

I woke up from my nap and started to get ready for tonight's party, starting with brushing my teeth and take a quick shower. I wrapped my towel around me, walking toward the toilet and sat on it. I grabbed my razor and my shaver cream tub that I brought from the shower and put them next to me on the lid.

I put my legs on the wall and grabbed the shaver cream, smearing it on my legs as I could and then passed the razor on my legs. Now that I'm pregnant I can't shave my legs like I used to and there is no way I would let Max shave me, it's just plain weird. When I was done, I put everything away and back in their places and went back to the shower, removing the rest of the cream from my legs.

"Aren't you done yet?" Max shouted from the bedroom. "You've been there for hours." Max moaned as he opened the door, walking toward the sink and splash his face with water before brushing his teeth. I rolled my eyes and turned the handle off but changed my mind, deciding to shower quickly again because I was feeling a bit dirty.

I heard Max groan and I chuckled at him while smearing my body with my favorite cherry blossom body wash. The shower door slid open, and Max stepped in, closing it behind him. "You're doing this on purpose aren't you?" He wrapped his arms around my stomach protectively and planted a kiss on my cheek.

"No. Just felt dirty after shaving my legs." I answered back as I turned around, wrapping my arms around his neck, the water hitting our skin as we kissed romantically. "I love you." I muttered against his lips when we pulled away.

"I love you more." He smiled cheekily at me, pushing aside my wet hair to look into my eyes. "And our babies." He looked down at my stomach while rubbing his hand on it, before looking back into my eyes. "You guys are the best thing that ever happened to me."

I puckered my trembling lips and started to cry like a baby, hugging Max tightly. He chuckled at me while running his hands up and down my back. I pulled away and hit him slightly on his arm. "You're so mean and insensible." He pouted and I shook my head laughing, showing my pearl white teeth.

"You're so cute you know that?" He leaned down and captured my lips into a sweet kiss. I parted my lips, giving him access to sneak his tongue into my mouth, seeking mine eagerly. Max picked me up in a swift movement and leaned me against the wall, leaning down to kiss I between my breasts.

"Babe, we need to get ready." I managed to breath out as my breathing spiked up, my chest moving up and down while my back arched for him to get more access. He grunted, nodding his head but didn't pull away and sucked on my breasts instead.

I pulled him up by his hair and scolded playfully at him. "We are going to be late. We can finish this after the party." He pecked my lips before putting me down, smacking my ass when I turned around to leave the shower. I rolled my eyes at him but turned around to give him a cheeky wink before getting out of the shower, wrapping my towel around my body, and walked to the bedroom.

The bedroom door was knocked, and I put my bra and panties on really fast, throwing Max shirt on and opened the door. "Are you ready so we can go?" Melissa asked as she strolled into the room, looking up and down at me in confusion.

"Why aren't you ready? The girls are waiting so we can dress up together." Melissa moaned, sitting on our bed. "Shoo. Go get ready." She waved at me, making me roll my eyes. "Are you forgetting that I'm pregnant? These legs can't shave themselves." I grunted out, stalking away from her and opened the closet, looking for something to wear.

I grabbed a cute wavy dress and put it on, grabbing my sandals and sat on the bed, putting them on my feet. The bathroom door opened, and Max walked out wrapped around a towel with water dripping off his body. "Can't you dry in the bathroom like normal people do?" I turned to scowl at him.

He shrugged his shoulder and looked at me weirdly. "Where are you going?"

"Me and the girls are going to dress at Zoë's house." Melissa replied while I smeared some lotion on and grabbed my brush, brushing my hair quick and put it in a messy bun. "And when were you planning on telling me this?" Max scoffed angrily as he turned to look at me accusingly.

I sighed loudly and walked toward him. "I'm sorry. We decided this morning and after everything that happened, I forgot to tell you about it." I smiled nervously at him. He looked at me not convinced but didn't press it. "Fine. But I'll pick you up."

"I wouldn't want it any other way." I tiptoed and panted a kiss on his lips before pulling away and grabbed the bag with my dress and went to pick my heels, putting it in a plastic bag and throw it in the bag with my dress. "Bye." I waved at Max as Melissa dragged me away.

We got in Melissa's car and drove away to Zoë's house that was in my territory. Well ex territory but still. We parked the car in front of her house and got out, barging in like we own the house. "Hey girls. Oh my God Melissa! I can't believe you're back!" My brothers mother-in-law gushed as she pulled Melissa into a breathtaking hug.

