
Mr. Evans

A raging battle was going on with Eliza and the group of kids being in disadvantage, for not only they have just finished coming out triumph in the previous battle. Another group of people, who might be more dangerous as they were cunning and experience enough to work together, since they made Eliza could not find the opening to break their teamwork.

Eliza could only grit her teeth in frustrations as he heard a painful cry in a distance, as the kids shouting the name at the same time.


It Jacob who shouted the most, gaining all the attention of the people. They watched, Rhea, lost her breath when her head made contact of the opponent's back weapon. The opponent was quite merciful as his humanity held himself back from decapitating his enemy, which was a kid and a girl at that, but it could not change the fact he killed a girl due to the pressure of the collision between the weapon and the head.

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