

I ran my hand through my hair as I sat up straight, sighing in content. "I'm not going to say anything." I laughed as I shook my head. "I'm in too good mood to be affected by your sarcasm." He smiled cheekily at me and took a long stride toward the bed as I leaned on the bed frame.

I opened my hands and took the tray from his hand and put it on my large stomach, digging in. "Good?" I nodded as I picked up a hand full of strawberries and dipped it in the chocolate sauce.

"You know me too well." I closed my eyes and licked my lips as I tasted the flavor of the strawberries and chocolate on my lips. "You don't know how hot you look right now." I opened my eyes and stared at a lustfully Max. I smirked and did it again with another strawberry. "You're doing it on purpose." He groaned and took the sauce away from the tray.

"Hey!" I protested as I pouted at him. "That's my chocolate sauce." I whined as I reached for the sauce. He slapped my hand slightly and got out of the bed. "Max! I promise I won't do it again. Pretty please?" I widened my eyes as I puckered my trembling lip.

He groaned and leaned over the bed as he pecked my lips. "You have to pinky swear it first." I rolled my eyes and held my tiny pink in the air, crossing it with his larger one. "Now you can have it."

"Yay!" I clapped my hands excited and yanked the sauce from his hand, dipping a strawberry in it before bringing it toward my mouth slowly. "Yummy." I licked the strawberry clean and tossed it into my mouth as I chewed on it slowly, savoring the flavor. "You're the best."

"I know." He grinned sharply as he stared at me amusedly. "You're such a child."

"I wasn't taking to you." I scrunched up my nose and removed the tray from my stomach, giving it to Max. "That's for mocking me." I got off the bed butt naked and stalked toward the bathroom.

"Alexandra." Max groaned. "I wasn't mocking you! Come back." I slammed the bathroom door and walked straight inside of the shower. The door opened after a minute and Max strolled into the bathroom, walking toward the shower.

I slid the door close in his face and turned the handle open. "You're not mad, are you? It's just the hormones talking right?" I gasped incredulously as I pinned my lips together, crossing my arms as I turned around fuming.

He slid the door open and got in. "Hormones? Hormones!" I turned around and pounded my fist on his chest while he just laughed at my outburst. "You have the courage to laugh at me? You. You jerk face!" He threw his head back chuckling as he wrapped his arms around my waist, molding our wet bodies together. Well almost.

I scrunched my nose up and looked away, refusing to look at him. "Alexandra don't be like that. I was just joking." He put his hand under my chin and turned my face to look at him. "Forgive me?" He pouted at me, and I made a face, shaking my head at his stupid intent of a pout.

"You look like a retard. No, in fact. I think it's an offence to the retards. You're so much worse." I did a fist thingy in the air and grinned widely at him. "What?" I said after his face turned expressionless and he was just staring at me with an unknown look in his eyes.

"You-hoo? Earth to Max. Do I have something on my face, or I hurt your feelings?" I cooed at him as I moved his cheeks up and down, making funny faces. "I give up." I put my hands on my sides and sighed, tiredly. He leaned his head and hid it in the crook of my neck as he nuzzled my neck in a loving affection. "Max. Are you okay?" I wrapped my arms around his back and leaned my head on his chest as I ran my hands up and down his back in a comforting way.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Today was the day that Max parents died.

I sneaked my hands to the front and ran my hands up, wrapping them around his neck. We stood there in silence, just in each other's embrace. He didn't say anything, and I didn't say a thing either. I know that he doesn't want to talk about it. He pulled away from me and turned around, refusing to look at me in the eyes.

"We can visit them if you want?" I ran my hand on his back and squeezed his shoulder slightly. He removed my hand and slid the door open, walking out of the shower.

I sighed and closed the handle, stepping out of the shower when I felt dizzy all of sudden and my vision started to get dark. I wrapped a towel around my body, walking toward the sink and grabbed my toothbrush, putting paste on it and brushed my teeth.

I held onto the sink when a wave of dizziness hit me, making the toothbrush fall from my mouth. I rested my head down and took a deep breath before rinsing my mouth. "Alexa, are you ready to go shopping?" Melissa shouted from the bedroom, making me pull away from the sink and walked toward the bedroom with a fake smile plastered on my face.