"It's nice to see you again Miss Grant." She smiled at her and hugged her back. She pulled away and turned to look at me. "Look at you! Are you sure that there is only one baby in there?" Miss Grant cooed at my stomach, rubbing it up and down while she looked up at me.

"I'm having twins." I squealed with her as we jumped around, and by 'we I meant her jumping around because I couldn't jump an inch with this stomach without getting tired.

"And here I thought Zoë was the one who was having twins." She gushed as she pulled away, grabbing my hands and stretched them out to see me better. "I'm so happy for you." She sniffed as she pulled me into a hug again.

"Mom!" Chloe groaned loudly. "You're choking the poor girl." Chloe walked down the stairs and pulled Melissa and I from her mother. "We need to get ready. Bye." She said as she rushed us to the stairs.

"Wait! Chloe. You're about to pull my arm out." She let go of my arm and grinned apologetically. "You're a dork." She grinned widely and opened Zoë's door. "Hey biatchy sister. The girls are here!" Zoë wobbled from her bathroom door and looked at us in relief.

"Finally! I need help here." We looked at each other before looking back at her, bursting into a fit of giggles. "What the hell happened to you!" I clutched at my belly and doubled over, laughing my ass off.

"Not funny!" Zoë moaned as she tried to get out of her pink body suit. It was pretty hilarious. "How did you managed to get in it?" We put our hands on our mouths as we snickered at her.

Chloe smirked. "You look like a pink whale." She stuck her tongue at Chloe as she tried to get out of her suit. "Here. Let me help you mommy whale." Chloe teased as she strolled toward her sister, unzipping the bodysuit and pulled it down carefully.

Zoë wiggled until Chloe brought it off and sighed in relief. "Finally." She slumped backwards on her bed, rubbing her stomach. "Okay. Let's get started. Who's first?"

We spend the whole evening getting ready for the party, each of us doing each other's hair, makeup etc. We hung our dresses and put our things next to them so when we were ready, we would just put them on. Now Melissa was doing my hairdo, and let me tell you this, it was already a masterpiece. I don't know how she does it.

"We're done!" I squealed at the results and gave her a hug; it was so beautiful. My lame long blonde hair was braided on both sides and put into a curly bun with pin holding them in a fashionable way. Little flowers hanging on my braids to give my hairdo a chic look. I must say I look amazing.

"Are you guys ready?" Melissa asked Zoë who was putting makeup on Chloe's face. "We're ready to get dressed."

"You guys start dressing. I'm almost done with my sister." Zoë replied not looking at us, busy putting makeup on Chloe. "Okay." I answered back, walking toward my dress and put my long silver earrings on. I grabbed my dress and unzipped it, lowering it a bit down and got in with a little help from Melissa. "Thanks." She nodded and started to get dressed. I grabbed my multistrap T-bar sandals by Pura Lopez crafted in silver metallic and put them on.

I stood up, letting my dress flow down and went to the girls. "How do I look?" I whirled around for them and bowed my head when the whistled. "I envy you! Your feet look the same. Not a trace of swelling, nothing. Me on the other hand must wear sandals." Zoë moaned as she put her flats on, standing up and smoothed her dress down. "At least the dress is long enough so you can't really see my sandals." She stuck her foot out, showing her sandals, still moaning about them.

"You look perfect." Chloe rolled her eyes at her sister as she put her own dress on. The door was knocked, and Miss Grant walked in, her eyes getting teary as she saw us. "Can't believe you guys are all grown up." She picked a handkerchief out of her pocket and wiped away her eyes. "The boys are downstairs waiting." She smiled at us before walking out of the door, closing it behind her.

I turned to look at Melissa and smiled excitedly. "My brother is downstairs. He has no idea that you're here." I bit my lips and looked at her as excited as she was. "Can't wait to see his reaction."

"I'm so nervous. What if he was a date or something?" Melissa rubbed her sweaty hands together as she looked down on the floor. "Hey! I hadn't seen my brother in all these years with another girl. I swear." I walked up to her and raised her chin. "My brother loves you."

She nodded her head and took a deep breath. "Okay. I'm ready. Let's do this." Chloe was the first one to walk out of the door and then Zoë, I looked at Melissa as I smiled shortly before I exit the door, walking down the stairs.