"Why aren't you dressed?" She put her hand on her hip and with a scowl on her face. "I don't feel like going out today." I shook my head as I ran a hand through my hair. "I don't feel so good." I ran my hands down my face and sighed deeply.

"Are you okay? Do you feel unwell? We can call a doctor if you want to. I'll call Max." She turned around to leave but I stopped her from leaving the room. "I'm fine I swear! You don't need to...." I breathed out as a stronger wave of dizziness hit me and the black dots became harder to blink away.

"What's with the shouting?" Max asked as soon as he entered the room, waking toward us.


I heard someone calling me in the back of my mind, making me want to go toward it, reach to it. "She's not feeling well." Max picked me up bridal style and took me to the bed, putting me on the soft mattress.

Alexandra, come to me....

"Alexandra?" Max kneeled beside me and took my hand in his, running his other hand on it gently. My vision darkened and everything shut down. I couldn't see. I couldn't hear and I couldn't feel a thing.

"Alexandra, you're finally here, I was starting to think that this would never work."

I whirled around as I looked for the voice. "Who's there? Where am I?" I looked at myself in confusion, my hair was pulled up in a ponytail and I was wearing a maxi dress that hugged my big, rounded stomach nicely.

"I'm right behind you." I jumped with a shriek when someone whispered in my ear. I turned around with my hand on my heart and gasped, standing there was Max mother looking gorgeous like always.

She was wearing a dress similar as mine but hers was longer, and her hair was loose on her shoulder. "I'm happy to see the woman you've become. I couldn't and wouldn't ask for any other girl to be my son's mate. You've made him a better person and I could never thank you enough."

My eyes started to get watery, and my body was shaking from the sobs threatening to escape my throat. "I'm the one who needs to thank you for giving me your son. He's another blessing in my life and my babies are the proof of our love and I wouldn't ask for any other man either. We might have our fights and bad days but at the end of the day he'll always be the one for me." She opened her arms, and I flung in her arms, melting myself in her embrace.

She embraced me tightly but gently before pulling away, her hands secured on the side of my face as she stared at me with a warm smile on her face. "I need to tell you something." Her face turned serious as she pulled away from me, mentioning me to follow her.

She walked toward a bench and patted the empty place next to her. "Before I tell you this you must promise me that you won't be mad at my son. He did it because he thought it was the best thing to do." I nodded my head as I sat next to her, turning my attention to her. "Okay, here I go." She took my hands in hers and squeezed them. "When you had the accident and you ended up in the hospital, the doctors found something..."

"Is something wrong with my babies? That's what Max has been hiding?" I questioned with panic lingering in my voice at the thought of something wrong going on with my babies. "Please tell me."

She shook her head and ran her hand on my cheek softly. "There is nothing wrong with your babies, all contrary, the doctors found another baby." My jaw slacked and my eyes bulge like two rounded eggs. I was expecting triplets. Why didn't Max tell me anything? I had the right to know! "Before you go all wolf on Max you need to understand why he did it."

"I don't care why he did it. I'm the mother and I had the right to know what was wrong with my body and babies." She sighed and looked at me with a sympathy look on her face.

"I know, you have the right to be mad, but the baby has some slightly complications and he didn't want you to get all excited when the baby has only fifty percent of chances to live." I put my hands on my mouth, muffing my sobs as I stared at Max's mother in shock.

"B-But h-how." I wrapped my arms around my stomach and looked at her perplexedly. "My baby can't die." I shook my head as I cried and pulled me into a hug, soothing me. "It's not fair."

"It's okay. She's not going to die." She whispered softly as she ran her hands up and down my back in a comforting way. I pulled away from her and looked at her through my teary eyes. "How do you know?"

"Because I've already seen the future. She needs to live, she can't die." Max Mother started to dim in and out as she started to get blurry.

"Wait! You can't leave, I need to know why she needs to live? What's going to happen?" I stood up and looked around for her as she disappeared in the thin air.

She needs to live, she can't die....

I gasped for air as I returned from my unconsciousness, my hand clawing at my chest as I turned to look at a concerned Max. I grabbed his face in my hands and looked at him straight in the eyes with my teary ones. "She needs to live, she can't die."

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