Max turned around and looked at me in awestruck as I walked down the stairs. He walked forward and grabbed my hand, helping me get down the last pair of stairs. "You look beautiful." He kissed my blushing cheeks and smiled at me cheekily.

I looked down at him an put my thumbs up. "Well mister. You don't look bad either." He was wearing a black tux with matching tie. "How did you know?" I pointed at his tie. "Just a lucky guess." He sneaked his arm around my waist and pulled me closer. "Your lips look so tantalizing but you'll hate me if I ruin your lipstick so. I'll wait until we get there to kiss you senseless." He whispered in my ears seductively.

"Let's go. We're going to be late." Alexander moaned and turned to leave when I cleared my throat, making him turn around and looked where I was pointing at. "Melissa." He muttered quietly, walking toward the stairs, looking up at Melissa in disbelieve.

She burst into tears and put her hands on her mouth to silence her cries. My brother ran to her and pulled her into his arms. I sniffed loudly and leaned my head on Max chest as we all stared at them in awestruck, my brother deserves this, and I hated seeing him sad and unhappy all these years.

"You're really here." My brother pulled away as he grabbed her face in his hands, wiping her tears. "I've missed you." He leaned toward her and captured her lips.

"Sorry to interrupt the moment but we kinda have to go now." My brother ruined their moment and we all turned to him and glared, well not everyone just us girls. "No need to eat me." My brother put his hands up in surrender mode.

"He's right. You guys can have sex later." Max smirked at them, and I hit him with my elbow. "Did you had to do that?" Max grunted, rubbing his side. I rolled my eyes and followed the others out of the house. "Wait guys! Photo!" Miss Grant squealed as she gathered us together to take a picture. "Say wolf."

"Wolf." We all said in unison as she took lots of pictures of us together and in pairs. We said our goodbyes and walked outside and got into different cars. We waved at Miss Grant who was outside and drove to Hilton.

I sighed and leaned on the window as I looked through the glass, I felt a cold hand on mine, and I turned to look at Max and gave him a short smile. "Are you okay?" He asked as he gave my hand a light squeezed.

I blinked as I leaned from the window, running my hand up and down my chest, feeling like a pain deep inside, like something bad was going to happen. "I'm fine." I smiled falsely at Max and returned the squeeze. "I love you."

"What was that?" He smiled teasingly at me. "Are you breaking up with me?" He turned serious. "What was what?" I looked up at him in confusion. "And I'm not breaking up with you. Where did you get that thought?"

"You sounded like it was the last time that we would see each other." He parked the car next to the road and turned to look at me, pulling my chin up to look at him. "I feel like something bad is going to happen tonight." I choked up as my eyes started to get teary. He took his belt off and opened the door, walking toward my side and opened the door.

"Nothing bad is going to happen you hear me." Max looked at me with determinate look on his face, "Everything is going to be fine." He rubbed my stomach and the babies started to kick wildly.

I nodded my head as Max and I hugged on the side of the road. He pulled away and wiped my tears as I sniffed. "Let's go to the party, okay?" Max kissed my forehead and pulled my feet inside of the car, closing the door and walked toward the driver seat, getting in.

We drove to Hilton's ballroom where the party was being held. Max parked the car in the parking lot and turned off the engine, giving my hand a slight squeeze before opening his door. He closed the driver door and walked toward my door, opening it and help me out of the car, closing it after

"What took you guys so long?" Melissa was the first one to ask as Max and I walked toward them who were standing in front of Hilton, waiting for us. "Just a delay. Nothing to worry about." Max smiled shortly at her sister. "Let's go inside." We all nodded in agreement and walked inside.

"Hello guys! Good night, everyone." Karla chirped the minute she was us coming toward the ballroom. "Have a good night." We thanked her and walked inside the crowded room. Wow, one word, beautiful. The room was decorated in all kinds of roses, some colours I didn't even know existed.

"This is nice." Chloe commented as she leaned her head on my brother's shoulder. We nodded in agreement and stared at the room in awe. "Do you want something to drink?" Max whispered in my ear as he rubbed my back up and down slowly, but not in a romantic way, more like a comforting way. I nodded at him and walked with him toward the bar, ordering our drinks.

"Where do you guys want to sit?" Anderson asked as he looked around the room. Zoë pointed at a table in the back just for us eight. "That could work." We walked toward the table and took a seat. Max next to me. Anderson next to Zoë, Adrianderson sat in between Zoë and Chloe and Melissa sat in between Alexander and I.

Music blasted as the students danced, I on the other hand was filled with worries and a bad intuition. Max brushed my arm up and down as I rested my head on his shoulder, watching my brothers who danced on the dance floor.

"Thank you for bringing Melissa back." I glanced up at him, "I never saw my brother this happy before." I kissed him on his jaw, my hands on my lap as I caressed my leg against Max. "She called me, we talked, and I realized how much I had hurt my sister."

"At least you guys are working things out." I gave him a short smile as we kissed, smiling as I smooth him. I giggled, touching his chin as he kissed me repeatedly. "I love you." I puckered my lips as he smiled against them, pecking my lips. "I love you more."

"That's not possible, I love you more than your more." He rolled his eyes at me, and I grinned, "I need to pee, I'll be right back." I pecked his lips as he removed his arm from around my shoulder and pulled back the chair for me. "Don't take too long."

"I won't." I gave him a smooth as I walked toward the restrooms and stopped when someone grabbed my arm. "Alexandra we need to talk." Jaden whispered in my ears. "What do you want Jaden?" I gritted out as I tried to get loose. "I'm not in the mood for this."

"It's about Lucy. She's planning something against you and your baby." I put my hand unconsciously on my stomach when he said that. I will not Let Lucy harm me or my babies. "That's why we need to talk in private."

I looked at him doubtfully but sighed and followed him. He walked us toward an exit door from the ballroom, where the stairs were, and it was dark. "Why did you bring me here?"

"I'm sorry Alexa." He whispered before closing the door in front of me. I panicked and started to bang on the door, begging Jaden to let me out. "Well, well, well. What do we have here?" I froze and turned around, leaning myself on the door as I clutched at my stomach. "Like Jake said. It's going to be a night to remember." She smirked evilly at me.

"What do you want from me?" I breathed out as my chest rose up and down heavily. "I want Max. If I can't have him neither can you." Lucy sneered at me, stalking toward me. I turned around, banging on the door frantically. "No one is going to hear you." She laughed wickedly.

"Hello! Please help me! Jaden open the door!" I leaned my head on the door exhausted and cried out. A full hand grabbed my hair from behind and leaned me down. "Let go Lucy." I cried as I pulled at her hand.

"You're not going to get away with this. I was the one supposed to have Max babies not you!" Lucy pulled harder as she dragged me toward the stairs. "Let go of me Lucy! Where are you taking me!" I fought her off of me, but she pulled my hair harder and grabbed my chin hard toward her.

"Far from here! Max is mine." She laughed like a lunatic, her eyes widen as she smiled creepily at me. This girl is crazy. "I'm not going anywhere with you." I knocked her with my head and rushed to the door, but she grabbed my arms, preventing me from getting toward the door. "Let go of me! Help, help. Somebody!"

She yanked me toward her and grabbed my shoulder, shaking me. "Shut up bitch! He's mine and this baby is going to burn in hell." I moved my hands wildly and kicked my feet as she dragged me toward the stairs. "Come on! I don't have all night!"

Max, help me. I screamed in my head as if fought Lucy. Lucy is here. I hit her knee and she hissed in pain, taking advantage of this I ran to the stairs only for her to hold my dress, making me trip from the stairs. My hands went flying toward my stomach before I landed on the stairs, squeezing my eyes shot as I rolled down the stairs.

I cried out in pain as I hit the bottom of the stairs and tried to stand up, only to feel something wet running down my legs. My eyes widened as I raised my dress desperately, stopping when I saw blood running down my legs.

My lips parted as I looked around me scared; my breathing spiking up as cried out. "No, no, no." I shook my head frantically. "My babies. Oh my God. Oh my God." I freaked out, looking up to a frozen Lucy. "Lucy please help me. I don't want to lose my babies. Please help me. I'm begging you please." She snapped out of her frozen state and rushed down the stairs.

"I'm sorry but- but you fell and- and I...I oh my God I'm sorry." Lucy panicked as she looked at me scared as she backed away. "I can't be here. They can't know I... I was here. I..." She gulped down slowly as she stared at me. "I have to go. Yeah. Oh my God Max. Max would never forgive me. And- and. Oh my God. I have to go." Lucy turned around and rushed down the stairs, leaving me to bleed.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

anais_baromeocreators' thoughts
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